highland games lifting program

This involves eight men pulling against another team of eight, coached by an additional member of the team whoshouts encouragement and instructions to spur them on topull their opposite number across the line. I always recommend that to people. That doesnt translate well me throwing something that weighs 16 pounds. You want to turn your shoulders away from it, and push the hips first, and then really throw a hay maker. Ive really enjoyed the online coaching and stuff, the little bit that Ive done of it. Even though he looks like Goliath, hes a wonderful guy. My wife and I have five young boys, ages 7, 6, 3, 3, 15 months. Really been looking forward to this one. "It's more of a test of athleticism than most sports." Vincent travels the world for 20 weeks a year to participate in the Games, doing event training followed by weightlifting three to fours days per week during the season. Having someone structure my lifting program that knows the demands of highland games and how to support throwing with the lifting really takes away the guesswork and allows you to focus on getting better instead of what to do next. In the past six years, I have coached Highland Games athletes from a dizzying array of backgrounds. He could help with his hip flexion issues. Or is it a combination of all three? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Great interview Dan. Heres how I break it down each day of the week: Monday Bench press, close grip, triceps Dan is an amazing athlete. How can you best recovery from your Hypertrophy training? Id like to expound on this. This contest was followed by The Laurel Hill games in Ararat, VA. These include the shot put, tug-o-war, caber toss and hammer throw - collectively known as heavy events. Should the biceps get more respect? For those of you who have never competed in the highland games, this should serve as a sufficient program to prepare you. Check out the Training Tuesdays Google Sheet that includes upcoming topics, links to discussions dating back to mid-2013 (many of which aren't . If it is straight the toss is said to be in the 12 o'clock position. Im excited to see how my numbers and strength improves now that I can squat more appropriately within my anatomy. Brett McKay: Right, exactly, thats something Ive learned. Tell us more about your training. Weve been going at each other for a few years now, and it doesnt look to be slowing up anytime soon! You may have seen theHighland Games online or on television: guys in kilts throwing giant logs, tossing hammers over their heads, etc. Matt Vincent: Of course. I hurt my back years ago moving weight from the floor, so I decided I couldnt risk it any longer if I wanted to continue in my sport. Thats his goals and his things. That gives a lot of direction, too. Muscles dont react that way, they grow. Its Vanity plays itself into my head plenty, and I dont want to be totally gross, but at the same time, I know that I compete my best when Im between 270 and 280 pounds. BC: Glad Im not alone in my affinity for curls. Brett McKay: It seems like your approach is also like sub-maximal loading. Is it for anyone, like even someone who doesnt compete. If you want a peek into the life of a professional Highland Games competitor, check out Matts siteand follow him on Instagramtoo. Im going to get up and do what I can to make myself better. The Iron Thistle Games were awesome. Do you have any idea about the history of the Highland Games? All Scottish Heavy Athletics games must have a minimum of five events. It's a fascinating strength competition, and one I've long wanted to learn more about. Its tempting to look toward the biggest lifts and see what got them there, but as we all know by now being the strongest doesnt guarantee success in throwing. My programming is broken up into three phases: Volume, Hypertrophy and Strength/Power. Then, the caber The caber has a lot of I think it was used for this, but it was crossing a stream, you would you know, flip it, so it would lay at one end and fall on the other side, directly across the stream, and you could get across. It was my answer to my version of 531, basically. Personally, it makes it fun when I beat them, knowing the things they are doing. Sorinex sells a glute ham roller, a new piece, that I love doing leg curls and glute ham bridges with. MILO articles on Highland Games heavy events technique for weight for height, caber toss, weight for distance, putting the stone, hammer throw, seasonal weight training and more, from Jim McGoldrick and others. Your email address will not be published. Theyre not always the most fun, but its for the greater good. Whats the saying if looks could kill? I kid. We will feature discussions over training methodologies, program templates, and general weightlifting topics. Matt Vincent: Boredom, and you know, drunk guys, Im sure were talking a lot of noise to each other, decided to put it to the test. All these muscles help stabilize the body and improve your ability to throw. Im not interested in him doing poorly so that I succeed. We did a lot of Olympic lifts, but dead lifting really wasnt I dont think I honestly dead lifted until after college. In the Highland Games, we are throwing such heavy implements, that you truly have to have a base of strength that rivals other strength athletes (strongman, powerlifting, weightlifting). Balancing a 90lbs. And thats spelled hviii. Its a fascinating strength competition, and one Ive long wanted to learn more about. Look, its relatively bad, right. BC: Yep, all of us lifters have to learn this lesson as we age. My plan is to put 3 implements (14 pound stone, 16 pound hammer, and 42 weight for distance)in the Hyudai and throw at lunch. How far he throws is completely, has nothing to do with how far I throw. That eliminates a lot of the ego. When its no longer fun. You look at someone who, say, has a 700 pound squat. I think, when Im done doing this that strength will become less of a focus for me. Right. knowing they do hip thrusts well that takes it to another levelthanks. Matt Vincent: The Highland Games is really all about application of force and power. Doing that is going to allow you to be a little bit smarter in training and think which one actually makes more progress. Thats a really bad idea. The aim is for the caber to land in line with the original run. These are a little different and dont look like anything else, so theyre basically a steel block on the end of a chain with a ring. 28# Weight for Distance: 949.25 (North American Record) Podcast #172: Scottish Highland Games & Training for Performance You may have seen the Highland Games online or on television: guys in kilts throwing giant logs, tossing hammers over their heads, etc. I have at least two locations near my house that I can throw at, and thankfully the cops know me at this point. (LogOut/ You know, accumulating some implements, and starting to think about training for it. Its the guys who are wearing the kilts, theyre throwing the giant telephone pole looking thing, theyre throwing hammers over their head, theyre throwing big, burlap sacks over their head with a pitchfork. Youve written a lot of books. Competitors throw a large stone of around 20 - 26lbs in weight as far as they can. As I prep for this off-season, Im excited to move my depth from letting my buttwink hinder and hurt my squat development. They have an amateur class and they have a novice class. Top end athletes, to the lowly Johnny . Veja salrios e avaliaes de empresas, alm de 177 vagas abertas de Global management training program em So Paulo. You probably didnt know they were called the Highland Games but youve seen the events in the Highland Games. Training LAB: Strength Training for the Highland Games: Max Strength and Power Development for Athletes Paperback - February 24, 2012 by Matt Vincent (Author) 4.6 out of 5 stars 47 ratings I think youd be crazy not to have it in your program. 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Im guessing, but most likely its 3 4-week meso-cycles with a dropback/contrast week in week 5 10. Much less, its a much worse idea to be a 280 50-year-old, they tend to die. I just figure the curls help me with upper back work, right!? Great interview, Bret. You have two stones that you throw exactly like the shot put. More to come! Thats the gist of it. What I aim to provide is a program that optimizes your time spent in the weight room and enhances your Heavy/Light throwing practices and, by extension your games results. Tuesday Hang clean, back squat, posterior chain I have a question about the mental aspect of your sport and your training. Mikes core philosophy is that in order to become a better athlete, you must gain strength, but you must also learn how to apply it with speed and precision. I do travel quite a bit, and I like enjoying myself. (LogOut/ (Brets note: I randomly found a video of Dan performing hex bar jump squats so I embedded it below). What I usually want to do is the stuff I'm really good at in training. Unfortunately, a popular item is TRT, which is on virtually every commercial break or radio sponsor that you hear. I also dont focus on the split like I should: I just try to eat more protein! Its amazing to me that the logic of, If I want my biceps bigger, right, I can do, say, curls, and do a bunch of sets of curls. We do the caber, of course, is the on everyone knows. Im not 19 years old and 20, and Im not in college to where Im just, you know, eating and sleeping, and going to track practice. "The Iron never lies to you. Matt Vincent: For me, and what I believe sub-maximal training is, right, is youre going to use less weight and do more reps. Not quite like a body building style. Im working with a few of the bigger competitions in this sport to help eradicate that. DM: Great question! -Henry Rollins, By Scottishfury in forum Workout Journals, My Highland Games In-Season Training Program, Powerlifting Workouts - Training Journals, Post Your Pictures and Introduce Yourself, 5-3-1 For Highland Games Lightweight thrower. And, as you already know Bret, the fastest way to put on size and weight is through upper back work, glutes and hammies. Look man, if I was really happy, I would just lay on the couch and play video games, just be content, and that would be great. Or up to 20 KB throws overhead if you have one. This is tricky and if youre not prepared, you will end up on your face. Equipment Required: A sandbag, A BOSU ball, A punchbag. Tiger Woods looking to make a successful transition to Highland Games competition. Matt Vincent: Yeah, man, stoked to be here. Brett McKay: Got you. We also throw a 56 pound weight up over a bar, for height, with one hand. Matt Vincent: Yes, which is very 531. . Whats your advice for someone who wants to start throwing cabers and hammers around? Highland Games are as iconically Scottish as bagpipes, kilts and whisky all of which feature heavily at any gathering. As far as how long do I see myself doing this, I mean, Ive seen guys be competitive on the world scale at almost 40. Brett McKay: Right. Im assuming that you have somewhere to train locally where you can perform the various competitive lifts. Braemar Stone: 439 So this is why we work the overhead squats and unilateral movements. Im a performance athlete, so since the amount of weight on the bar doesnt do me a lot of good in a contest, because were not lifting bars. Im guessing the throwing ones. Matt Vincent: I dont know. 03-19-09 05:30 PM - Post# 537024. Matt Vincent: Yeah, for me, I really like, throwing the stones. It is sad, but any strength sport will have guys who feel they need to cheat and destroy their bodies to throw far. Were not really head to head. He is now a Highland Games Athlete, and won the 2016 U.S. Highland Games Lightweight National Championship, and in 2019 he won a Masters World Championship. It doesnt pick you up and throw you on the ground. But, its the combination of strength, athleticism and explosive ability that makes you a formidable and successful thrower. I set to work, as I did with throwing, to find what the common threads were among the most successful athletes. I keep my diet to keep me in that range. How does someone If they want to get started with Highland Games, how do they do it? Brett McKay: Lets talk about your athletic background, first. However, people believe that if they want their stomachs to shrink, they should do the exact same thing with their abs. Matt Vincent: Youve got to. What aspect does quickness or athleticism come into the .. Like throwing a sheaf over your head. Dan and I instantly hit it off. $30/month($15/month if also signed up for Throws Programming). dumbbell or kettlebell and a plyo-box. We are not weight lifters who throw, we are throwers and must train accordingly. Ill throw well, and throw a PR and then lose by 15 feet. This program is essentially a "desert island" plan that you can do just about anywhere in 15-20 minutes, 3 times a week with minimal equipment. BC: How does one start learning more about The Highland Games if one is interested in training and competing? How do you deal with that aspect? It takes a long time for you to finally learn that, its like, OK, just diet.. Its exactly the same rules as throwing the Olympic shot put. Thats why Ive always said that a good thrower is both strong and athletic. Also be sure to check out my True Victory page! Ive loved every minute that Ive spent doing Highland games. BC: Yep, preaching to the choir! The Hviii is kind of a personal mantra, right. And in some of the throws you will be whipping 50lbs. I met Dan at the CSCCA Conference in Salt Lake City this year, where we were both working the Sorinex booth (I was promoting my Hip Thruster to the various strength coaches). For the longest time, because, you have a brand, right, thats called the Hate. BC: You were already a fan of the hip thrust when I met you, but I showed you the American deadlift and the rounded back extension, which work the glutes thoroughly as well. If that thing you care about is training, get in and do the work. Ive always wanted to get involved with it somehow, get in touch with my Scottish ancestry. If that person is going to squat and kind of grind it out and take two seconds on a way up, like a big, hydraulic, slow, strong lift. We only recommend products we genuinely like, and purchases made through our links support our mission and the free content we publish here on AoM. As Dan John said, "throwers throw". The throws I do are very reliant on a strong posterior, and that was very evident in my testing! Pleasetell us a bit about yourself, and be sure to include your height, weight, and age. Liberty or Death: SCBC goes all in at the LibertyOpen. Im 32, 65 and my body weight fluctates a bit depending if Im in season or off-season (290-295 in-season, 300-305 off-season). Im curious what does your strength training program when youre also competing in Highland Games? The hammer throwing event features a hammer made from a metal ball weighing around 22 lb for men or 16 lb for women, attached to a wooden pole or handle. Yes, I believe it is unfair. Add in 2 lifting sessions, one reppy, one snappy. In conjunction with Renaissance Periodization, Dr. Spencer Nadolsky joins this week's JuggLife, To celebrate the JTS youtube channel reaching 250k subscribers, we're giving away a brand new eBook full of all our best content. The Quick and Dirty of Heavy/Light Lifting: Choose your program options from the pull down menu above. After that I think the hang clean is the second best for me. Thats never been the goal, but as long as I can still be valuable and help people out. Theres a Highland Game usually every weekend. Ill find something else Im into, whether I get into some cross fit or I get more into cycling like I have been. The centrifugal force here is substantial. You are an athletic guy, Bret, which translates well, I believe, into those movements which are more athletic than a static box squat or deadlift. Somebody who I was strength training with at the time said, you know they have a Highland Game coming up about an hour from here. I was like, Oh, no kidding, we should look into going to do that. Dan McKim Facebook Fan Page Highland Outlaw Workout This is a predominantly sandbag based highlander workout with the incorporation of stability exercises and speed drills. Nothing is over 56lbs. For me, they fit in nicely with my upper back work, which is important for events such as the caber and hammer. Master's Highland Games Training Manual Paperback - February 26, 2019 by Kerry Overfelt (Author), Zachary Riley (Author) 31 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $25.00 Read with Our Free App Paperback $25.00 1 New from $25.00 Master's Highland Games divisions have grown exponentially in the last few years. I have a twin and we put my poor mother through hell, but you have 5 boys in total, I couldnt even imagine how much of a handful that is. Whats the benefit of doing it? Once I get below that I really start feeling weak. Please elaborate. Just kidding buddy, trust me, I wouldnt ever mess with you after seeing your hang power snatch prowess. Whatever I can do to stay in that. Today on the podcast, we discuss the Highland Games, whats involved with it, how you can get started if you want to try throwing a caber while wearing a kilt, the type of training you need to do, strength training to get ready and prepared for Highland Games competition. How many events are there? Im curious This is something I want to do. I also like doing box jumps and things like that where Im going to do some mobility, Im going to do some sprints, Im going to do some bounding and make sure that Im still moving my body. TRT should be in place for older men with hormone function issues, not men in their 20s and 30s in strength sports. Its a little bit of self motivation through self loathing and its not listening to your own brain trying to get in your own way. 2 X rounds if a beginner. Brett McKay: Lets talk about the Highland Games, because I think people are familiar with caber tossing. Even the UFC, now, disallows TRT as an acceptable medical treatment. For some reason, my brain just isnt going to allow it. Stuff like that. Well, it's not and we will show you how with a little effort, creativity, and a playful attitude. all have in place. One can easily see the connections between points one and two. While I got a lot of volume in, I wound up inured as my body never fully recovered for either throwing or lifting, as I was still lifting five days a week. Just kidding buddy, trust me, they should do the work clean, back squat, posterior chain have...: Yeah, for me, they fit in nicely with my Scottish.... Looking to make myself better a little bit that Ive spent doing Highland Games but youve seen the events the! Professional Highland Games I dont think I honestly dead lifted until after college for next... Peek into the.. like throwing a sheaf over your head get more into like! For older men with hormone function issues, not men in their and! Kilts and whisky all of which feature heavily at any gathering, as I can to a... 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highland games lifting program