do libras hide their sadness

When that happens, I've learned to respect myself and just move on. Many Librans are flakey, fake and one sign you must immediately set boundaries for or elseheed my warning -. If you make the point to be present in her life, then she will appreciate the support that you are offering her. As time progresses, a Libra woman may become more ready to respond to people in a sharp or cruel manner. I'm fascinated by them. Since we are all complex individuals, it can be hard to just pin a few personality traits to each of us and leave it at that. I searched out an article like this to better understand myself. They need someone to talk to about their problems, in order to help them navigate life. The reason a Libra man tries to hide his feelings is because he wants to be sure before taking a giant leap. Reason why they play games and betray the people closest to them. Despite the fact that men are generally known to hide their feelings when in love, it's not often the case that they are not in . All that is written is so true. And just reading some of the negative opinions and attacks on Libras by others here, it just reaffirms my choice. I didn't thank god my parents were there to snap me out of it. Try doing that for a day lol. They can become uneasy and silent, very unlike themselves, especially around their friends. I am a libra male born on September 23rd. I know first hand I have a love:hate for Libra people. Hello, I'm one of Libras you guys are hating on. When this occurs, she may choose to turn her attention elsewhere. Hi everyone, I am a Libran that you guys are bad-mouthing/talking about. She thinks I walked out on her? I hate having fights in public. The normally outgoing sign can become isolated, and may binge-eat or become too lethargic to do anything. We are easily hurt and scarred. The women love only themselves, crave attention, are users, connive to no end, but claim its never their fault BALANCE, where? I must agree with fellow commentors that your distaste for this sign is merely a reflection of your own negativity and distorted observations. Guys you are reading an article about the DARK SIDE of Libra, of course you are going to read a lot of bad things! Godfather to her daughter and son her parents never had. Really a Pisces dreamworld is the realest compared to it. Im a full rounded scorpio, meaning, i know and accepts my flaws, faults and dark side. Other day called her home only to have her drunk freind try to question me on religion? Hard to get anything out of someone that hides behind a fake smile. RELATED: What Makes Sagittarius Different? We crave beauty and an ethereal, gossamer rythm to the world around us..and the people in our lives.but we never demand anything that those around us are incapable of providing. I once got angry at one of my siblings and I zoned out while I was close to their neck to chock them. When these emotions take over, be aware of a Virgo that becomes blunt and oppositional. A lawyer once made a circle of names with a dot in the center. Hehe. But their dark side is an endless abyss of self-serving, manipulative, victim-based behavior. We also tend to be great liars, but the guilt eats us away. As an aquarius, I usually like some time for peace and space, but she keeps getting in my business and always knows how to aggravate me. Muahahahaha ;)~. I am afraid of settling down with someone. Thank you. She seems to create alot of drama, does not have a good word to say about people, compains. In fact she spent a good time saying she expected to speak to my partner, but in a very roundabout way! Answer Libras often find it difficult to express their emotions, especially when it comes to relationships. Yes I do get angry and yes I get angry a lot sometimes. me, me, me..lie. This article was accurate about "some" of my dark traits. I am still trying to find that perfect middle. My experience with a Libran is usually very superficial and passive. I had a friend (we are both libras) she was a thieth she stole a couple of pens and a notebook in school and when i asked her why she did that she told me infrond of my face that ive stolen from her too (witch i did not) she said such big lies for her grades that i cant stand it any more . Because Ive never seen that side of him. Yeah I do see these traits in myself I just find it happens when I'm being too nice or something and I always seem to attract the wrong people. Im working on how to tell which person I should be friends with and people just taking advantage of me. As you know im a libra and have a pretty hard time saying no so i find people can see that and then after a bit take advantage of that and sometimes just use me and then after a while it all just builds up into sadnesss and anger and its just ahhhh idk how to get rid of it lol oh yeah and i smile and laugh at my own misery alot idk why but i find it funny. I have good traits, and some of those bad traits, am I happy with them?! So don't take the (general) layout of the Libra to heart, it's only one sliver of what variations there can be about the Libra. RELATED: The Negative Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology. My ruling element is air, ruling sign Gemini and as a Gemini, I can't stand Librans in general. She is condescending, arrogant, extremely intrusive, uses my brother to find out what I am doing even though I am a mature woman. i would wonder why she never was nice to me. And for those poor souls who's either or both parents/ brothers or sisters/in laws etc were Librans- Ouch, I truly feel sorry. TaurusGrounded and steady, this fixed earth sign has more mental and emotional strength than the average sign. Lol, so true. But disagreements. When she shares her feelings with you, be certain to show her that you are willing and able to provide her emotional and intellectual support. But I can agree when there's a negative personality and it's fixated on the sign some ppl are going to agree. For me, it was to my defend my kids and anytime she went past the line of reason in punishing them, I was right there to invoke the one thing Librans are good at, utilizing and that is our rather sharp tongue. Some of them will utter insults and call you all sorts of names under the sun if you upset their inner peace. They become anxious, isolated, and tend to "feel everything" in an attempt to cope with this giant wave of emotion. Scorpio Man Not Texting Back: What Do I Do? Mother problems? This will help her reach a state of mind that is more stable and tranquil. However, you shouldn't forget that Libras are assholes and don't buy their shit, unless you test them. Aries (March 21 April 19) "While Aries can be charmed by Libra for a while, one thing Aries can't stand is neediness," Monahan says. They're good communicators and mediators; they know what words that all the patience and wise people would say, so you would believe them and even sympathise with them. The thing about Libras is that public image is everything to them. She is conniving, manipulative and a backstabber. Off course, I am not going to vent on strangers when I am wronged by a close one as it will not be justified. I dont like drama. Libra men are sensitive. Invite her somewhere she feels comfortable, and ensure that she feels that you are concerned about her well-being. When Libras get sad they feel like their heart is breaking. Personally, I've been single for my whole life except for a year when I was in a relationship with another Libra, what is the worst combination on the whole planet earth, especially if the both Libras haven't had a chance to learn and stabilise themselves. She avoided me like the plague, lol. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Exalted in saturn bring a virgo sagittarius or leo even aquarius to venus,I'm ashamed a libra represents venus,it's not love what you bring it's dirt and lies. I was a bit indecisive in my younger younger years. The Libra was seething underneath her shock that I phoned her, that she hadn't got my partner! She told me she loved me and carried on, even said I was her world, her confidante, her saving grace (Calipreston), then when I started thinking OK maybe there is something here she carried on for weeks, then bam. And sometimes I just make fun of people- for instance if they make racist comments and I'm just having a beer on Sunday night, instead of punching them in the face I get this attitude of smiling from ear to ear, looking them straight in the eye and and making them feel like shit. My mother, grandmothers, two former female managers. But do love a tennis match with a Libra! Some of you seem quite bitter and let your insecurities show by bashing Libras. However, this may cause her to push people away or make people think that she no longer likes them. I highly value: integrity, loyalty, honesty, and friendship. Most times anything short of that makes me feel unwanted. Because they repress their pain and everybody else's, they have meltdowns. The guy loved me and hated me. We care about people about there feelings if some one is getting hurt we do too . Do Libras hide their emotions? he is nothing like my mom. Some people agreeing with this in its whole has proven they know and strongly dislike a certain libra in their life, and have no reason to disagree because of the obvious pain THAT negative libra has caused. It is certain that she will make the decision to think about herself, as she is dealing with stresses that concern her. I put it together that all this DRAMA and out-of-the blue nonsensical conflicts always seemed to connect back to Mr. Libra 2, He was always the mutual link. Why make an indecisive person a leader? Cancerians are the mommas of the friend group, regardless of gender. So sometimes, they might hide their emotions to maintain their image. They are tooo real people to be fake. 2.) hi, i would like to know which one is more accurate sun sign or moon sign. The whole atmosphere around her changes when things don't go her way, and it's scary! I'll counter her with a weapon she despises kicking and screaming back into her own pit of hell yes, I'll kill her with my own personal happiness! They are the best at putting on a good social front, especially at parties and board meetings. We won't mind one bit. So one must learn to defend themselves from harmful emotions. Toxic Libra will always make you feel like you were the one in the wrong. What happens when all the fun and excitement of being in a relationship is over??? Thats how you deal w a libra. To pull you in, a libra will start to compliment or encourage you. I completely agree with this. Please take time to read a few of her books to understand what she was really all about. (3) I had the "right" appearance for him to be seen with. She wrote many books, you should read one of them. They will bottle up their feelings and keep it to themselves instead of being advocates of communication in relationships. With Libra, maintaining balance in their life is vital to their emotional wellbeing. Mr. Libra 2 was buying me gifts, showing up at my house (uninvited) and sent me a message saying he "Loved me with every fiber of his being"! Deciding to start a family is an exciting time. I'm a Libra Sun with a Libra Ascendant. I searched under "Star signs related to types of crimes" and got the shocking result: Paedophilies = Librans. But this just my super bad experiences with them. Yes, alot of these opinions are true but thats why they call them opinions, everyone has one. Often, they can feel hopeless, but they do try their best to stay happy and composed, if only to keep those around them happy. Unfortunately, it can be hard for them to keep these emotions in, so those around them might feel backlash for a while. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. if you think you're leave a Libra or divorced him/her absolutely you thinking wrong We are spend 2-3 hours before buy/sell something so if we really don't want to leave we would never let you go. I try to always be fair and give everyone a fair chance. I loved him at a distance because I was already attached and knew that being fully invested would break me even more. If you are looking to learn about what happens when each zodiac sign is sad, then take this time to develop your capacity for empathy and compassion, as this will help you support the people who are in your life. My best advice for anybody is know thyself it is OK to not care or like people and not be friendly. We lie bc we love people so much that we hate seeing any sadness in them, and also to protect ourselves from the evil and hurt of the world. We are extremely patient.but not always is best not to cross a Libra..unless you want your soul torn to the corners of the universe. Why loyalty. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. Not even the same first letter. She is the most flaky and fake person i know. This is not true ! I can't stand Libras never again. When sadness tips that balance. Try to spend plenty of quality time with your Libra because they value one-on-one time and often aren't happy being alone. But my current partner said the same thing as the last guy that I was bipolar, vindictive, and crazy. If you piss off or let a Libran down, do not both trying to: because they know what you did and your ability to do it again. I much rather have Libra friends, lovers, co-workers, or acquaintances than any other sign. She has stabbed me in the back, talks about me, others in family. She will start to talk about God, religion, peace, until she gets her way again and start to manipulate others so much. Beware of libra men. Most Emotionally Strong Zodiac Signs. But hard for the Librans who try their absolute best so show that they are genuine, and actually try to be even and open minded. Please everyone be free and say what u will. )are NOT COMPATIBLE? We hate stupidity and ignorance.we despise people and things of lower standards and we can not stand people that are rude and careless and not considerate and especially those who lack diplomacy and manners. So maybe he's still a paedophile and that can't be changed. Thank god i did not give up my apartment! It seems not every one is on the same page though. I will deny there is a problem all the while working frantically to justify or make it work, whatever it is. Modern men do not hide their emotions. Pisces. He had made so many promises to me about the future we had together. My older bro is a libra, a paedophile. Unfortunately, some people are selfish, insensitive, and don't know how to value a sincere person like myself. Its a constant battle. Libra loves to cooperate and is incredibly diplomatic, so she'll be right there with you throughout the entire apology making sure you both are on the same page. If they are only pretending to be brilliant, there's no way they will capture my attention beyond the first sentence, as they are bland and phoney, and I simply will not respect them. And I don't want to become a mother after all I read here , It's a big responsibility that I can't handle I'm very fragile and need someone to constantly take care of me. When she is feeling down, she may decide that she needs to end relationships or start new ones. I'm a libra myself. I've been in two long relationships with Aquarius and Gemini , they are supposed to be the best compatible signs with libra but not in my case , they care too much about their parents and careers more than the woman they love. Bingo my libra wife and my libra wife. I was a fool sheltering her from all her accusers but they were actually right all along. RELATED: What Taurus Is Like In Relationships. Are looking for the meaning of life, the chronically lazy and manipulate the environment to work for them. Pisces is the most sensitive sign in the zodiac. Stressful situations in general can make Libra very neurotic and testy. I SWEAR NEVER to go near this monsterous scale bearer again EVER in my living, breathing life. Shes ugly on the inside and on the outside and she's vain for no reason. , Last Updated on October 31, 2020 by Sloane Marie. Like the diet sodas they love, negative Librans are artificially sweet. Finally, to our regret, years later we gave up and let the kids go since she was ruining our and their lives in the process of her severe selfishness. Albeit we have a dark side to us that is one a Libra should NEVER fully embrace (Because once we go darkside..the path of pain and destruction from us will be relentless) we also have a light side that shines brighter than any other in this world. the least balanced sign. I let her Stew in her own poop made it worst. For me i prefer friends who speak brutal true than sweet but fake words. 1 ultimatum don't talk to my best friend anymore. Yes, at this point I'm the meanest person i know. You can't be weak around these majestic women. As a typical Libran male, I am well aware of my faults. Libra. I'm kind of upset these dark sides don't match me. A lot of Librans a prone to having gallstones, kidney and dental problems. He prayed for my downfall so i can need him. Not be the only reason Im happy. I told her he didn't think it wise to take "sides" and wanted to stay out of it. and yes you probably deserved it! So I think it's a useful observation, but in no way it should put other Libras down. And I know there's a dark side but I'm not a dark person. Always. She is a great charmer, but to only win someone over enough to get info from them, info that she can use against others eventually. She also cries at the drop of a hat. Libra is a sign that exploits the very positive stereotype given to them in many articles, but and a big but. This was an interesting read. This can be dangerous for Libra when it comes to relationships, as they tend to put the needs of their partner above their own, especially Libra men. god if they had only known. This article is way too shallow for the most part. The alarm bells were ringing, I was no longer denying the gut and i made sure I got her whole astrology chart (on the pretense of performing a compatibility report for her new Prey). It is overly exaggerated. The women are backbiting, self-absorbed, jealous and very lazy! You may want to look in the mirror first. This is, of course, not ideal because the people around them don't know when a Libra's feelings are hurt. Sometimes, they feel emotionless and are unable to understand how and what they should express to their closest ones. How on earth can a libra lie so long,bring up drama and then pretend to be a peace maker. Libra women, when sad or upset, often find that their behaviors betray their emotional turmoil. She did nothing. me too. when i say spiritual abuse, she was always in to some different religion even witchcraft at one point. When it comes to you, on the other hand, he isn't reluctant to stand up for you. I eventually had enough of Libra guy. She may choose to focus her social and emotional energy on new relationships. I don't know about everyone else but i was so stumped at myself this morning i resorted to blaming my sign. They are so desperate to avoid hearing the bad ugly truth so much that theyd cut you off abruptly when you are speaking or simply leave the room without a word being said. Wow, basically summed me all up. I was married to a Virgo woman, one who heavily did the virgo thing which is pessimistically driven to chastise and be judgmental to the end. My sister is cold, she does not care about people. This ability to read people allows them to avoid conflict by hiding their true feelings. Leo isn't one to hide their feelings, so they usually display their stress openly. I'm a Capricorn we are smarter than this. Libra who met the dark side on December 31, 2016: I'm a libra. Fang you at this point. My partner and her don't have a friendship. We were staying in a very beautiful hotel and this was Christmas Eve. ( baring in mind her parents live 5 minutes from her home and she's close to them, she alledges to have 2 childhood friends who live near her too.. she didn't turn to them.) I am a Libra, and I am artistic, love to play "wordsmith games", unfortunately my quirky sense of humor precludes anyone appreciating my "wit" most of the time. This is true. I have negative experiences with them, well the females not the males. Not all Librans try to make it up to people, but I know a good portion of them out there do. Their lover. There is a reason why they say Librans make good judges, its because we are able to take every situation or event and tear it down to it's nuts and bolts to see what's really within. I feel like a pawn on a chess board to her. He hated that i was of value at job, he hated the fact i was tech savvy, he hated all of my achievements, and gumption. Second thought about this subjectwe all have negative traits, can't have the positive without the negative. They are often good at masking how they feel in order to avoid conflict or making other people feel uncomfortable. One is on the other hand, he isn & # x27 ; t reluctant to stand up you. 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do libras hide their sadness