In 2017, Ms. Davis Gates was elected Chair of United Working Families, an independent political organization by and for working-class people and our movements. The Chicago Teachers Union voted to go on strike on Oct. 17. And she did go on the trip. Salary Breakdown (2019) They are demanding affordable housing for students, Washington Post, October 16, 2019. [29] [30] In 2015, donations to the CTU PAC amounted to over $1.5 million, and the CTU PAC spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of Cook County Commissioner Jesus Garcia (D), who ran against incumbent Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D). [39] The World Socialist Web Site has called Sharkey a leading member of the International Socialist Organization. [40] Sharkey lives in a $1.5 million home, and sends his own children to magnet and selective enrollment schools. At the national level, Christel has worked on the PSRP Professional Problems Committee for the American Federation of Teachers and was a member of its Summer Organizing Institute in Houston, Texas. She also serves as a board member for the Action Center on Race & the Economy (ACRE), a nexus for organizations working at the intersection of the struggle for racial justice and Wall Street accountability. There are those who assertin letters to the editor, in editorials, in op-eds, on Twitter, from podiumsthat the CTUs fights actively harm children and families in Chicago. Konkol, Mark, CTU Boss Talks Like Working Man, Lives Like Wealthiest 1 Percent, Patch Chicago, August 27, 2019. Min. [3]. Whenever I see our sister, you know who I see? Stamps called out. Some notable people were looking on. Assets: $16,818,501, The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is the teachers union for 25,000 teachers, paraprofessionals, and other public school employees in the Chicago, Illinois public school system, the third-largest school system in the United States. Youd see these kids going to school-closing hearings, singing, performing, saying, Please dont close our school. You are confronted with unparalleled grief., Stacys brilliant, Sharkey says. Copyright 2023 InfluenceWatch. Shouts of Talk, Stacy! filled the room. These are very difficult human conditions that were trying to make sense of, she says. CTU members lost $33 million in pay around $1,672.65 each with not much to show for it. Gatess allies, though, credit her with helping transform the landscape at the citys 636 public schools, which are on track to add a nurse and social worker to every building by 2024a hard-fought victory in the strike three years ago. Stacy can be contacted at [emailprotected]. CPS has had four CEOs in the past seven years, including twoBarbara Byrd-Bennett and Forrest Claypoolwho left in disgrace. What does it mean when two transistors are matched? So not only does she really have a lot of head for strategy and thinking about politics, but she also tracks a tremendous amount of things, in both a good and a bad way. Thats one reason negotiations have been fractious with the mayors team. In 2017, Davis Gates was elected chair of United Working Families, an independent political organization for working class people and movements. But Sharkey and Davis Gates also have come under fire from a group of educators calling themselves the Members First Caucus, who planned to challenge them in the May election. There are lots of ways in which they dont really want to be there, Sharkey says. It turned me upside down., In 2005, in Gatess second year teaching at Englewood High, CPS announced the school would close. Where does Stacy Davis Gates Live? She shut that down pretty quickly., Kimbrough remembers Gates and Potter, Englewood Highs debate coach at the time, playing in those basketball games. In addition, CTU PAC donated $1.2 million to candidates and political organizations. [27], In 2019, CTUF grantees included a mix of progressive activist organizations and community charity organizations like the Action Now Institute, Equip for Equality, Grassroots Collaborative, Rainbows for All Children, and the UIC Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy. Stacy Gates Davis L in 2016 was employed in Chicago Teachers Union and had annual salary of $112,422 according to public records. Claiming dibs on revenue sources that dont exist and saying the rich will pay for it? I feel privileged to be in this space that they struggled to dream of, against every imaginable odd., Grandmother Laura passed away when Gates was in college. My pawpaw used to watch it, and I watched it with him, she says. She has very fine antennae and a finely honed sense of justice about whats right and fair, Sharkey says. I didnt know what I was doing. However, due to the Loeb Rule, the Chicago Board of Education fired dozens of participating teachers. [43], ^. All Rights Reserved. Website by Governmental Strategic Solutions, LLC. There was a movement afoot to say our union has to be more than a place that bargains a contract for a finite amount of time, Gates says. A few minutes past 6 p.m., with the board meeting streaming on her iPhone, Gates walked through the refurbished warehouse in West Town that serves as the unions headquarters and into the Jacqueline B. Vaughn Hall, named for first African American woman to lead the CTU. And the classroom teacher is tasked with making sense of it. Accessed June 01, 2020. Accessed June 02, 2020. She played in student-staff basketball games. She was actually in sixth grade, Gates later clarifies. Tara Stamps, a CTU administrator and daughter of the late community activist Marion Nzinga Stamps, was onstage introducing the Jammin for PEACE speakers and performers. Animosity between the CTU and the mayor, who controls the citys schools, often dominates the discourse around public education in Chicago. [6], The Chicago Teachers Unions annual dues for 2019-2020 are $1,146.28 for each teacher. Stacy Davis Gates Stacy Davis Gates is vice president of the 28,000-member Chicago Teachers Union and a mother of three children in Chicago's public schools. Jesse Sharkey, the president of the Chicago Teachers Union, will step down at the end of his term this summer after two tumultuous decades of involvement in union leadership that saw the organization become a political powerhouse. Included in that spending was $300,000 to Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle (D) for her Mayoral campaign. It felt demoralizing. In 2020, the city was running an $838 million budget deficit, and Chicago's school system bonds have been rated below investment-grade in recent years. American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. They attend a public school on the South Side. The Executive Board of the Chicago Teachers Union is comprised of the elected officers, committee chairs, appointed members and union staff. (I was told you have to be a good writer to be an attorney.) She volunteered with an Urban League program that connected her to local middle school kids, and she felt pulled toward child advocacy. In response, the Chicago Public Schools said that teachers were only required to make basic accommodations rather than entirely new plans. Accessed June 02, 2020. Ms. Davis Gates lives on the south side of Chicago with her husband and three children. Dont be compelled to turn around and walk backwards in the time of need. Ms. Davis Gates lives on the South Side of Chicago with her husband and three children. Your messaging is atrocious. The Federation challenged this rule in court, with mixed results. It irks Gates that theres an expectation that she and the mayor should get along. And I think because of that, its easier for people to extract characters and focus on them. What am I missing? Ive adopted the same two questions. We know how to teach remotely. She has raised millions of dollars to elect classroom teachers to all levels of local government and to challenge school privatizers and union-busters, most prominently Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his rubber-stamp City Council in 2015.Ms. For nearly 20 years before becoming president of the teachers union, she was a high school chemistry teacher. Maria T. Moreno worked in CPS as a bilingual education teacher and as a speech-language pathologist prior to her election as CTU financial secretary in May 2016. The impact of historical, generational disinvestment on the South Side and West Side of the city is difficult for people who are experiencing it to challenge, because its every day and it covers all facets of their existence. Preckwinkle lost to Lori Lightfoot (D). But the union's vice president, Stacy Davis Gates, said teachers are dealing with "severe staffing shortages" and a lack of mitigation measures against Covid-19. We dont have infrastructure in our public schools to deal with the impact of the traumas our youths walk into our schools with, Gates says. Accessed June 02, 2020. That working parents are needlessly burdened by late-night union votes and canceled classes. CTU argued that this was an undue burden. When the CTU had the city nailed to the wall during last years 11-day-long strike, the unions No. And I need you to see love as the essential tool to continue to transform this city, this state, this nation, and this world. In the fall of 2019, she helped to lead a 15-day strike and to negotiate an historic contract that provides for smaller class sizes, ensures a nurse and social worker in every Chicago public school, secures sanctuary protections for immigrant families, and supports students and families experiencing homelessness. This is a logo for Chicago Teachers Union. All rights reserved. Ms. Chicago Teachers Union, On the CTU Sale of Fewkes Tower, April 30, 2015. On the elevator, I asked her if her speech was prepared. Occupation: Vice president of the Chicago Teachers Union. Accessed June 01, 2020. In fall 2019, she helped lead a 15-day strike and negotiate a historic contract that provides for smaller class sizes, ensures a nurse and social worker in every Chicago public school, secures sanctuary protections for immigrant families, and supports students and families experiencing homelessness. I need you to be even more in love with equity and justice. In Gatess office at CTU headquarters, a Notorious SDG print with her likeness hangs above her deska riff on those Notorious RBG prints that were ubiquitous for a while. Karen was a curious leader, Gates says. I was made to, she says, by my parents. They werent about to let her miss the Liberty Bellor disobey the principal. They are a measure that Duncan, who went on to become U.S. education secretary, exercised frequently during his eight-year stint as CEO and that Rahm Emanuel put to use as mayor. She and her students attended the community meetings that were part of the school-closing process. [33], CTU and CTU PAC paid $316,000 to United Working Families, a labor-union-aligned political organization funded by CTU and SEIU Healthcare Illinois/Indiana, to conduct organizing and advocacy in line with the policies and candidates supported by the Chicago Teachers Union. In 2017, Ms. Davis Gates was elected Chair of United Working Families, an independent political organization by and for working class people and our movements. The Chicago Teachers Federation was forced to leave the American Federation of Teachers. Advertisement Key Data [1] Grossman, Ron, As Chicago teachers vote to authorize a strike, a look back at the citys labor history, Chicago Tribune, September 27, 2019. The CTU represents its members through collective bargaining for compensation, benefits, employee work conditions, and school governance. Stacy Davis Gates. Christel Williams is a 25-year veteran of Chicago Public Schools, serving as a PSRP delegate, district supervisor, functional vice president and American Federation of Teachers-Illinois Federation of Teachers (AFT-IFT) convention delegate in that time. (That didnt rattle Lewis, who years later told a crowd gathered at the Hideout for an event, I know bad words, too. May 24, 2022 | Blair Paddock. My credibility came slowly, and it had nothing to do with my instruction or my understanding of content, she says. Garcia lost. And in this moment I really and truly feel accountable for their sacrifice. Our courage, our organizing, our value are necessary in this moment.. WTTW, Chicago Teachers Union Bargaining Summary as of 10/29/2019. What We Know and What We Need to Learn, Michigan State University. Their daughters, Laura and Hazel, are named after Gatess grandmothers, both of whom picked cotton to earn money. [37] In 2012, contract negotiations stalled over Mayor Emanuels proposal to use student test scores in teacher evaluations, as well as his effort to give principals more hiring authority. [19] Ultimately, when the 11-day strike ended, the city of Chicago declined to incorporate housing policy into the contract with CTU. DJN. While a victory for the teachers union, the concessions came at a significant cost estimated at about $500 million to Chicagos already-shaky financial condition. Stacy Davis Gates, vice president of the Chicago Teachers Union, speaks in Chicago, Dec. 9, 2018. [38], The Chicago Teachers Union is led by CTU President Jesse Sharkey, who was appointed to the position in 2018. It is also terrible there is an assumption that women get along even if they disagree. (In response to a request for an interview, Lightfoot sent an email that said, in part: I am willing to work with all stakeholders who come to the table in good faith and who always put our kids and their families first.), Folks are concentrating on red lipstick, Gates continues, referencing her signature look, or the back-and-forth. It was more than, I care about what Im teaching you. It was, I care about you personally., Then, in Gatess second year at Englewood High, CPS announced the school would close after that years freshman class graduated. This salary is 12 percent lower than average and 18 percent lower than median salary in Chicago Teachers Union. She attended Saint Marys College, the University of Notre Dame, and Concordia University. In January, shortly after teachers and students returned to their classrooms, students staged a massive walkout to protest a lack of safety mitigations during a record-setting surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. The Chicago Teachers Unions heir apparent sees herself as a righteous champion of not just educators but of students. Sometimes I feel like Im living my life as a spectator, says Gates, the unions vice president and heir apparent. 1)Frederick Douglass, Prophet of Freedom by David W. Blight, 2)When they call you a terrorist, a black lives matter memoir by Patrisse Khan-Cullors & Asha Bandele, foreword by Angela Y. Davis, 3)How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates. (Lewis died in 2021.) When asked about her political aspirations earlier this month on "Chicago Tonight," Davis Gates didn't rule it out flat, and on Tuesday said that she remains focused on her two current jobs: Being a mom to three CPS students, and serving union members in her role with CTU. You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
, Enter your email address to receive new and updated COAL website news articles. In 1915, the newly elected Mayor of Chicago, William Thompson, appointed a school board that was largely hostile to the interests of the Chicago Teacher Federation. Chicago Teachers Union Vice President Stacy Davis Gates was elected president of the organization Friday, after a race against two other candidates vying to take the place of outgoing president Jesse Sharkey. , including twoBarbara Byrd-Bennett and Forrest Claypoolwho left in disgrace of that, its easier for people to extract and... Members lost $ 33 million in pay around $ 1,672.65 each with not much to show for it our. Families, an independent political Organization for Working class people and movements appointed to Loeb. Chicago with her husband and three children about whats right and fair, Sharkey says dues for 2019-2020 are 1,146.28. With mixed results lives on the South Side to, she says speaks in Chicago, Washington,. 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