lilo and stitch experiments database

Unconfirmed experiments Two unused experiment designs seen in the Lilo & Stitch DVD bonus feature game "Create Your Own Experiment"; Poxy can be seen on the right. Pods reads 71 instead of 071. Designed to shoot lava from the pits along its back, in a similar manner to the nasal opening on experiment 619's face. Number used for Slimy in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to make you whine and complain about everything. Mrs. Sicklys one true place is with Mr. Stenchy as his wife, where her fumes are considered a rare and valuable perfume. She is voiced by Tara Strong. These fictional experiments, also referred to as Stitch's cousins, are genetically engineered creatures created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba in his lab at "Galaxy Defense Industries", with the assistance of Dr. Jacques von Hmsterviel who funded the projects with "shady" business deals. Number used for Phoon in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to make a lot of duplications of things. Was rescued in "Snafu.". A small purple ankylosaurus-like creature with a lavender stomach, a bulky body and legs, a huge tail with a triangle shape at the end, a round face with a wide mouth, a round nose, black eyes, short ears, a single horn on his head and tiny spikes down his back. He is the first successful destructing experiment Jumba created after two failures: 600 and 625. The Movie. The Movie. group in "Spike." His one true place is raining on Mrs. Hasagawa's fruit, thus keeping them fresh longer. Seen in pod form in Stitch! The Movie. The Movie. Designed to sing a single note that is so bad everyone could go deaf just from hearing it. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Amnesio". The only way to catch him is by accident. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. A small blue experiment with two back spines. He is designed to dunk people in any body of water. Seen in pod form in Stitch! A purple version of Stitch with the same abilities, but he is turning into a black, cyborg experiment, part machine part alien. He uses tail like a nun-chuck (tail is detachable). A purple anteater-like experiment with an elephant-like head with a long trunk and a bellows on the back of his head. The Movie. Designed to be a better version of Frenchfry (062) but she only serves seafood or shrimp other than junk food. Designed to annoy people by playing folk music of Jumba's home planet. Designed to give you counterfeit money. Designed to thrash crops with his mace-like appendages. He is voiced by Tress MacNeille. Number was used for Thresher in "The Origin of Stitch". In the PlayStation 2 game. Designed to turn things into crystals, rubies, diamonds, and gems. Designed to eat up all crops in local areas. Seen in pod form in Stitch! When Lilo decided to step down, Gantu took Checkers and was in power until Stitch gathered several experiments to help overthrow him. The spell can be reversed by Angel singing the song backwards or by playing a recording of her song in reverse. Designed to be an improved version of 010. Designed to turn people into crabs and other seashore invertebrates. The only way to reverse the effect is with a machine built by Jumba. He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). Designed to make your nose extremely runny. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles Designed to bury cities in snow. Designed to eat metal, and grows bigger each time he does. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. Designed to be the guard for Jumbas lab. Designed to reply you with the word "Yuck!!!" A green anteater-like experiment with a small body, mouth, arms and legs, a thin tail with a brushy fuzz at the end, a vacuum-like trunk that can fire lasers, dark eyes, short ears, and three dark-tipped spines. Designed to trip people. Designed to be the improved version of 356. Designed to produce a soothing glow and make everything go quiet. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to slash tires with unbelievable speed aided by his wings. Designed to put people to sleep by bleating, although the effect is near permanent. The only way to stop the marriage is to spray them water with mixed mud. Designed to drill potholes. Designed to build fatal booby traps in order to steal picnic baskets. Which was a blooper in the episode since he was captured by Gantu at the time. Note: He is called 350 in the episode but is officially 150 on the Disney website. 126, 226,Leroy & Stitch, Stitch! The mistake with his number was due to Jumba's untidy database, although Jumba later corrected this mistake. Designed to find out the enemys plans for you, but has a glitch and tells the enemy your plan. The Movie. Being a ghostlike experiment, he can also travel through weapons and materials typically used to capture experiments, such as nets and bottles which can keep experiments under containment. Designed to distract the enemy with his entertaining tap dance. The Movie. An orange experiment that resembles 625 and 627, with short pointed ears, small beady eyes, large fangs, a shirt and bowtie imprint on his body. In the group photo taken at the end of. He is named after Harry Houdini. In Stitch! 149 and 150 are captured and end up in prison as convicts, but they are paroled as part of the rescue party in "Snafu." Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to make Jumba's technology better by bringing technology from the future. What he got was a small cute pink pig-like experiment with no desire to destroy anything. Designed to steal things and replace them with walnuts. A small turquoise koala-like experiment with a huge head, an expressionless face with a little mouth, little nose, huge black eyes (with white swirling lines when using powers), rabbit-like ears, a single small antenna on the middle of his head and a huge furry dog-like tail. Seen in pod form in Stitch! He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). Designed to destroy fishing vessels. The Movie, Beach Treasure. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to be a living black hole that sucks you up and takes you to the past. A purple and cyan caterpillar-like experiment with black eyes, two dark purple-tipped antennae, four dark purple-tipped legs and blue mouth inside. Welcome to Experiment Databank. Number used for Hocker in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to drive in nails around Jumba's house with his hammer-shaped head/face, but at times he will pound living things. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. Designed to infiltrate strongholds and consume enemies. His one true place is burning metal at the recycling plant. Seen in pod form in "Drowsy". Designed to make the universe implode when Jumba speaks the password. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. Clip: Experiment 177. In the episode "Snafu", he is shown at the Shave Ice stall working with Experiment 344 (Dupe). Designed as a target for military war games. A golden, koala/marmot-like experiment resembling a chubbier version of Stitch with short ears that flop down at the sides of his head, three small antennae that look like a tuft of fluffy fur, pointed fingers, short stumpy legs, hourglass-shaped marking on his back and two flat teeth sticking out of his mouth and overlapping his bottom lip (in the. The Movie. Designed to be a moving target for war games but is too big and not challenging enough. (How Jumba knew this word, which is Hawaiian, and why he chose that particular word before he came to Earth are unknown.) Designed to annoy Jumba's neighbors by asking repetitive questions like "How come?" A large, purple, muscular, beastly, Tasmanian Devil-like creature with bulky legs and torso, four strong arms with three fingers on each paw, a blue oval spot on each elbow, short ears, hardly any neck, a wide mouth, a round nose, and black eyes. The idea of the experiments were partly conceived by Lilo & Stitch director and writer Chris Sanders during the development of the film's story. A green blob-like experiment with olive green eyes, a wide mouth and three round, short, stubby spikes on his back, greatly resembling the other Disney (and Halloween based) character Oogie Boogie. Seen in pod form in Stitch! He is the first prototype of Stitch and is a massive failure. His name is often forgotten, and so he is called "Whatsisname". The Movie. Image of experiment 626, also known as Stitch. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to release carbon monoxide to poison the air. To stop her from eavesdropping, someone has to pat her on the head. In Stitch! Her name, powers, and neutralization procedure are based on the One Ring from. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to sprout into an uncontrollable forest of destruction. A green experiment with a huge blue nose and a yellow spot around his eyes and a yellow stripe on his ears and tail (In his episode the spots and stripes were originally red.). Designed to break people's spines. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. A green and white sloth-like experiment with a wiry body and a round face with black eyes, a small dark purple round nose, a wide mouth and two long, curved horns. Water is an obvious weakness, though not only does it stop his fire power, but he's not a very strong swimmer due to his heavy bone structure. The Movie, 220b. Designed to spread mold on bread. A pink weasel-like experiment with large ears and a speaker at the end of her tail. However, since Lilo and Stitch were gone for 20 years, no one was there to catch experiments except Gantu. According to Jumba, a home food dehydrator is the only known method of deactivating an experiment a second time. Slick was one of the experiments Lilo turned to for the capture of Ploot, but besides selling her an umbrella that she later used against Ploot, he didn't/couldn't help. The two then attempt to rehabilitate the experiments and find a purpose for them on Earth that suits their specific abilities, referred to as the "one true place" they belong. The Movie. The Movie. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with The Walt Disney Company or their licensors. Number was mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! The franchise, which consists of four animated films, three animated television series, and several other spin-offs, is noted for its unusual and eclectic cast of fictional characters, both human and alien. Designed to spill diesel fuel. This is a list of experiments from Disney's Lilo & Stitch franchise, a series of fictional characters, most of which make their first appearances in Lilo & Stitch: The Series.These experiments are genetically engineered creatures created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba in his lab at "Galaxy Defense Industries", with the assistance of Dr. Jacques von Hmsterviel who funded the projects with "shady . Designed to turn into a werewolf at night. A small yellow star-shaped creature with a little antenna on his head. Designed to destroy projectiles with laser beams she shoots out of her eyes. The Movie. 323 was given to Dr Hmsterviel, who fell in love with Gantu. Designed to make you drop things. He can be seen in the Disney Adventures Comics. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Houdini". Designed to fly like a kite with you on his back and drop you in jail. Slushy also battles with Splodyhead (619). Seen in pod form in "Houdini". His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. A possible reference to Bob from the CG animated series. Designed to destroy machinery by going inside and cutting the mechanism and electrical wiring. He is the first experiment to be created without Dr. Hmsterviel's funding. All text, audio, and images are the intellectual property of The Walt Disney Company. Seen in pod form in Stitch! The Movie, his number is 124. Seen in pod form in Stitch! However, someone who has been morphed keeps the same voice and needs 316 to change back. A small light yellow Chinese dragon/Monkey/Gecko-like creature with skinny arms, legs, and body, a slightly twisted yet pointed tail, a large head with a wide mouth, a round nose, dark blue eyes and long antennae that can create crippling electric surges. He is voiced by Paul St. Peter. She is in love with Stitch and is the closest one to him. Designed to make entire populations unconscious. Designed to be a living dog whistle. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. The Movie. A yellow experiment with a blue ball on his tail. Designed to scare people by morphing/shapeshifting into their worst horrifying fears. He is voiced by Frank Welker. He is voiced by Rob Paulsen. Designed to to annoy you by repeatedly ringing his bell. The Movie, Leroy & Stitch. A tan naked mole rat-like experiment with four spines on his back. When his horns are up, they cause good luck. 0-Series: Jumba's test batch, including many household helpers, 6-Series: Battlefield or doomsday experiments with galactic implications and world-ending properties, Jumba's strongest line. Designed to reset important valves and dials to maximum chaos. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! The Movie. The Movie. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats. Number used for Gotchu in "The Origin of Stitch". Seen in pod form in "627". In Leroy & Stitch, he is seen playing the bongos. A yellow experiment with a long, narrow neck like a traffic pole, and a traffic light-shaped head with a green and red light (most likely his eyes, oriented vertically) on each side of his head. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Amnesio". Also, Jumba programmed 199 to be an expert escape artist. A blue Doubledip-like experiment with stripes on his ears and tail and holes in his ears. Designed to sneak up behind you and give you a scare. Designed to sell you things at high prices. A green, furless, earless, clownish, roughly monkey-like creature with no tail, a large red round clown nose, white face and stomach, wide mouth, black eyes, neck frill, three huge tendrils on his head that resemble a jester's cap, and a purple spot on his stomach. Designed to pull plugs out of their sockets. Able to control luck. Designed to present both sides of an argument and thus extend debates, but, unfortunately, he has a glitch and mostly only argues with himself. Designed to shoot flames out of her head. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! A tan gourd-shaped experiment with a large opening at the top of his head. He works with 172 and 173. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Activated at the end of. Leroy & Stitch: 125: Gibberish: Leroy & Stitch . 126, 226,Leroy & Stitch, Stitch! The Movie. Her one true place is helping people reach high places. Since they are genetic experiments each created with multiple kinds of DNA that Jumba sampled throughout the galaxy, they all age quite differently than creatures on Earthas seen with Lilo and the rest of humanity when time is lapsed 20 years in "Skip". Designed to paint faces, so you would look like a clown. Designed to transport anyone to other places in a second. Seen in pod form in "627". Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to be so much fun you never get any work done. Designed to turn into a shadow, make people blind and transform light into darkness. He was mentioned in "Angel" when Jumba falsely said, "624 is harmless. Designed to sing a song that turns "good" experiments to "bad", though it also worked on Jumba. Experiment 625 (voice), (voice), Experiment 625 / Experiment Computer (voice), Reuben (voice) and 3 . Experiment 625, Reuben, has feelings for her, calling her "toots", "sweet lips" and "hotcakes", but as for Angel, she rejected him. Number seen on the experiment pod container in Stitch! Originally 201 (but was removed), Stitch! The Movie. Designed to turn you into a frog. He wears joke eyeglasses with a fake nose and mustache resembling those of Groucho Marx. Designed to fix errors in Jumba's database and also enjoys making fun of Shakespeare. He has all of Stitch's powers and is jealous of all the attention Stitch gets. He also has a "wand" on his head that lights up every time a wish is granted, and is also good for throwing an unsuspecting opponent, like Stitch. Designed to be a bathmat. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. He was in the rescue party for "Snafu." Designed to make lots of long distance telephone calls. Seen in pod form in "627". Designed to break bones.Number used for Yaarp in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to destroy the ozone layer. Designed to cool the temperature 100 degrees, but Jumba made a glitch and he can only make it 10 degrees colder. A Collectable Minifigures set released in 2023. . A spotlight experiment that was supposed to be in "Spike" but was removed, and was supposed to appear later. The Movie, Disney Adventures, Leroy & Stitch. Designed to leave you on hold forever. Designed to dye your hair blond. Designed to keep you up all night by playing drums. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". Air freshener can dissolve his sludge and make him clean instead of pollute. Designed to steal spoons at lunch time. He is also the only experiment in the series that speaks French. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". Designed to encase people and objects in stone. Number used for Kixx in "The Origin of Stitch". His picture appears on the wall of Jumba's lab in, A purple opossum-like experiment with two light purple stripes on the back of his ears, beady eyes and an orange nose (In. Designed to make you extremely itchy. S1, Ep3. Designed to batter through doors. His one true place is at a costume store. Designed to give you horrible road rage. Designed to make you speak like a caveman. Seen in pod form in "Houdini". Upon encountering each experiment, Stitch's human friend and partner Lilo gives the experiment a name just as she gave Stitch his name. It would be bulky and cause un dodge able quakes that required you to jump in the air to avoid the shockwave and vibration. A young and parentless girl adopts a 'dog' from the local pound, completely unaware that it's supposedly a dangerous scientific experiment that's taken refuge on Earth and is now hiding from its creator and those who see it as a menace. 137,209, Leroy & Stitch, 217,Beach Treasure. Because of her appearance and behavior, 007 was adopted by Mertle and wasn't recognized as an experiment until Jumba saw her. A pink balloon-dog-experiment with a heart-shaped tail. Due to different experiments' original purposes, the majority ofexperiments each have a unique appearance, powers, and weaknesses. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". Designed to steal things without the victim's knowledge. Designed to create a wormhole to parallel universes, by folding himself together and then spinning. Designed to eat all bugs up to make the bug population decrease. Designed to turn people into ghosts. This is a list of fictional experiments from the Disney animated Lilo & Stitch franchise, most of them making their first appearances in Lilo & Stitch: The Series. 110,213, Leroy & Stitch, Stitch! Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to make new things rust quickly to make it look old. (Named after. Designed to tickle people who ride him. Designed to burn bagels. Designed to be so cute that anyone who sees him will do whatever he says. Designed to crush orbs of precious Uburnium in his mouth, which Clip (177) was originally made to do, due to an error on Jumba's part, Uburnium being close to the word for hair on his planet. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. The Movie. The Movie. He can pull planets from their orbit and see backwards. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Amnesio". Designed to fire heat from the black oval in his forehead. Category:Experiments | Lilo & Stitch Wiki | Fandom Advertisement Lilo & Stitch Wiki 710 pages Explore Media Universe Community in: Characters, Alien characters Experiments Category page View source This category contains all the experiments of the Lilo & Stitch franchise . Angel, also known as Experiment 624, is a major character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. Designed to become a dragon. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Yin was activated with Yang. His one true place is running a healthy French fry hut. The Movie. Designed to make tattoos. After causing chaos at a beauty salon, Lilo and Stitch meet the hair-eating experiment that made Jumba nearly bald. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. Designed to be a living radio and annoy people by playing a music when he sees a person sleeping. His one true place is providing backbeats for an originally rhythm-less musical group. He is voiced by Chris Sanders. 204 was among the 12 new pods Lilo and Stitch brought home. A purple parrot-like experiment with a small antenna, a beak and tail feathers. Seen in pod form in "627". Designed to give you dyslexia. The Movie, the container was accidentally opened and the pods rained down on the island of Kauai. A red-orange crab-like experiment with four claws, four legs, dark blue eyes and two antennae on his head, able to swivel at the waist more than 360. Designed to give one person good luck once in a day, but the moment the luck kicks in, it is the most inconvenient time, and it makes people resent you for it. A red male weasel/lizard/dragon-like experiment. Designed to destroy enemy weapons and electronics such as computers and blasters with the horn on his nose. Designed to scare people with a loud high-pitched shriek. A blue, koala-like experiment with large rabbit-like ears, a wide mouth, a round nose, black eyes, a small, short, stubby tail, two nose wrinkles, one chin wrinkle, three tuffs of sharp hair on top of his head and on his chest as well as two extra, retractable arms, three retractable spines that run down his back (the first spine is the shortest, then longest, then medium), sharp retractable claws on his front and back paws and two retractable antennae on his head. Designed to be a voracious eater and is able to breathe lightning and fire. He is good, but he is weak-willed and is usually bullied into being evil by 172. Seen in pod form in Stitch! A red aardvark/shrew-like experiment with little arms and legs, no tail, a long snout, black eyes, and large rabbit-like ears. Snootonium has a similar chemical makeup as that of mucus on Earth. He is seen in the Disney Adventures Comics. Designed to make everything glow by painting it with his luminous paint. Seen in pod form in Stitch! His one true place is helping farmers by turning rocks into swarms of aphid-eating ladybugs. He was in the rescue mission for "Snafu.". Rufus the Mole Rat was mistaken for this experiment in the Lilo & Stitch/Kim Possible crossover episode until Stitch identified him as not being one of the "cousins". Designed to annoy people with her constant barking. In the group photo taken at the end of Leroy & Stitch and the Lilo and Stitch experiment gallery, PJ is not wearing his glasses. Seen in pod form in Stitch Speed Chase on the Disney Site. When Lilo took him back, Mertle took him back again. Seen in pod form in the "Experiment Profiler" special feature on the DVD of, Leroy & Stitch, Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. Designed to act like a parrot and annoy people with a shrill shriek. Designed to make things salty and can swim very well. Instead, he only talked about useless information and revealed secrets about Gantu to 625. Seen in pod form in "627". Stitch, inspired by Hawaii'sterminology, refers to the other experiments as his "cousins" and considers them all a part of his ohana, or "extended family". August 26, 2003. A red and yellow, conehead, purple-nosed, monstrous experiment that looks like a bigger, badder, and worse-mannered version of Stitch, with the same face expression, ear notches at the top of each ear, a wiry body, dark eyes, four extra retractable arms, four retractable spines that run down his back (the first and last spine are the shortest, the second spine is the longest, then medium), black sharp retractable claws on his front and back paws, retractable antennae, and an extra retractable head as well. She behaves like a typical "good dog": does tricks, licks her owner's face, fetches the morning paper, etc. Designed to spin you round and round twisting you out of shape. Designed to put lots of rats inside your car. A green Morpholomew-like experiment. She was activated when Mrs. Hasagawa's cats were activated, as indicated by Gantu's experiment computer, but did not physically appear in the episode. A purple, skinny, Stitch-like experiment with huge yellow buckteeth, a football-shaped head with three short white-tipped antennae and a short white-tipped tail. He was the first experiment that Lilo and Stitch met and rehabilitated, first appearing in, A tiny pale green-grey single-celled experiment with pink-purple spots and four white grey-tipped antennae. Designed to shoot fiery red plasma blasts from his nose, as well as being able to see in the dark, and climb on walls and ceilings. Designed to be Jumba's clone, but he is smaller than him and only speaks alien. Designed to flood entire cities with thick black sludge made from ordinary trash and pollution that he collects. Designed to find and enrich "Snootonium," a rare element that becomes extremely dangerous once enriched. His one true place is balancing out Jumba's evil and acting as a local do-gooder. Designed to shop so much she uses up the limit on your credit card. This experiment can be seen in the Disney Adventures comics. Number mentioned on the Experiment pod container in "Sample". Designed to say "so"? His one true place is being a guard in the galactic federation prison. Called the "ultimate super weapon", Gantu thought that he had 611's pod in "Houdini" but he was actually reading 119's pod upside down. He is voiced by Jeff Bennett. The Movie and "Sample". In the morning he goes back to a little pink pig experiment. Designed to fold paper until its permanently unreadable. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! There are 19,486 items in the Brickset database; Brickset members have written 38,730 set reviews; 10,608 members have logged in in the last 24 hours, 24,004 in the last 7 days, 40,795 in the last month; 614 people have joined this week. Stitch!,127, 132, 125, 201, 215, 220b,226, Leroy & Stitch,Stitch Jam 2,Experiments on the Loose, Stitch!Now,Stitch Jam. Designed to attract other objects using her magnet like ears. Designed to make you worry about everything. Designed to undo the work of 401. Disney's Lilo & Stitch is an American science fiction media franchise that began in 2002 with the animated film of the same name written and directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois. Designed to to restart games all the way backto the beginning and he also breaks their video game system. She works with 171 and 172. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to suck up water to cause drought. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Amnesio". camera flashes), which cause him to blink reflexively and randomly make surrounding objects or creatures disappear. A tall plum purple Geigenstein-like experiment. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. She is neutral but tens to choose evil because of her brother 172. The Movie. He is voiced by Frank Welker. The Movie. Designed to be very simple, and not do much except when seduced by 372. Yin is seen in the episode "Finder" playing poker with Stitch, Yang, Richter and Cannonball and at Lilo's slumber party in the episode "Dupe" with Yang, Richter and Cannonball. And is jealous of all the way backto the beginning and he can pull planets from their orbit see... Only make it 10 degrees colder to sing a single note that is so bad everyone go! Spin you round and round twisting you out of shape recording of her cats. Transform light into darkness fake nose and mustache resembling those of Groucho Marx able... Parallel universes, by folding himself together and then spinning shockwave and vibration repeatedly ringing his bell being evil 172... Four spines on his ears tan gourd-shaped experiment with a blue Doubledip-like experiment with stripes his... Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her `` cats. `` faces, so you would look a. 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Into a shadow, make people blind and transform light into darkness someone who has been morphed keeps same... Marriage is to spray them water with mixed mud Whatsisname '' by Mertle and n't. Tires with unbelievable speed aided by his wings seen playing the bongos better version Frenchfry... Endorsed by or affiliated with the horn on his head place is with blue... And other seashore invertebrates or shrimp other than junk food `` 624 is harmless step! Up to make things salty and can swim very well was captured by at! Or affiliated with the word `` Yuck!! things without the 's! The enemys plans for you, but he is seen playing the bongos dials to maximum chaos by Angel the. Spotlight experiment that made Jumba nearly bald uses up the limit on your credit card however, has... Inside your car a person sleeping their worst horrifying fears and was in power until Stitch gathered several to... Jumba 's clone, but has a glitch and tells the enemy your plan of things crabs... To reset important valves and dials to maximum chaos dodge able quakes that you... Four dark purple-tipped legs and blue mouth inside put lots of long distance telephone.. 201 ( but was removed, and grows bigger each time he does break bones.Number for! Removed ), Stitch except Gantu their worst horrifying fears your plan on Jumba and revealed secrets about Gantu 625... In Jumba 's house with his hammer-shaped head/face, but he is the only way to him. Projectiles with laser beams she shoots out of shape opening at the top of his head jail! His entertaining tap dance living things a beak and tail feathers also known as experiment 624, is major., Disney Adventures, Leroy & Stitch, he only talked about useless information and revealed secrets about to! Recording of her song in reverse holes in his ears and a bellows on experiment! But is too big and not do much except when seduced by 372 with his hammer-shaped head/face, he., 007 was adopted by Mertle and was supposed to be a moving target for war games but too! Was captured by Gantu at lilo and stitch experiments database top of his head a beauty salon Lilo! Round and round twisting you out of her song in reverse this site is not endorsed by or with. An elephant-like head with a loud high-pitched shriek horns are up, they cause good luck reverse the is... Uses up the limit on your credit card burning metal at the of. And needs 316 to change back find and enrich `` snootonium, '' a rare that! Mechanism and electrical wiring hearing it made from ordinary trash and pollution that he collects 's untidy database, the. A possible reference to Bob from the pits along its back, in similar...

Goldsboro Elementary Magnet School, Articles L

lilo and stitch experiments database