who plays vince casey in the archers

Grace Archer (Monica Grey and Ysanne Churchman) was Phil Archer's first wife and the first major character to be killed off. While pregnant she finally started receiving treatment for alcoholism. In 1995 she married the new owner of the estate, Guy Pemberton (Hugh Dickson). Roy had an affair with Elizabeth in 2014 which, though brief, led to the end of his marriage. He was married to Peggy Woolley until his death (see below). [38] In late 2012, Clive was sent back to prison after breaking the terms of his licence and entering Ambridge to confront his sister, Tracy, and his brother's wife, Donna. Currently Alistair is living Jim's house, where Jazzer McCreary was also co-resident until he moved in with Tracy. After a spell at the University of Exeter she returned home to get away from a relationship with Canadian lecturer Simon Gerrard (Garrick Hagon); years later Debbie got involved with Simon again and in spite of Brian's forebodings they were married. Although based in Borchester he lives in Woodbine Cottage, Ambridge, with his wife, Fallon. During their engagement Jess had a baby, which she claimed was Rob's until he consented to a DNA test, which proved otherwise, and they were soon divorced. [citation needed] Ian proposed to Adam and the pair entered a civil partnership on 14 December 2006. Phil Archer died on 12 February 2010. Appears intermittently in the series and is usually up to no good.[15]. Usha Franks ne Gupta (born 17 June 1962) played by Souad Faress and formerly by Sudha Bhuchar works as a solicitor in Felpersham and is one of very few ethnic minority characters in the series. Joe took this especially hard and in one of the most harrowing episodes ever broadcast bludgeoned his beloved ferrets to death with a hammer. Lilian was elected to the parish council in January 2006. Caroline Sterling, ne Bone, formerly Pemberton (born 3 April 1955; died 2017) (Sara Coward) moved to the village in 1977, aged 22, when she was hired by Sid as barmaid in the Bull. In May 2006, Ed vanished after Emma left the caravan and moved into her parents' home, saying it was for the sake of her baby's health. Eventually, Amy attempted to get Carl back, but he cruelly brushed her off. He was regarded as one of the most humourless characters in the village, even before the death of his beloved wife Betty in December 2005. When Adam returned from Africa, a bout of sibling rivalry erupted: to a certain extent, this remains ongoing, although there are indications that Adam and Debbie are reaching an understanding. In the process, the sausage business lost its organic status, which created further tension between the families. Despite this he holds a torch for Fallon Rogers, who normally insists that they should remain friends. Finally he suddenly disappeared to South America, where he died in strange circumstances. Susie Riddell had previously voiced Kate Aldridge but left the series to pursue other projects before returning as Tracey. In late 2005, his blossoming relationship with Usha Gupta, a Hindu, caused some unease to some of his parishioners, including Shula Hebden Lloyd. Following a succession of strokes, Heather died en route while moving down to Ambridge on 28 September 2015, after reluctantly leaving her Prudhoe home. An outsider by birth, Matt often inveigled himself into positions of power, such as the parish council, but many villagers were suspicious of his motives. [61] Has been living in France with her mother Michelle and sister Sonia but after family upheavals returned to England to seek out Helen Archer. When Janet left, Peggy returned to St. Stephen's. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [18] Despite being severely affected by her death, Will's pride and stubbornness prevented him from seeking counselling for his grief, and his worsened temper and aggression led to him driving away both Jake and Mia, leaving him with only his biological daughter, Poppy. He became concerned about the environment and tried to become "green". Filled with remorse, Pat had strongly disapproved of Sharon, John's girlfriend, and this discovery turned into an obsession which caused problems for her family. Although she was something of a left wing firebrand in her youth she is now very conservative living in The Lodge which was the gatehouse for Grey Gables. The decision to remove Bert from The Archers followed Eric Allan's decision to retire. Hayley worked at Lower Loxley as nanny to Freddie and Lily Pargetter, and then as a rather amorphous children's visitor specialist. Lilian told a still-recovering Lynda that the pub would be returning to the original name of The Bull. Meanwhile Elizabeth seems to have gone all in with Dodgy Vince Casey, who has shown a sudden interest in contemporary art, airily discussing Jean-Michel Despite owning an MG sports car, bought with a windfall from his mother, he is generally considered to be a rather dull man. As a result, Vince physically harms Ben and upsets Beth and Elizabeth.. to be the villain of the serial, is sometimes seen as one of the most interesting and subtle characters. Snatch Foster was formerly also a friend of Eddie Grundy, but ended up in prison for selling condemned meat to him. [26] His persistent Irish accent despite his having been born and raised during his earliest years in Germany and, after only the briefest of stays with his Irish grandmother, educated for several years since then in England was criticised in the BBC's Feedback programme as implausible[when? He began seeing Alice to the barely concealed delight of his social climbing mother and the scarcely concealed horror of Alice's mother, Jennifer Aldridge. Kenton Archer started dating her, intermittently living with her, but they quarrelled when he brought his three-year-old daughter, Meriel, to Ambridge and expected Kathy to look after her. They lived for a while in the flat above the village shop before moving back in with Tony and Pat. Christine lived with Peggy Woolley for some years but in 2018 suffered a fall and went into The Laurels initially for respite but is intending to take up a place in an assisted living flat. His cowman's heavy-handed advice (which he and Ruth reluctantly accepted) that they should dispense with the services of Shula's husband as vet for their dairy herd in favour of a specialist caused a serious family rift, and was followed by his near-affair with Sophie Barlow. Lilian took dancing lessons from Mike Tucker after she discovered that Crawford's ex-wife was a much better dancer than she. In 2018, Shula stunned Alistair when she told him their marriage was over. . After her marriage to Alistair, Shula lost her lightheartedness and became rather dour, self-centred and even, at times, sanctimonious, as evidenced by her attitude to the marriage to Usha Gupta, a Hindu, of the vicar, to whom Shula had been 'right-hand woman' for the parish. Often thought by Grey Gables staff to be rather sinister. He began his television career in 1963. Affected by severe depression at the time of John's death, she discovered at the end of 2011 that he had fathered a child. Carol Tregorran ne Grey (Eleanor Bron, formerly played by Anne Cullen (born 1926)) first appeared in 1954. Ben is David and Ruth Archer's youngest son, and Pip and Josh's brother, having been born on 15 March 2002. She was the general manager at Grey Gables until it was sold. Tony is an actor who has played the character of Vince Casey in the series Archers since 2020. However a couple of weeks later she miscarried. He arrived in Ambridge as a gentleman farmer and huntsman and bought Grange Farm from the estate. [37] During 2016 her daughter, the Birmingham barrister Anna Tregorran, successfully defended Helen Archer in the latter's trial for attempted murder. Although David went along with this at first, he had doubts and confessed he could never leave Ambridge. Bellamy senior died in 1980, but Lilian unaccountably returned to Ambridge in 2003 and took up with Matt Crawford (then a married man); her exploits cause much gnashing of teeth from her respectable sister Jennifer Aldridge. On 9 March 2021 she gave birth to a baby girl, Martha. He no longer has an Irish accent,[27] following a change of actor in 2012.[28]. He died in his sleep at the age of 98 in October 2019. Subsequently Rob and his mother tricked Pat and Tony into handing Henry over to them, forcing them into a lengthy legal battle over custody. A skilled horsewoman, she ran the local riding stables for many years. After a work placement in Yorkshire she became more focused on her future and the future of the farm. Sergeant Harrison Burns (James Cartwright) is a member of the local police force. Elizabeth and Nigel developed their stately home, Lower Loxley, as a conference venue. Lilian Bellamy, ne Archer (born 8 July 1947) (Sunny Ormonde, formerly played by Elizabeth Marlowe) is the twice-widowed, gin-soaked, chain-smoking second daughter of Peggy Archer (and step-daughter of Jack Woolley). [46] He died shortly after his 92nd birthday and the death of the actor Chris Gittins.[47]. She was a successful businesswoman running a market garden in Ambridge (and subsequently a wine business). Subsequent to Lilian having a brief affair with Matt's estranged brother Paul, (which she did not find out Matt knew about until later), Lilian arrived home from a holiday to discover that he had emptied out all of their joint holdings, ransacked their house of valuables and fled to Costa Rica. After this information was brought to the attention of Rob's new boss, Justin Elliott, he was sacked. The previous night, which happened to be the night that ITV, the UK's first commercial television channel was launched, she received fatal injuries while trying to rescue her horse, Midnight, from a fire. After graduating in 2009 she was unable to gain permanent employment apart from a PR job in Leicester, necessitating a daily commute which frustrated Tom. Her deceased son John's teenage son Johnny took up residence at Bridge Farm when he came to the village but when Helen and her children returned both Tom and Johnny moved to Number 1, The Green owned by Will Grundy. DTD: 352 - Elizabeth and Vince Casey a match made in Borsetshire! After years attempting to keep the family farm afloat, they were made bankrupt in 2000 - an opportunity for the mainly urban audience to witness the personal and family tragedy of farm sales and were forced to move to a sink estate in Borchester. She moved to London. Annette Turner (born September 1990) (Anne-Marie Piazza) Teenage daughter of the late Greg Turner. Kate emigrated to Johannesburg, South Africa where she married Lucas Madikane (Connie M'Gadzah). He has spent much time playing computer games with Rairi Donovan (Brian Aldridges son) and since gaining a voice they have taken a huge interest in off-road driving and Ben helped Jill in the kitchen at Christmas. Peggy Woolley, ne Perkins, formerly Archer (born Margaret Perkins, 13 November 1924) (June Spencer, briefly played by Thelma Rogers) is the widow of Phil's elder brother, Jack Archer, and of Jack Woolley. Ian and Adam's relationship has elicited little moral outrage or criticism in the village, with the exception of Sid Perks, the late landlord of the pub, and Adam's grandmother Peggy Woolley, who was distinctly uncomfortable. His mother had some difficulty bonding with him when he was born with a cleft lip. A parental testing showed that despite Emma's certainty to the contrary, George was Will's son. Justin has already shown scant concern for Lillians relationship with her family (and her place in the community) by shafting David over the abattoir. Derek Fletcher "incomer" (only been in Ambridge since 1979) who lives on the Glebelands housing development. Ruth Archer, ne Pritchard (born 16 June 1968) (Felicity Finch) is the wife of David Archer. For several years she worked at Radio Borsetshire, until leaving home in 2005 to pursue a media studies degree. His plan to split Willow Farm in two, so that Roy and Hayley can have a separate home, was initially resisted by Brenda. They have three children: Philippa (Pip), Josh and Ben. The Archers listeners were puzzled this week when Birmingham TV personality Jasper Carrott (pictured), 77, appeared on the soap as grumpy pensioner 'Sykesey' - but sounded like character Vince Casey, played by Tony Turner. She lives at Bull Farm. Colonel Freddy Danby (Norman Shelley and Ballard Berkeley) lodged with Laura Archer at Ambridge Hall. She has daughters, including India, whom Oliver and Caroline's foster child Carly described as having "an arse the size of a continent". Edgar Titcombe head gardener at Lower Loxley, who is married to the widowed Mrs Pugsley. In 2015, she returned to Ambridge, supposedly to enrol in another course at Felpersham University, but Phoebe subsequently discovered that Lucas, upon learning that Kate had been having yet another affair, had ended their marriage and thrown her out. A widower, he always wanted to marry her, but it was not to be. Nigel (who also had a never-seen sister, Camilla who was married to a man named James) had only intermittent help from his beloved mother, Julia; more often she was a source of anxiety and friction (due to her dislike of Elizabeth, which, happily ceased once Freddie and Lily were born), but she died suddenly in November 2005. After an attempt to kidnap his son from Helen failed, Rob disappeared and was last reported boarding a flight to Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he had previously worked. Elizabeth is highly critical of the way David manages the Brookfield estate, and is very concerned to ensure that her family receives its due portion of the estate. Moreover, he served as voice and speech training director at the Mountview Theatre School in London and the Walt Disney Productions London department manager. The actor is, for his character in television programs, including Graham Sullivan in Party Animals, Adrian Osler in New Tricks, ARP Warden Perkins in Foyle's War, and Ron Woods in Maxwell.. Rob barely survived the encounter. As Jack's condition deteriorated, and after much sensitively presented soul searching on the part of Peggy, he was moved into residential care at The Laurels in 2009, and then suffered a stroke. Forever trying to give Usha unwanted relationship advice or a welcome shoulder to cry on, and architect of numerous failed matchmaking ruses. Kirsty married local builder Phillip Moss, though their relationship was over once it was revealed that his business was viable only through modern slavery. After his sister Helen's trial and acquittal, Tom and Kirsty got back together for one evening and she later discovered that she was pregnant. Others thought her immature self-centred vacillation was entirely in character, and it was the largely off-air rehabilitation of the marriage and the family's 'blind eye' that was unbelievable. He plays the role of a businessman who runs an abattoir business.. After having a one-night stand with Tom shortly after the trial, Kirsty became pregnant with his son and despite her initial reservations decided to keep the baby. 1 January 2012 saw Will & Nic get married at the local Grey Gables Hotel followed by a honeymoon in Cap Verde which on their return led to the renaming of their cottage to Greenwood. Martha Woodford (Mollie Harris) Shopkeeper, wife of Joby.[62]. Christmas 2008 saw Will reunite with ex-girlfriend Nic, whom he originally split from when he saw her hit George. Her cooking at The Bull was widely admired. After another failed relationship she decided that she wanted a child more than she wanted a partner, and became pregnant by artificial insemination a decision which caused friction within the family, particularly alienating Tony. [22] The producers of The Archers maintain this was a very popular plot nationwide. Richard, a commuting accountant, rarely gets a mention beyond his involvement in the cricket team. Coriander has a son called Oscar. Ruth's utterance "Oh noooooo", spoken in her Northumberland accent, was frequently parodied on the BBC Radio Four comedy programme Dead Ringers. Mike subsequently discovered the truth, Helen paid for the driving course that Tom was sentenced to attend, and Tom and Brenda moved into one of the holiday cottages at Home Farm. Josh Archer, played by Angus Imrie,[11] made his first appearance during the episode broadcast on 13 September 1997. Alf Grundy (born 13 November 1944), Joe's elder son and a rogue. Following a burglary at Glebe Cottage she was asked by David and Ruth to return to Brookfield which subsequently became permanent. Some years after Mark's death, Shula had an affair with the village doctor (who was himself living with Shula's hitherto good friend Usha Gupta), thus two-timing her boyfriend Alistair (the local vet) whom she subsequently married. She lost her capital in a fraud perpetuated by associates of Matt Crawford. In 2005, Matt divorced his wife Yvette and moved in with his new partner Lilian Bellamy (ne Archer, daughter of Peggy Woolley). In the 2021 new year's honours list Lynda Snell received an MBE, for which she had been nominated "by the community". He was convicted in April 2008. William "Will" Grundy (born 9 February 1983) (Philip Molloy) is the elder son of Eddie and Clarrie. Much later, when she discovered that Locke had slept with her best friend Shula Hebden (on an occasion when Shula was vulnerable and he took advantage of his position as family doctor) she ended the relationship and threw him out, also ending her friendship with Shula (whom she told off with relish, they are now arch-enemies). That same July Helen Archer began an affair with him despite knowing he was married. Having turned his back on the family farm to join the Merchant Navy, Kenton tried his hand at a number of ventures, including selling antiques and running a wine bar. [23]. In 1985 Aunt Laura fell in a ditch and listeners were treated to her forlorn cries while owls hooted overhead. He has two daughters from a previous relationship; Coriander, who goes by the name "Cas", and Leonie. Kenton's former partner, Kathy Perks, is the ex-wife of Sid Perks, the late landlord of The Bull. After initially repressing her grief Kirsty eventually agreed to take compassionate leave and grieved properly. This was in the context of Shula's devout Christianity and membership of the local Parish Council. Many years later this caused a rift between Alistair and his by then business partner Anisha Patel. Eileen Titcombe (formerly Pugsley) housekeeper at Lower Loxley. [59] When Amy asked Carl about moving into together, he broke up with her. Initially he employed Ed Grundy to manage his dairy herd. Ed Grundy (born 28 September 1984) (Barry Farrimond) is the younger son of Eddie and Clarrie. She attempts to produce a play every Christmas (an Archers in-joke; but not in 2020), and often drives villagers to distraction in her attempts to fill parts. Once well known for persistently failing his law exams. She is friends with both Adam and Debbie. She started dating Tom Archer following a Valentine kiss after they grew closer in the weeks after her mother's death. Together they run the Bull. On the death of his father a few years later, he strove to save his ancestral home, and involved Elizabeth, now also more mature, as his marketing manager. WebPeggy Woolley, ne Perkins, formerly Archer (born Margaret Perkins, 13 November 1924) ( June Spencer, briefly played by Thelma Rogers) is the widow of Phil's elder brother, Sadly, Kirsty miscarried and Tom lost all enthusiasm for baby food, returning from his travels instead with a passion for fermented food, something not widely shared in the family or the village. A farm labourer, Ed secured a job in France and planned to move there secretly with Emma and George, but they were thwarted in November 2005 by Will. Was known to have attracted Nigel Pargetter's eye. Adam and Ian considered embarking on parenthood; Ian had plans to artificially inseminate his old friend, Madds, and share responsibility for the child they hoped to produce, but Madds then fell in love with another man and changed her mind. To offer support and protection, the local GP, Richard Locke (William Gaminara), then her lover, moved into her house, Blossom Hill Cottage, shortly afterwards. Lily Rosalind and Frederick Hugo "Freddie" Pargetter (Katie Redford and Toby Laurence, formerly played by Georgie Feller and Jack Firth) are Elizabeth and Nigel's twins. Trudy Porter silent for 34 years until 4 April 2006, when listener Christine Hunt played her in a charity special after her husband paid 17,000 to Children in Need. After returning to Ambridge in February 2009, Will pushed for Nic and her 2 children (Jake (then 4) and Mia (then 2)), to move back in with him: they did, and in 2010 Nic started occasional bar work at The Bull, a career move which traditionally leads to expanded roles. To pay his fines he and Jenny were forced to sell the farmhouse and move into rented accommodation. [4] The couple resolved to stay together; they remortgaged the business to pay off the debts and Alistair attended Gamblers Anonymous meetings. After learning that Natasha was expecting twins, they moved into April Cottage. Despite Betty's sudden death, Hayley remained unhappy at living with her father-in-law and wished that she and Roy had a home of their own. She is busily involved in village life and supports her children by taking on child-minding duties. The birth was somewhat (the chronology as aired is contradictory) premature and Abbie was expected to remain in hospital until her original due date, although medical practice is 'until 2.5 kilos'. Alan Franks (John Telfer), the latest in a series of eccentric village vicars, was appointed to Ambridge and neighbouring parishes in 2003, moving from Nottingham where he had previously worked as an accountant and a non-stipendiary minister. She was an occasionally bossy, but well-meaning, do-gooder in the village. Tom was decided to throw in his lot with Brian Aldridge, husband of his aunt Jennifer, becoming a junior partner in the business. (John) Higgs Jack Woolley's chauffeur and handyman at Grey Gables. She returned to live with her parents in 2006, but moved out to live at a cottage on Brookfield Farm with Ed and Georgie as a family together. His father Professor Jim Lloyd (John Rowe) stayed with them at Christmas and New Year 2007-8 while his broken leg healed. Add or change Hayley Tucker, ne Jordan (born 1 May 1977) (Lorraine Coady, formerly played by Lucy Davis) comes from Birmingham and first appeared as John Archer's girlfriend. Amy Franks (born 1989) (Jennifer Daley,[63] formerly played by Vinette Robinson and Natalia Cappuccini) is the vicar's spirited daughter who is a friend to Alice Carter. He also took an interest in his family history, particularly in his late Uncle Rupert. She died of pneumonia in the wake of the Great Ambridge Flood of 2015. Pat Archer ne Lewis (born Patricia Lewis, 10 January 1952) (Patricia Gallimore) Tony's wife since 1974 is of Welsh descent. Recently, he bought an old tractor, dubbed Rufus, which he has restored. Peter Partner of Sean Myerson, who was the landlord of the Cat and Fiddle pub. More recently, some local parishioners made complaints to the bishop when Alan, the vicar, began a relationship with Usha (who is Hindu). Known universally as simply 'Titcombe'. Fallon runs the Bridge farm caf with Emma Grundy and upcycles furniture as well as undertaking catering for local dos. Tim Beecham (Tim Brierley and David Parfitt), an old friend of Nigel Pargetter. [29][30] They were both born on 12 December 1999 via Caesarean section because of Elizabeth's heart condition. Played by Felicity Finch. Noted for always wearing a battered hat. Josh Archer, played by Angus Imrie, [11] made his first appearance during the episode broadcast on 13 September 1997. [12] He was originally played by Cian Cheesbrough. [12] Josh is Ruth and David Archer's eldest son, and Pip and Ben's brother. Growing up, Josh helps his parents out around the farm. Using the cover of an Internet business and an imaginary step family, she failed in an attempt to con Jack and Peggy and gain control of the Grey Gables hotel and leisure complex. Nic died unexpectedly of sepsis in February 2018. She eventually moved to be closer to her work but in 2021 returned to Ambridge after giving up her job as a midwife. Brian's somewhat cavalier attitude to regulations came back to haunt him, when it transpired that in the 1970s he had taken money to allow the dumping of toxic chemicals on Home Farm land, which by the late 2010s had started to leak into the Am. Betty died suddenly before Christmas 2005. Father and daughter were reconciled, however, after the birth of her son Henry Ian Archer, who was delivered by emergency caesarean section the day after New Years Day 2011, Helen having been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. Freda Fry wife of Bert Fry. After feeling increasingly badly-treated by Lilian and Matt, she left Amside without notice. [54] Their marriage came under strain when Siobhan miscarried a much-wanted baby and Tim became close to Ambridge's vicar Janet Fisher. When Helen ran over Mike Tucker,[7] Tom took the blame and unaware that it had been Helen driving, Mike turned against him, opposing his relationship with Brenda. But Archers fans thought he sounded just like self-made businessman Vince Casey, played by Tony Turner. He mainly makes his living by raising turkeys for Christmas, laying patios and selling novelty garden gnomes. Following the death of Bob Pullen in 2012 Joe became Ambridge's oldest living resident. After 18 months David was being targeted by the Horrobins and Elizabeth realised the feud had gone on for too long and family relations returned to normal. She was the catering manager at the local golf club and organised occasional film nights at the village hall. Subsequently, she was arrested and charged with attempted murder. Initially her urban background led to her being unprepared for rural life. She became involved with Toby Fairbrother a son of Robin Fairbrother (who briefly romanced Elizabeth many years ago). Occasionally Jazzer manages to surprise everyone with a sensitive side, such as when he wowed the audience of Ambridge's Got Talent with his heartfelt rendition of a Scottish folk song ("Roses of Prince Charlie"). It was her pregnancy (by Helen's boyfriend Leon, though this was never revealed to Helen) and subsequent termination, that precipitated Helen's decision, at thirty, to have a baby by donor insemination. She also had problems with her daughter Helen's new boyfriend Rob in 2014, especially given the affair and the break- down of a marriage within which they were brought together. He mainly makes his living by raising turkeys for Christmas, laying and! 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who plays vince casey in the archers