To My Amazing Daughter, Your senior year has been 12 months of high emotion, nostalgia and surreal reflection. It's easy for a Pisces to forget about their own emotions because it is easier to help other people than to worry about their own feelings. On one hand, I am going to be so proud of you because you are graduating from High School and we as a team have made it. That line will be relevant many times throughout your life, remember it. Time is precious and you should spend as much of it with really great people, and as little of it as possible with those who dont fit your definition of community. Yes, precious child, much of my world has revolved around you for the last 18 years. In fact, the better job you do at nailing the first two, the easier it will be to stick to rule number three that says dont overly stress out about your life and dont panic!. I hope you never flinch away from those either. Playing music or singing can also be a form of self-soothing, helping individuals to regulate their emotions and find a sense of calm. From the moment you came into my life, I knew God had blessed me with a lifelong friend. Simple gold chain with a gold anchor that symbolizes hope and steadfastness. Make kindness the central theme of your life. You may have already heard quite a bit and might also have your own take on success, but this is for those times when you feel down and gloomy. First, congratulations on completing your college degree! What grade am I going to get on that paper, on that project, or in that class?. I am aware of your struggles, which is why I decided to share a few secrets with you. If a friend isnt available, contact campus securityknow how to contact them ahead of time. I love that youre compassionate and so good at taking care of friends. It never descends in one fell swoop, but creeps in a little at a time until the day when something unimaginable becomes acceptable. Age and circumstance may have brought them to a place where they just dont have anything left. Rule No. You emerged to show me cute animal pictures, and you shared funny and random stories. For the past 18 years, it's been my job to keep you safe. Lastly, remember that life is meant to be lived. Here are 5 things you definitely know if you're dating a Pisces: Pisces are known to be the most sensitive out of the zodiac bunch. Here's a secret: Any adult who has ever started a new job will spend the first few days wondering who to eat lunch with. The knowledge that what touches one member of your circle, affects all of it, is one of those things youve always understood. You have a bright future ahead, and we will be proud of everything you accomplish. "I don't want you to be afraid of anything." "Be courteous and always practice good manners." "Find someone who thinks you are beautiful without make-up" "Always be optimistic, everything happens for your own good." "Friends will come and go, but the good ones stick. Your dad was known as the daredevil in the college because I never backed out of any challenge and was always ready to do anything for the adrenaline rush. Don't fight itit's a natural response. Do you know? In doing so, I also want to apologize for any typos that appear in this letter. Enter the $2,000 Nitro Scholarship now! Youre a beautiful person who is genuine and kind. And you never know: Getting involved with certain activities may open up career paths you weren't aware of. Who knows? I think that's what this awe-inspiring American Dream is all about. In the words of Rascal Flatts "You get mad, you get strong. A Love Letter to My Grown Daughter. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Music therapy is a type of therapy that uses music to help individuals improve their mental health and wellbeing. I can hear you rolling your eyes at me, but hear me out. As February draws to a close, it's a great time to celebrate the response writers who rose to the top on Odyssey this month! Go vegan (but be prepared to cook for yourself when you get home). I love you. When you came into this world 11 weeks early, weighing three pounds and as tiny and fragile as a broken bird, I looked into your impossibly big brown eyes. Know that your parents will be all right too, because we believe in you. Many of the following things are concepts I wish I'd known when I was your age. So while I said my (yes, teary) goodbye and gave a lasting long hug at SFO, I had already imparted a full dose of free advice for my college bound progeny. The fact is, there are literally millions of jobs out there and you only know about a small portion of them. #2 You set yourself free and let the world see the real you. Theres a bigger part of that picture I hope you never flinch away from; every last man, woman, and child is part of that circle. Life was not always easy however I knew I always had you. I hope one day you understand that beyond any grown-up issues, you . I think Dad and I have prepared you pretty well for this. All they want is to make you happy and love people in general. Rule number two follows directly from rule number one. "I'll miss you.". Maybe they are not ready for a lifelong commitment. Later, she completely moved into content writing and has more than three years experience as a full-time content writer. If you're the slightest bit concerned about a pregnancy risk, don't delay in getting yourself a dose. You have exceeded our highest hopes and dreams. Your actions and words might always express your fondness for her, but a letter with your genuine feelings can make her experience love even more deeply. Many congratulations on your success. And I also want to tell you that I am there for you. If this is architecture today and it is still architecture in five years thats great. One day she will not want to leave your side, while the next she may not want to be anywhere in your zip code. Find those people in your profession who share your passions and beliefs, and who share your commitment to working hard and being excellent. Sweet daughter, offering congratulations on your graduation. My dear Lauren, today is one of the best days of our lives. by Brian Grey Updated: Aug. 25, 2020 Originally Published: Aug. 29, 2017 Your friends can make or break you. You're a hard worker. I still remember how we used to dress up in matching outfits and set some serious mother-daughter goals. And whenever you see the possibility for love, laughter and happiness? Learn from them.College can provide one of the best opportunities to expand your worldview. Canadian dad Sean Nosek wrote a funny and touching letter of life advice to his daughter, Ali, as she prepares to graduate from high school. May God keep blessing you forever and always. Thats OK. She will cherish your special gesture and treasure your letter for life. Here are 100 uplifting words of encouragement to give your daughter every day to build her up as she faces the challenges of life. She needed a stamp to mail a scholarship application, which is due this week. I realize now, that's what parenting feels like. As I sit down to write this letter to you, I remember a time when you used to ask me to let go of holding your bike as you were confident that you can balance it all by yourself. My laughing buddy. You always make me proud. Which decision will make you feel proud of yourself? These are the character traits that your dad and I hope you grow up with. Life is short, go do any of those things that call out to you loudly (or softly). Still, I cant help but wonder what it will be like around here when youre gone. Now before you peg me as the callous parent who cant be bothered to travel all the way to her college campus followed by a trip to Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond to help outfit her dorm room rest assured that her mother AND nana made the full journey to New York to complete the family loop. Im glad that you will have a longtime friend as a roommate. You're smart. Darling child, college is a rare opportunity to get a completely fresh start. Freedom to choose, freedom to be who we want. Be clear about consent. May God bless you with abundant happiness and good times. Learn about them. Don't leave your friends behind at a party, and don't be the one who stays behind. 6 Unique Ways to Prepare Your Teen for College. Kennedie Ebersole Oct 26, 2016 Penn State Altoona Mother's and daughters retreat Today was your first day of college, the first day of a new chapter in your life. It speaks of a father's wish for her daughter to live life to the fullest while trying to make the best choices that will define her future. As I look at this heap of disappointment and uncertainty that is your senior year, I want you to know how strong, capable and magnificent you are. In a world where written communication is most often casual (texts, emails, tweets), a letter in your own handwriting stands out. For example, maybe you thought you wanted to be a research chemist, but you realized you don't want to spend all day in a lab. 9. Before she leaves, I have to write a letter to my college bound daughter. Learn from them. They let go. And when youre not sure if you are doing the right thing or on the right path, then I am always there right by your side to help you chase those doubts away. Did I ever tell you this? For your daughter, you are a source of inspiration; she looks up to you for advice and encouragement. People who can help you reaffirm the love you have for your profession or who can honestly tell you when its time to do something new. Diana Romeo is a proud, full-time, stay-at-home mother of two children. Stay in a group; dont wander off alone. Then you begin to understand it is about marriage. Thank you for bringing so much joy into our lives. No matter what, never let anyone dull your sparkle. Were not mad, just disappointed. Take that unending curiosity you have always had, and let it lead you to new and unexplored paths. Remember to show yourself the same care and compassion. Marriage is something every little girl fantasizes about while growing up. Darling, I am proud of you, and I hope you will always be my little girl. Dare to get to know people who don't look like you, who didn't grow up like you did, and who have different ideas, opinions, and beliefs than you do. All product names, logos, and other trademarks displayed within the Nitro site are the property of their respective owners. Pisces is a water sign, and their symbol is a fish. 2. I know the last thing in the world you want to hear right now is yetmoreadvice from a woman whos been offering it, wanted and otherwise, your entire life. Find the tribe or community that you most belong, and build as many meaningful relationships as you can in that community. My daughter is leaving for college in 4 days and I have been trying to decide what to do for her. OK, get ready. People who can help you advance your career or your pursuit of lifelong learning. #3 You are treated like a queen, as you . 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Even in your grief. Three reasons: You can take your time. Make good decisions when youre away at school. This site may be compensated through our partner relationships. Follow your dreams no matter where life takes you. You're going to be inundated with "new" during your first few weeks of college. And on your first day of high school, that describes my emotional state. Take good care of yourself. Use them. Trish Sammer is Nitro's managing editor. This all sounds so overwhelming, right? Courtesy of Sean Nosek "This modern world and the. She did her doctorate in Clinical Sexology at Miami International Institute for Clinical Sexology. One of the key benefits of music therapy is its ability to tap into emotions that may be difficult to express through words alone. However, it is very difficult for me to let you go but I want you to rise in . Also there are other aspects of a person's life that don't include entertaining someone else's needs. Youll get better at this understanding this difference every day. Being under the same insurance and possibly it is also a way for you to become a legal citizen. You wont always be successful, but you wont always fail either. And why should people have a say in how you live your life? 2). Want to join the conversation? Sometimes you even stepped up and took responsibility for your brother. A letter to a daughter may be the most personal and affectionate gift you can give. If the first few days on-campus are uncomfortable, remind yourself that in two or three weeks you'll probably feel right at home. Even in the uncertainty. The only wisdom I have to offer for that is, try to put more good into this life than what you take out of it. Again, this is about a fundamental confidence in who she is: beautiful both inside and out. Why? #1 You know what real beauty looks like: imperfect, unapologetic authenticity. Youll find organizations that you want to support a non-profit foundation or local food bank where you will meet other amazing people to bring into your tribe. Even in the sadness. Letter to Daughter Going to College: There's Still So Much to Teach You By Diana Simeon My 18 year old called me on my way to work this morning. And what about relationships? It wont always the easy or popular road to take, but it should always be the only one. Therefore, I encourage you to celebrate and embrace one another, not in spite of your differences but because of them. In the end, it is really important to show your Pisces that you love them and appreciate them. I am not a writer and I am horrible with words. That one is a more dated reason, but people would be surprised nowadays because it is still happening. Good luck, daughter. She lives outside of Philadelphia with her husband, their combined brood, and the worlds laziest dog. You will stress about money, but thats mainly because your peers (and those dumb ass brand marketers) will try to convince you that you are missing out. Writing a letter to your daughter may seem like an old thing to do, but you can never underestimate the power of a heartfelt written message. While there are many different treatment options available, from medication to therapy, many people struggle to find a treatment that resonates with them. Your work will be featured on our website and social media feed. Although Pisces are very trusting, they also cut someone off in an instant if they have to. That's all I have left is four more days before you leave for college. CNN . Latex Condoms are your best strategy for avoiding STDs. 4 Always keep your personal integrity; it defines who you are. Rule No. Nope, youll have plenty of individual bumps and bruises along the way. Someday you might even have a family and youll find that your kids school community brings you together with even more amazing people to add to your tribe. You're my daughter and I love you. Everyone lives their own lives. My dreamer, talker, sharer. And then after you're finished practicing, you then need to practice again and . Its Okay To Say No, Why Wonder Woman is the Hero We Need Today. Always remember a relationship is as simple as you make it. When you meet people, make sure you look them in the eye. Email to get started! The following two tabs change content below. Despite their prevalence, these conditions can be incredibly challenging to manage, often leaving individuals feeling helpless, alone, and overwhelmed. Please try to understand that its not all bad, since we dont just share in the burdens, but also in the joys and happiness. You will succeed, I promise that. Close your eyes and imagine your daughters lovely smile, and it will be enough to get you started. Ive already seen you weigh alternatives and decide to do the right thing. When tragedy strikes one, those ripples will affect each and every person in some small way. Your child will be able to digest your sentiments without feeling pressured to respond. Sign up for daily emails to get the latest Harvardnews. You have succeeded in everything that you've taken on, and I am so proud of you. You may blame me for being overprotective, but for me, your safety was above everything else. Not just " I believe in you ," but "Here's why.". by Jennifer Starr, The Millennial Fear of Vulnerability Is Clouding Our Newly Created Bonds. They tend to be the most emotional and sympathetic sign. I expect you to live truthfully; to face your imperfections head-on; to be real and authentic in your relationships. Ever since you were born I have repeated the same phrase to you every day of your life. All the advice my daughter (or any college frosh to be) needs to live life well. Never let yourself become callous or hard. Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook5. Through music therapy, I have been able to express emotions that I had long suppressed, process traumatic experiences, and find a sense of empowerment and hope. One day when you have your own children and you will understand that. We also dread the silence, the emptiness, yes, even the dirty washing. Shell certainly face the stress and anxieties of completing her studies and finding a job that pays her enough to avoid moving back in with her damn parents. Remember to never judge someone based on appearances. Instead, look for ways to share some part of your joy with them. Im not gonna lie, sometimes it can be. But if youre faced with otherwise, dont flinch. Which brings us to Having to pick a major at 18 is hard, and maybe a little unfair. Turning a blind eye to the ugliness in life is how apathy is born. Having experienced suffering, sadness, and anxiety, she connects to her clients at a personal level and uses a combination of approaches in her therapy. My dearest Lauren, I appreciate your integrity, your passion, and your love for Jesus. Ask the kid down the hall to teach you to play guitar. Don't be tricked into thinking that happiness will come from getting what you want; happiness comes from giving, not getting. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. You have an amazing future ahead of you. Be slow to anger and quick to forget, and no matter what may happen, never let things go out of you both. Writing the letter over a few will allow you to choose your words carefully and think about what topics you'd like to touch on. Youll find other women doing amazing things they love doing who energize and empower you. Your daughter will always be special, so share it with her through heart-warming letters. Never walk around on campus alone at night. I do not doubt your judgment and capabilities, but worrying is a part of my job as a mother. I've watched you grow, and learn. Dear daughter, today we are very proud of you. Even after she has grown up, your love for her has not changed. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. As your form new friendships, make new connections, and discover your unique niche, remember - you were made for MISSION. And always remember you are a gorgeous person with an equally gorgeous heart. I'm impressed with the determination, drive and hard work you have demonstrated during your college days. I never knew my heart could beat for someone and that I would start caring for you and your future. Pisces is the last astrological sign in the zodiac. Trust your intuitions as they will always guide you in the correct path. Her work has appeared in Womans Day, Redbook, Huffington Post, TechCrunch, and Forbes. I love the way you search for me as soon as you enter the house. "2: "a life of personal happiness and material comfort as traditionally sought by individuals in the U.S.", Songs About Being 17Grey's Anatomy QuotesVine Quotes4 Leaf CloverSelf Respect, 1. Why then do we try to put our fellow Americans in a box? Trust me, it's good. I want you to spread kindness like wildfire, just like your Daddy did his whole life. You can take your time. If you have a gut feeling that a person or a situation is dangerous, trust that instinct. I know youll look out for each other. And in your age at this point it is your prime time to have a healthy baby. And so must we. Success is determined by how you contribute to making someone elses life better. Following are samples of funny graduation messages for daughter: 1). As every parent knows, favoring one kid over another is no way to guarantee maximum elder care from your offspring in the future! Pisces will do anything to keep you happy, even if it means sacrificing what they need for themselves. Get used to it. A letter might seem like just a bunch of words, but it is more than that. Letter to Your Child Leaving for College: Some Ideas to Get Started. Feel free to borrow and/or adapt any sections for your own letter. Finally she reached for me and I clutched her to me. You, my dear one, are still so stunning. You should know that being successful doesnt mean living without doubts or being happy all the time. Consistency and dedication to something will take you a lot farther in life than any form of education. However, just remember that not everyone you meet is your friend and there are people out there that will try to hurt you in some way or another. Your body cant run well if you dont feed it well. Really soon. Thank you for being such a perfect daughter. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. Always guide you in the future be enough to get you started am for. Kid over another is no way to guarantee maximum elder care from your offspring in the future remember how used. 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