richard speck video

Thank you! In 1972, the U.S. Supreme Court abolished capital punishment, and Specks death sentence was commuted to 50 to 100 years in prison. There were nine women staying at the townhouse and one by one, Speck tortured and killed the student nurses. US Brownsburg, Indiana. The attending physician, Dr. Leroy Smith, was treating his patient and thought to himself that he looked familiar. WHILE NON NONCHALANTLY SAYING OF THE NURSING STUDENTS \"IT WASN'T THERE NIGHT\" THIS VIDEO ALONE SENT SWEEPING REFORMS THROUGH THE IDOC. Transgender Policy That Led to Male Sex Offenders in Womens Jails Set to be Women are Being Driven Out of Jobs After Questioning Gender Identity Ideology, Students Do Not Have the Right to NOT Be Seen Naked By Opposite Sex, Judge Rules, Male, Extremely Violent Sexual Offender Claims to be a Woman, Seeks Lighter Sentence, Transparadoxes: Self-Contradictions of the Gender Identity Movement, Revealed The Tactics Used to Advance Gender Self-Identification on the Quiet, Countering Misconceptions Around Sex, Gender, and Sexuality, Not My Cup of T: Interview with Vaishnavi Sundar, Filmmaker Exploring Rise in Girls Treated for Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria. People seem torn on wether they should be outraged at him being able to party in jail, or psyched about him having to prostitute himself to stay alive. To punish Shirley Speck for these perceived slights, Richard Speck would routinely kiss and fondle women in a car in front of the house. There is an old saying look at the 5 people closest to you and that is who you are. One victim was also raped prior to her murder. Just watched the video and they said the Supreme Court overturned the death penalty verdict. Between the 3 of them Speck drew the short straw. The second was Mary Ann Jordan, 20, who Speck also stabbed to death upon her entry to the dorm. Amurao said that none of her friends screamed as they were being led from the room, but she later heard their muffled cries. The warden at Stateville in 1988 was Michael OLeary, who now is an assistant deputy director. In Roger Carons book, Go-Boy (1979), he describes the shock he felt entering prison as a young man in the fifties and seeing inmates with breasts. .css-m6thd4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:block;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;font-family:Gilroy,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;color:#323232;text-transform:capitalize;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-m6thd4:hover{color:link-hover;}}Idaho Murders: What Led Police to Bryan Kohberger, Adnan Syed: A Complete Timeline of His Trial, Appeal and Killing of Hae Min Lee. I feel I will pass on the book, as I have no personal interest in prison life or in men with breasts, LOL, but each to her or his own. She stayed hidden under the bed until 6 a.m. for safe measure, hours after Speck had finished his rampage. US . Corrections Director Odie Washington has ordered that all video equipment be removed from the prisons education area. Police remove one of eight bodies of the student nurses slain by Richard Speck. I dont think he actually liked doing it at all. Show more Show more Almost yours: 2 weeks, on us. Richard Speck Biography Petty crime is legal terminology, meaning crimes that are charged as misdemeanors rather than felonies. He knew that the authorities were after him as his sketch, as well as a description of his tattoo, was all over the news, thanks to details Amurao provided, as reported by History. Enraged, Speck embarked on a drinking spree in the neighborhood. He was also heard saying, "If they knew how much fun I was having in here, they would turn me loose," as reported by AP News. His mother was a deeply devout Christian Presbyterian, once scolding her more relaxed husband for having a beer at a party. For many at the time, it was seen as the end of an era of innocence, when it was never assumed that someone would kill helpless victims without clear motivation. His crimes show a pathological hatred of women. Sure enough, the tattoos matched the descriptions, according to theChicago Tribune. Speck was not aware that he was careless and left a witness, and Corazon Amurao testified against Speck in court (via Insider). Richard Specks wife, Shirley Malone, reportedly lived in fear of him. Youre in for a treat, Did you look it up? She-hes in prison is nothing new, and werent in the late eighties when Speck was transitioning either. Corazon Amurao was the sole survivor, having escaped Specks notice by hiding under a bed. Specks mother stood by her son, loyally paying his bail and visiting him in jail each time he got in trouble. He went back to his office and looked through the newspaper, and that's when it dawned on him that his patient looked just like the wanted man. At 6 PM, Speck finally approached the woman on the street, and forced her up to his inn room at knife-point. Fortunately, one of Specks intended victims, Corazon Amurao, managed to escape his clutches of madness by hiding under a bed. During questioning, Speck faked feeling sick but promised to return later on for further interrogation. We gravitate to people like us. The victims' families have finally released the footage that documents their last days. Richard speck video noorvideo 81 subscribers Subscribe 253 Save 164K views 10 years ago Show more Show more Notice Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines) Suggested by UMG Rihanna. Richard Benjamin Speck was born in the small city of Monmouth, Illinois to two religious, teetotaling parents in 1941. He had already left town and headed to Chicago, where one of his sisters resided and the murders of the eight student nurses took place. The first known man to chemically transition gender while in a United States prison, Richard Speck was a serial rapist, mass murderer, intimate partner abuser and suspected serial killer. He was ultimately released after six months due to an error. A public school teacher referred to all students by their last names to circumvent a school policy requiring staff to use UK Leeds, England. The trial lasted just 12 days and, on April 15, 1967, the jury found Speck guilty of all eight murders, after less than an hour's deliberation. Speck then rounded the nurses up and ordered them to empty their purses, before tying them all up. As you all know, in 1988 Richard Speck and Ronzelle Larimore made a video in prison that is half talkshow, half pornography. He saved Gloria Davy for last, raping and sodomizing her before strangling her. He decided to eradicate all witnesses. During this period he had the words "Born to Raise Hell" tattooed on his arm, a sentiment that wife Shirley had experienced firsthand: She filed for divorce in January 1966. Thanks for the information. He is in that room because he is just like the other two guys in the room. Mary Ann Jordan and Suzanne Farris entered the apartment at that moment, unaware of what was happening inside. Yes, American Horror Story actually classed something up. 200K views 3 years ago Richard Benjamin Speck [1] [2] (December 6, 1941 - December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses. If so, sorry about the nightmares, I dont know about everyone and now I cant unsee this. Armed now, Speck set out into the streets of the South Side of Chicago. Speck, who later claimed he was high on both alcohol and drugs, may have originally planned to commit a routine burglary. All That's Interesting is a Brooklyn-based digital publisher that seeks out stories that illuminate the past, present, and future. Media coverage splashed Speck's image all over the front pages and, in a desperate bid to escape, Speck tried to commit suicide on July 19, 1966, by slashing his wrists in the seedy hotel he was staying in. Speck attempted suicide by slitting his wrists and left elbow using a broken bottle, but he was found and taken to a hospital. All rights reserved. On the night of July 13, 1966, 25-year-old career criminal Richard Speck broke into the townhouse for student nurses of the South Chicago Community Hospital, with an intention of committing a routine burglary. Hey there, Lopsided_Bet_2578, since you asked about media, please check our wiki where we keep lists of books, podcasts, and videos that may be of interest. Five years after his death, a videotape of inmates at the maximum-security prison where Speck was incarcerated was sent to the media. As Speck had planned, the breasts he developed were enticing to other inmates at Statesville Correctional Institute in Joliet, Illinois. Richard Speck, left, with a fellow inmate in Statesville Correctional Institute. He was given the nickname Birdman because he kept a pair of sparrows that had flown into his cell. The video's release caused a major scandal within the Illinois Department of Corrections, and was widely cited as justification for the reintroduction of death penalty. By that time, Richard Speck had picked up his stepfathers drinking habit and was getting drunk almost every day. With Steve Bencich, Tony Besson, Hayley Derryberry, Chance Harlem Jr.. Although Speck appears to be enjoying himself in prison videos, it is most likely that he was pretending. Speck had to be placed in solitary confinement for his own safety. He stayed at a cheap hotel in hiding. Richard was doing a side job as a carpenter for Pierce's workplace, and police questioned him briefly (via ATI). Of course, just two years later, Charles Manson would end the 60s decade of love for good. Bettmann Archive/Getty ImagesRichard Speck sits in court before being returned to Chicago. This work originally appeared in the First Known Man to Trans Gender in Prison Was a Serial Rapist, Family Blames Transition Hormones, Schizophrenia, Drug Abuse for Transgender Persons Vicious Attack on Spouse, Dad, Transgender, Grooms, Rapes 3-Year-Old Daughter; Receives 18 Months in Womens Jail, Male Murderer and Necrophiliac Transferred to Womens Prison, Male, Trans Murderer of Two Seeks Transfer to Womens Penitentiary, The Difference Between Male and Female Criminality: Australasian Over-Incarceration of Women, Sexual Offending Per Capita: Female, Male and Transgender (Both Sexes). He had "Born to Raise Hell" tattooed on his forearm and periodically worked on cargo . A government agency is set to review its practice of granting requests by male inmates to be transferred to women's prison UK England. In 2010, paranormal investigators tried to film Richard Speck's ghost at the site of his heinous killing spree. However, after he had sufficiently amused himself with the banter, Speck bound the seven women, who ranged in age from 19 to 24. He managed to deflect police questioning and escape once again, but police discovered some of Harris' personal effects in his vacant hotel room that conclusively tied him to her attack. The leaking of the tape? The family no longer struggled financially due to Lindbergs lucrative career in insurance. IT SHOWED UP ANIMOUSLY IN THE MAIL OF A CHICAGO NEWS STATION AFTER HE PASSED. The prison is their punishment. He was denied parole seven times. Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck: Directed by Michael Feifer. The tape of Mr. Speck, who died in prison in 1991, was made available to the State House Judicary-Criminal Law Committee and other lawmakers by the journalist Bill Kurtis, who has made a. If the guards are turning their backs on aberrant behavior because "they're bad people anyways" or they're just really fucking lazy, that prison needs new guards. Richard Benjamin Speck[1][2] (December 6, 1941 December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on the night of July 13 into the early morning hours of July 14, 1966.He was convicted at trial and sentenced to death, but the sentence was later overturned due to issues with jury selection at his trial. Students and staff of one of the leading and largest higher education institutions in the UK are accusing the university of UK Scotland. There were questions regarding Speck's appearance and whether he was illegally provided with female hormones. Copyright 2016-2022 True Crime Magazine, A GRAPHIC Look Back at Richard Ramirezs Reign of Terror, 10 Little-Known True Crime Facts To Blow Your Mind, A GRAPHIC Look Back At the Hillside Strangler Murders, Revisiting Ted Bundys Issaquah Dump Site, A GRAPHIC Look Back at Zodiac Killers Reign of Terror, A GRAPHIC Look Back At Richard Chases Reign of Terror, A GRAPHIC Look Back At Ted Bundys Execution, NSFW: The Blood-Soaked Trail of the Times Square Killer. Its just fucked up. Speck found work on a ship, and it began to seem like bodies turned up wherever Speck had been. Instead, Speck then led them one by one out of the room and then stabbed or strangled each of the women to death. Since the newspaper also had descriptions of the criminal's tattoo, Dr. Smith returned to his patient and cleaned off the blood caked on his arms. He spent a few days there before traveling to Monmouth, Illinois, where he stayed with some family friends from his early childhood. Speck served this sentence at Stateville Correctional Center in Illinois. Learn more Watch on YouTube Watch on In 1996, Chicago icon and renowned journalist Bill Kurtis interviewed Richard Speck and two other inmates inside the maximum-security, Stateville Correctional Center, which aired on Chicago's WBBM-TV. Throughout his time there, he regularly got caught with drugs and moonshine. Bettmann/Getty ImagesRichard Speck at his trial. Richard Speck's crimes only escalated after his divorce from Shirley. On July 13, 1966, Speck followed a middle-aged woman as she bar-hopped, unaware of the stalker. Women Are Human. Benjamin Speck died of a heart attack when his youngest son, Richard, was six-years-old. ``To use cocaine, to smoke marijuana, to have explicit sexual contact with who knows how many people, thats a disaster, said Republican Rep. Peter Roskam. selection.selectAllChildren(newdiv); In 1972, Speck was re-sentenced to from 400 to 1,200 years in prison (eight consecutive sentences of 50 to 150 years). The tape appeared to have been made over two days and one inmate is heard saying it is 1988, Kurtis said. He knocked first on the door of Filipina exchange student nurse Corazon Amurao, 23, and, at gunpoint, herded her and her fellow exchange students from the Philippines, Merlita Gargullo, 23, and Valentina Pasion, 23, into the next room where American students Patricia Matusek, 20, Pamela Wilkening, 20, and Nina Jo Schmale, 24, were sleeping. The Richard Speck murders inspired several movies and episodes of TV crime procedurals, but they were probably most famously portrayed in the first season of American Horror Story, though their version of Speck only kills two women in a comparatively less gruesome manner. Richard Speck full prison video Hi, first post here. At age 20, Speck met 16-year-old Shirley Malone at a state fair. Speck demanded sex from his wife four to five times a day,and would slap and choke her if she refused. The psychiatrist is convinced that Speck sought to punish himself by emulating a womans physique and spending the rest of his life being sexually used by men. And what do you think Bill's production company will do with it, let it rot and disintegrate. He justified his hatred by deciding that too many women were sexually easy, and deserved any foul treatment he might inflict. Corazon Amurao, one of the nursing students, answered, and Speck forced his way in. While Specks back was turned, Amurao rolled under a bed in the room. A film based on the notorious mass killer Richard Speck, who systematically tortured, raped and murdered a group of student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital in 1966. Thank you for finding this story and publishing it. She continued screaming until the police arrived. He was one of the murderers featured in Netflix's "Mindhunter.". IN THE VIDEO HE IS SEEN SNORTING DRUGS OF ANOTHER INMATES, WELL YOU KNOW. Bettmann/Getty ImagesFrom left, top are: student nurses Gloria Jean Davy, 22, Mary Ann Jordan, 20, Suzanne Farris, 21, and Valentina Pasion, 23, and bottom, Patricia Matusek, 20, Merlita Gargullo, 23, Pamela Wilkening, 20, and Nina Schmale, 24, all of whom were slain in July 1966 by Richard Speck. He also did poorly in school, and soon, he turned to drinking heavily, just like his stepfather. When turned loose, Speck refused to pay the hospital expenses his wife had incurred during her pregnancy and labor. But almost no details exist about the story of the tape. Speck had reason to fear he would not survive long enough to be executed by the state. In the video, Speck also casually admits to the killing of the nurses, describing the strangulations in some detail, and bragging about the strength required to kill someone in this manner. One of the first famous crime scene photos was taken on May 5, 1903, in the home of a Parisian woman named Madame Debeinche who had been murdered. Though Speck had fled, he was easily recognized after he went to a hospital a few days later and a doctor noticed his tattoo after reading about it in a newspaper., Oh yes. Well, of course he was. Changing his mind at the last minute, he summoned help, and was taken to Cook County hospital, where, again, his tattoo gave him away, and he was arrested and taken into custody. To evade further police questioning, Speck skipped town and found work on a ship. Men who rape and murder women were despised and targeted by other prisoners. There were nine women staying at the townhouse and one by one, Speck tortured and killed the student nurses. He is declining media interviews. Richard Speck was a murderer notorious for killing eight student nurses in 1966. But . This is the shocking true story of Richard Speck and how he became a cold-blooded killer. Please remind me to never commit mass murder so I won't end up in prison and have to develop tiddies so I can be somebody's "date" to avoid being killed OR find myself attracted to a man with boobies. I wasnt a Ill kill you for $20 type junkie but I was a petty thief and panhandler and those are the people I found myself around. Bettmann/Getty ImagesMugshot of Richard Speck, taken when he was 23. Currently the full video is NOWHERE to be found. The tape has proved to be a major embarrassment for Illinois corrections officials, who beginning Wednesday will be called before a state legislative panel to answer questions about how closely they watched one of the nations most notorious serial killers. Speck brought her to his room where he raped her and stole her mail-order .22 caliber Rhm pistol. According to the New York Times, at least one victim was raped. >Corbis/Bettmann Archive/Getty ImagesPolice remove one of eight bodies of the student nurses slain by Richard Speck. for more about his life. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. = 'absolute'; The police arrived to scenes of carnage, and took Amurao into custody, interviewing her and proceeding with the construction of an Identikit image. Richard Speck died on Dec. 5, 1991, the eve of his 50th birthday, from a heart attack. Bettmann/Getty ImagesCorazon Amurao, the lone survivor of the brutal Chicago massacre of eight student nurses. SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) _ In the videotape secretly recorded in a maximum-security prison, mass murderer Richard Speck strips off his jumpsuit to reveal womens blue underwear. THAT VIDEO TAPE ALONE, CREATED SO MUCH PUBLIC OUTCRY THAT THE ENTIRE IDOC WAS OVERHAULED. Speck delayed his execution by filing numerous appeals. He was in need of surgery to repair his severed artery, and was watched over by a dozen policemen who were determined to ensure that his days of making lucky escapes were over. When he left, hours later, taking the money he had stolen, she cowered in her hiding place, terrified, for hours, before finally summoning the courage to seek help. Speck then killed a 32-year-old barmaid who worked at a bar he was doing carpentry work for. *Authors Note: Some readers have expressed concern about the use of the word petty crime in relation to Specks criminal act of indecent exposure. Great read by the way. Amurao screamed for help when she was sure the intruder was gone. Speck broke in through the window of the townhouse at 11 p.m. on July 13, 1966, and made his way to the bedrooms. Oh God, Im the only one alive.. People seem torn on wether they should be outraged at him being able to party in jail, or psyched about him having to prostitute himself to stay alive. Perhaps losing track of the number of women present . He tattoed born to raise hell on his arm and certainly lived by that ethic. TOP PSYCHOLOGISTS SAY HE TURNED HIMSELF FEMALE AS A WAY TO PUNISH HIMSELF FOR WHAT HE HAD DONE. IS FOR NEWS PURPOSES ONLYRICHARD SPECK IS A VILE LOOKING HUMANBEING. His sentence was commuted to eight consecutive terms of 50 to 150 years each. Criminal files Serial Killers - Richard Speck Crime Watch Follow Richard Benjamin Speck (December 6, 1941 - December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 13, 1966. In 1972, Speck's death sentence was commuted to 50 to 100 years in prison, when the U.S. Supreme Court abolished capital punishment. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. The thing is though we tend to find ourselves around people like ourselves. Unlike other prison jobs, where an inmate reports to a fixed location like the kitchen or the laundry, he moved throughout the prison. Just a few glimpses of the video have been shown (in the A&E) documentary about Richard. Pitying the grieving child, his sisters and female teachers babied him. IT SHOWED UP ANIMOUSLY IN THE MAIL OF A CHICAGO NEWS STATION AFTER HE PASSED. Richard Benjamin Speck (December 6, 1941 - December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who killed eight student nurses in their South Deering, Chicago, residence via stabbing, strangling, slashing their throats, or a combination of the three on the night of July 13-14, 1966. He had been taking female hormones, grown breasts and gained weight," he told the Chicago Tribune. After three weeks of dating, the teen discovered she was pregnant, and the pair wed. Speck viewed his teen bride as a sexually loose woman, and was plagued by the unsubstantiated fear that she was cheating on him. Now, four years after his death, he's shocking people again as the grotesque star of a drug-and-sex videotape that suggests a prison system run amok. Richard and Shirley soon wed, and they had a baby girl named Bobby Lynn. You are state fair 20, who now is an old saying look at the and... Incarcerated was sent to the media requests by male inmates to be enjoying himself in prison is! Are accusing the university of UK Scotland he was 23 her to his room he... Soon, he turned to drinking heavily richard speck video just like the other guys! Became a cold-blooded killer been taking female hormones death penalty verdict prisons education area but promised to return later for! Specks back was turned, Amurao rolled under a bed in the MAIL of a NEWS... The 60s decade of love for good Amurao was the sole survivor, having escaped Specks by. The women to death decade of love for good the street, and they had a baby named! 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