obstacles in serving god

How can tell if your agenda or actions are from God or Satan? More Ken Boa on Trusting God in Turbulent Times. Sign up for a CBNDaily Bible Reading Plan. For more on this, read How to Have a Happier Life by Practicing Gratitude. The most important requirement is to befaithful to the Lord. This letter exhorts us to persevere, and this profound call to draw near to God is right at the heart. Jesus is the only way to restore our relationship with God, and so He is the only way we can truly serve God as well. First, the apostles identified their main priority. Regardless of any problem or issue we face as a church; we must never neglect Christs mission: to reach the lost; to make disciples of all nations through the preaching of his word. True friends! Send a prayer request now, or call 18007007000. The apostles would give their attention to prayer and the preaching of the word. 6. Romans 1:1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, This shows that Jesus was a very big part of Pauls life. Persecution mobilized the church, and the food ministry came to an end. Have you seen how crazy my life is? This is a fear that doesnt tempt us to stop believing; it tempts us to forfeit a life of intimacy with Jesus because we just dont think that kind of life is possible for us. He said, Paul was heading for Jerusalem in obedience to the Lords direction for him, despite knowing the awful trials he would have to face there. Here are 4 ways to find contentment in Christ: #1 Accept rejection. (Acts 4:34). Let us look now at three exhortations which he gave to them elders from v.28 onwards to see how we can remain faithful. Being full of the Spirit and being wise are evident qualities in a person. If you handle the small things, God brings you big things to handle. God made it possible for you to know. Confusion: Perhaps worse than the ignorant are the confused. Earlier on we witnessed the addition of new members through baptism, reaffirmation of faith and transfer of membership. "Listen to advice and accept discipline . To recognize and prepare for these common obstacles can be half of the battle to overcome them. A spiritual war is taking place. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Fast-forward now to a time about 40 years later, and we find this commendation that Christ gave to this church in Revelation 2:2I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: andthou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars.The elders had faithfully kept watch over their flock and had exposed the false teachers who tried to subvert the flock. You never know, God may even speak to you through on of your fellow Christian friends. This then is what it means toserve the Lord with allhumilityof mind.The Lords interests must always come first. As you dig into the Word of God, start with a great study Bible, ( this list has some of the most popular Study Bibles for women.) Which way are you turned? Extrinsic Challenges The church, since the time of Paul, has had to confront philosophies that challenge God's existence, and deny the Christology of Jesus. Weve tried it. God rewards faithfulness. First and foremost, you must know that you are a part of Christ. The whole body suffers! Obstacles expose our weaknesses and increase our dependency upon Christ. (Rom.12:2). This ministry functioned well before, as we are informed in chapter 4 that there was also distribution of funds (there was no needy people among them); the first Christians cared for their needs by sharing and distributing goods. As church leaders, they needed to move into action to resolve this conflict. No matter how big your problem may feel, or how impossible it may seem for it to get better, know that nothing is too difficult for God to handle. It is part of the process of sanctification, being set apart for God's purposes and . There is no right way to pray, all you have to do is begin speaking with God. Are we a biblical people, or do we just get our truths from our emotions or non-emotions? They can give you advice on how they turned to faith in times of trail and what helped them. Leaders should empower others to serve and not overwhelm themselves with every ministry. We have to fully believe that God is in control and that He has a great plan for our life. If we struggle with either of these obstacles, Hebrews 10 speaks up with the good news that Jesus abolishes both fears at the cross. His praying is mentioned no less than seven times in the Book of Acts. If anyone here is still unsaved, please listen to this carefully, because it is part of Gods whole counsel If you are still outside Christ, you are still in your sins. . Right beside the foundation of Jesuss death in our place is this glorious picture of Jesus praying for us. God has to earn our favor. knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. Trusting God gives us true success (Psalm 27:3-7; Proverbs 15:22). God would use any thing to mobilize his people when they get inwardly focused and neglect to fulfill his mission in the world. In v.24 he reveals how willing he was to deny self in serving the Lord. (v.4) We will attend constantly or persist in prayer and the preaching of the gospel. One of them is found at the end of our passage, Acts 20:36 And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down, andprayedwith them all., Now, besides faithfulness to the Lord and faithfulness to fulfill our God-given roles, there is another area where faithfulness is required of us. The fear of disappointment, on the other hand, says, Oh yeah, I get that relationship stuff. If you are united to Jesus by faith, the anger is gone. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. He will listen to the pain you have filling your heart. For them to enter the Promised Land, they would have to trust God to bring them through this raging river. Genesis 50:20 - But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.(1 Thessalonians 5:23-24) May we all be greatly challenged through this to serve faithfully, by remaining Faithful to the Lord, Faithful to fulfill our God-given roles of service, and Faithful to the whole counsel of God, until our Lord Jesus Christ returns! And He said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.'. As followers of Jesus, we battle against difficulties, obstacles on our way to accomplishing Christ's mission in this world. In fact, faithfulness is the most important quality needed in serving the Lord. Repent and believe right now! This can be seen in the call which He gave to the church of Smyrna in Revelation 2:10. To draw near. Money from tithing is used to build God's kingdom upon the earth. sign me up! Yes, we are sinners. Paul would never think of himself apart from the Lord Jesus. To move in. It isfaithfulness to the whole counsel of God. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed" (Deuteronomy 31:8). Many of us, however, get to a point of exhaustion and fatigue as we strive to do His will. Paul fulfilled his role well despite the many difficult challenges which he faced at Ephesus. Challenges in serving God. The first exhortation is found in v.28:Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flockThe Ephesian elders would already have known that they were to guard the flock, which is the church. These feelings can keep us paralyzed from dealing with the. God Will Allow You to Go Through Impossible Situations to Produce a Supernatural Dependence in You. These are emotional, intellectual, and volitional barriers. Do you know that prayer was the secret of success in Pauls ministry? There's three main categories: People, Places and Things. Obstacles Serving God's Purposes? But God equips us to overcome obstacles . We have already read the first 11 verses of the passage during the responsive reading. He is our perfect, spotless righteousness and our lives are hid with him on high. Is anything too hard for me? When faced with an enormous obstacle, dont focus on how big the problem is. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Life is full of ups and downs. They see the ministry of the Word merely as a means to get what theywantinstead of what theyneed. Cloaked in humility, taking the form of a servant, our . That sounds crazy because rejection is not easy. We must continue to work together tobuild a united church family that is committed to making disciples through Salvation, Sanctification and Service to the glory of God. Understand Gods love will help us demolish the intrusive thoughts we have. And we must be very thankful to Him. "How pleased the Lord must have been when Abraham did as he was instructed, without question and without wavering.". We ought to do our best to remain faithful, but what if our best is not good enough? Two Obstacles in the Way But it's not that simple. These commands, then, can seem foreign to us. The natural gravity of the flesh pulls us away from grace toward law-based living. The Bible has scripture for every one of your needs. Just as ancient cities needed strong walls for defense and protection, the Lord wants His people today to have a strong and well-founded faith that can withstand the attacks of the enemy. If your love for Him has grown cold, you are unwell and you need to rekindle that love before things get worse. Allow God to remind you who He is and what He promises, and then be honest with Him. Remind yourself that you are a child of God and you were put on this earth for a reason. The Lord has blessed Life Church with 66 years of service to Him. Please see the Disclosures for how it will all go down. This actually happened to the Ephesian church about 40 years later. If Jesus had to endure them, so do we. Paul was faithful in his role as a, In the earlier chapters of Acts we had seen that s. ome are called to serve as deacons, some as evangelists, and some as teachers. Its a God-accomplished relationship, not one that we contrive. You can be comforted by Gods commitment (Psalm 46:1; Luke 15:11-32). Will we be able to do these things well? Yes, we deserve punishment. The challenges that Nehemiah faced in building the wall are illustrations from God's Word of obstacles and opposition that Christians may face. The apostles prayed for these ministry leaders and their ministry. They would rather increase in fame and fortune. It is, There is an important detail here which I want you to notice. In our choices, we dont so much turn to evil as we turn from God. (It is not right that we give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. (ESV) We apostles should spend our time teaching the word of God, not running a food program. Christians are called to make disciples, but we are not capable of changing people. If you have an immediate prayer need, please call our 24-hour prayer line at 800-700-7000. Let these closing words of Paul to the Church of Thessalonica be our constant source of encouragement:And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through his faithful teaching, and testifying to Jews and Greeks, and preaching the kingdom of God, and warning the Christians against false teaching, the Ephesian church was firmly established on a strong foundation. Galatians 5:16 (NASB) calls us to walk in the Spirit. The Greek word for walk, peripateo, means to walk around, to conduct oneself. Walking is a step-by-step process, a sequencing process of behaving habitually. The river was flooded and nearly impossible to cross. In addition to natural gravity, Satan uses the same methods repeatedly and they work much of the time. You can cling to its truth when life throws you a curveball. But God has something to say. There are many things, in fact, that might deter you from a rich relationship with God, but two in particular are worth mentioning: 1) the fear of judgment and 2) the fear of disappointment. By: Ysrael De la Cruz At the beginning of the pandemic, I was able to witness many so called prophets come out to predict what the Lord was telling American through the worldwide epidemic of Covid 19. Three years was actually the longest time that Paul served in one city throughout all his missionary journeys This was because of its strategic location in reaching out to the whole province of Asia. He gave us a once-for-all sacrifice and he gives us never-ceasing intercession. We just cant do it. Elijah, God's prophet, had just had an . For some people, time crowds out their ability to serve the Lord. (Food pantry ministry). You can place your steadfast trust in Him. Without prayer all that we do willlackGods power and enablement. You do. Remind yourself that this is, But having said all this, the question still remains what if Gods people are somehow. Obstacles expose our weaknesses and increase our dependency upon Christ. Before the Throne of God Above Shane Barnard and Shane Everett. When we find a man meditating on the words of God, my friends, that man is full of boldness and is successful. He knows about every detail of you, and has your best interest at heart. In verses 9-21 we, Dont be deceived! However, this didnt stop the gospel; the believers continued to be strong in their faith amid persecution and their number continued to increase. Tit was through all these works of God that the Ephesians had now grown into a thriving churchwithin three years. Watch popular content from the following creators: Make 30s Fit(@make30sfit), Christ (@glimpseofchrist), Danna Hagans(@dannahagans), Mckenzie Young(@mckenzieyoung93), WC(@warriorsofchrist_), WC(@warriorsofchrist_), Praise on TBN(@praiseontbn), Throwback Praise(@throwbackpraise), The grace of God(@the . Colossians 3:24. Fear and faith cannot co-exist, and they battle for space within us. It is God's will that we come to Him and serve. They wept, Gods pattern for his people! And what keeps us from doing so? Verse Concepts. 1. The apostles recognized the severity of the issue. Be willing to say yes to whatever God wants you to do. Jesus said we will have trouble (tribulations) in this world. The emotional barrier deals with bad experiences, but the intellectual barrier deals with bad teaching. For example, Sara was able to conceive a child after years of inability through the help and faith of God (Hebrews 11:11). Let us therefore be faithful toChristin all our service. Two of the biggest barriers to adults being engaged in serving the body of Christ are these feelings: "I don't have anything in common with those I want to serve" and "I don't have anything to offer.". Others have been blessed with spiritual gifts of faith, administration, discernment, hospitality, giving, mercy, or encouragement. In the following paragraphs, I have listed 10 common things that can interfere with our walk with God. Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. When we study Scripture and see what God asks us to do to fulfill His purpose, eventually we find there are obstacles to God's will. When we spend too much time in a secularized society, the enemy can infiltrate and weaken our spiritual walls. But this one thing we know:God is faithful! Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:6-7). . But in serving God, there will always be obstructions and hindrances. An important part of the gospel is that in Jesus Christ we can begin to serve God again with the promise of being able to serve him perfectly and forever in the age to come. . Prayer is the best way to communicate one-on-one with God. Rejection and betrayal are part of life and help us grow closer to God when we realize our weaknesses are actually strengths. 10) 1 Corinthians 15:57 " But thanks be to God! Desiring God partnered with Shane & Shanes The Worship Initiative to write short meditations for more than one hundred popular worship songs and hymns. Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me.He worked as a tent-make, to provide not only for his own needs, but for the needs of others as well. Confess Unbelief Be honest. Seven Barriers to Knowing and Walking with God. He alone can give us the strength and wisdom we need to endure. You might start to lose some of your faith in God. Seven times in the book of Hebrews, the author captures the heart of Christianity in a simple, wonderful command: draw near. They would rather increase in fame and fortune. Meditate on Scripture and you will know everything is going to be OK. We asked a few members of our staff at Deep Spirituality for their favorite biblical characters who trusted God in the midst of difficulty and came up with 10 examples in the Bible of trusting God in difficult times to inspire you. Committed to Loving God and Loving People. Jesus has an active, priestly role for our sake at the Fathers right hand. They had a great system going on, a great fellowship and God reminded them that though that ministry is important, it was not the mission of the church to run a food program, but to preach the gospel to those who are lost. In the earlier chapters of Acts we had seen that some are called to serve as deacons, some as evangelists, and some as teachers. Their widows were being overlooked or neglected in the daily distribution of food. God's purpose for the problems he allows us to face is so different than our way of thinking. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. This requirement is highlighted in the words which Paul spoke in v.19Servingthe Lordwith all humility of mind, and with many tears, and temptations(v.19). They came to provide comfort and sympathy to him. These are so easy to obtain on-line. But there is still so much more that needs to be done as we move forward as a church into our 67thyear. No! And it is the Holy Spirit who made the elders fit for their role as overseers, so that the flock would be well fed. He is not a Father running to meet you, but one waiting to punish you. Thats why Christ bestowed all the spiritual gifts which the Church needs for service. Oswald Chambers writes, "If a man cannot get through to God, it is because there is a secret thing he does not intend to give up." This involves a stubborn refusal to turn away from a hidden sin. Reduces Ego: When seekers realise that serving God happens very nicely after praying and not taking doership of the act, it helps in reducing ego. The most of men are careless and indifferent to then heavenly King; they remember all things else except the God who made them. Perhaps some of us may have certain limitations that prevent us from serving. As a result of this they become spiritually weak, they fall into sin and become ineffective in their service. If we allow fear to take over, then faith gets pushed aside. Yes, we have sinned. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. Just before those verses, the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) define a path to spiritual happiness and significance totally contrary to what were normally taught (blessed are the meek, not the proud). When the stresses of this world and the worst of suffering might seem to extinguish our hope, it doesnt. God created us in his own image and likeness Gen. 1:27-28. For example, if you are struggling to cope with a bad breakup, you can replace your sadness by focusing on the love God has for you. We can speak to God about the obstacles we face in a safe, judge-free setting. But having said all this, the question still remains what if Gods people are somehownotdiligent enough to guard themselves well and to build themselves up with God Word? The church of Jesus Christ has faced huge challenges throughout it existence and will continue to face challenges until Jesus comes back again. You can be assured of Gods intentions that He has your best interests at heart (Jeremiah 29:11-13; Hebrews 12:10). This gravity is like a built-in magnet that draws us toward controlling, creating, and manipulating. It means submitting to Him even when it doesn't make sense and serving others faithfully even when they don't appreciate our efforts. So, our attitude to serving God should be one that is reflective of Psalm 100:2 (NKJV): "Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.". Thats why his discourse ends by saying,And now, brethren,I commend you to God(v.32a). There are many other roles of service in Gods kingdom besides these. We face in a secularized society, the question still remains what if Gods people are.. S purposes your love for Him has grown cold, you must know that are... Resolve this conflict you are a child of God, there is no way... Boldness and is successful the call which he faced at Ephesus God would use any thing to his... 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obstacles in serving god