cern opening ceremony explained

While most would expect an up-beat, celebratory ceremony, guests were rather treated to a disturbing show orchestrated by German director Volker Hesse, where a man dressed as a goat presided a strange ritual. Remember the true name of GOD is not in any language. It cannot be spoken as a word because it is an action, the very act of breathing in/out. It shows nurses in vintage costumes standing among children in antique-style hospital beds that glow with light. Is Biden Trying To HIDE This Video From The Internet? So did Reuters. Cernunnos controls the shadows, and he is a dying/rising god after the order of Osiris and Horus who was so elaborately summoned by CERN occultists during the June 1, 2016 Gotthard Rail Tunnel Opening Ceremony. The Shiva statue depicts the Hindu god in his nataraja position, a cosmic dance that destroys the old universe in favor of a new creation. The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. The performers included patients from the childrens hospital and real medical personnel. Both Apollyon (Greek) and Abaddon (in the Hebrew) mean the destroyer, just as Shiva is the destroyer. Many people even believe the collider is responsible for the Mandela Effects that are often reported. Apollo, or Apollyon, is listed in the book of Revelation as belonging to the king of the hybrid-fallen angel creatures that rise up from the pitAbysswhen it is unsealed. Fear not. WATCH TOM HORN & JOSH PECK DESCRIBE WHATS HAPPENING AT CERN CONNECTED TO OCCULT RITUALS MEANT TO OPEN END-TIMES GATEWAYS! Light ALWAYS overcomes darkness! There was a storm over Geneva in June 2016, and nature . They rule here (for the time being). Nothing else is to be called a blasphemy. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. This all translates in the minds of the conspiracy theorists to the London ceremony in 2012 predicted the pandemic in 2020. And that through quantum computers they are already communicating with demonic entities and as crazy as it sounds, Satan. I dont believe in Shiva! Scientists working with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have discovered three subatomic particles never seen before as they work to unlock the building blocks of the universe, the European nuclear research centre CERN said on Tuesday. [viii]The Nataraja Dance of Shiva, Wikipedia, (accessed January 20, 2015). Traversable wormholes provide a valid solution to field equations of general relativity. Satanic Swisise Nazi Con "Cern" of Switzerland Bitchute 2022-04-03, 02:15. The Hebrew word translated as began to be is khalal, which implies sexual profanity or genetic pollutionand a process. 726 Views. To commemorate the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland, the country staged an extravagantly bizarre performance featuring jumpsuit-clad clog dancers, horse-drawn carriages and. The director of CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, said, "The Large Hadron Collider at CERN could open a door to an extra dimension, and out of this door might come something, or we might send something . The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland opened in 2008, with the first beam circulated on September 10 of that year. If you want to watch the whole thing and prove Im not taking it out of context Ive got the full video for you right here. CERNsGotthardTunnelCeremony featured Satanic Occult elements of the Freemasonic Horus Eye, a proudly roaring Baphomet/Goat Devil with worshiping subjects, a Scarlet Whore pregnant with the Antichrist, an androgenous Satan with slave workers,, nikola 3 (@ronin19217435) September 27, 2022, Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony. Nobody else than Jesus is the way to the Most High and only one is resurrected. May 9, 2022 Satanic CERN Opening Ceremony VIDEO from 2016. This site is just a smattering of links and articles of interest pertaining to the End Times and Christianity with maybe a blog from me on certain topics as well. In the meantime you can visit our permanent exhibition in the Globe. Through the opening ceremony of the world's deepest and longest tunnel, the occult elite tells the world that they control the world's resources and manpower. It was not always possible. Hell is their final destination. Radiation effects are a significant concern for space and avionics systems, as well as for critical applications operating at ground level such as automotive, high energy facilities, medical or even banking., Dr. Doom (@MajorX11878154) June 26, 2020. The presence of Glastonbury Tor in the Olympic stadium provides a definitively mystical and esoteric undertone to the opening ceremonies. Get the best news straight to your inbox! The door would be opened, and the energy levels would be measure to prove that CERN had accomplished its task, and the door would be closed. ThisGuyHere - Bringing you the information you need, to be an Informed Human Being.2017 CERN Tunnel opening ritual ceremony ~ Deleted Scenes.Disclaimer: All works by ThisGuyHere are criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching and research.-All footage taken falls under ''fair use'' of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998). The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland at CERN was literally a satanic ceremony attended by Europe's most powerful elite. Who is sitting around a board room planning out the 2012 Olympics and says, you know what I think we need? Furthermore, according to David Rohl, the original name for Ninurta was in fact Nimurda, whose historical identity can be traced back to King Enmerkar of Uruk, the very same figure who is known in the Bible as Nimrod.[xii]. Be the first to know about everything going on behind-the-scenes at Team Holderness with our weekly newsletter. It may be covered up by some scientific jargon words, but it is known CERN could lead to opening a door to another dimension. Eerie clouds over Geneva were caused by the particle collider at CERN opening a portal to a new dimension. The indoor ceremony to inaugurate the Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland presented another extravagant performance with the same adulation of the Devil and his minions. [CDATA[*/ var d = new Date(); var n = d.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('getYear').innerHTML = n; /*]]>*/ Christian Evidence. God be with us when this thing turns on starting July 3. Revelation 17:8 likewise ties the coming of Antichrist with Apollo, revealing that the Beast shall ascend from the bottomless pit and enter him: The Beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the Bottomless Pit, and go into perdition [Apolia, Apollo]: and they that dwell on the Earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the Beast that was, and is not, and yet is.[xiii]. Join our Locals page and see our free content or subscribe for $3 a month to help us stay in operations and see bonus content @! This massive tunnel stretches upwards of 57 km, cost over 11 billion euros to build and is used to house the world's largest and most expensive particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider. Other posts echoed the same sentiment, including a widely viewed story . This snip from The Vigilant Citizens article below says sums it up: What does this have to do with the building of a tunnel? These gods, these fallen angels from the pit, intend to set up a new world order on the ash heap of the oldon the backs of ignorant dwarves like you and me. The video adds still photos of former President Barack Obama with a finger over his lips in the shh, be quiet gesture, and similar photos of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and other famous people. 1/2, Wake Awake (@WakeAwake1) December 16, 2022. DispensationalismDid Scofield or Darby Invent It? Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, Ed Sheeran says wife developed tumour in pregnancy, Bieber cancels remaining Justice world tour dates, Daily walk prevents one in 10 early deaths - study, Survivors describe 'nightmarish seconds' as trains crashed, Kobe Bryant widow wins $29m settlement from LA, Man survives 31 days in jungle by eating worms. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *Email *Your Message *CommentSEND MESSAGE. [x]D. Lewis-Williams (2002), .A Cosmos in Stone: Interpreting Religion and Society through Rock Art (Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press) 39. CERN Science Gateway CERN's new visitor centre will open during second semester of 2023. A perfect example of an heresy is the Catholic cult of Mary. The Large Hadron Collider, CERN. check the desrciption box on youtube or in my notes for a link to the gotthard tunnel opening ceremony. That was really eye-opening; nothing I expected. From the 70s to the 80s knowledge doubled. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment.. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread.. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only.. CERN is attempting to reach into the heavens with the LHC, and it's believed that Saint-Genus-Poilly (CERN's town) was an area where a portal to the underworld was located. Dr Luther Castillo Harry, Secretary of Science, Technology, and Scientific Innovation, Republic of Honduras, on behalf of H.E Iris Go over there and add in the comments WeLoveTrump brought me here!. And this spiritual prison is meant for beings that have neither a soul neither a body. The term "CERN" comes from the god of the underworld CERNenos. So I depend on this website for bringing in revenue to keep the site going and also to live. Antichrist needs this in order to carry out his total control and bring in the other prophecies. The laboratory we know as CERN was born in 1952, not long after World War II and the emergence of the nuclear bomb. Cern is another word for the matrix. FREE!!! CERN Scientists are mocking Scripture that depicts the Right Hand of God Cern LHC experiment suggests the universe is left-handed. There's supposedly a black hole portal that is going to open as CERN goes to max energy for history record on July 5th 2022. The Gotthard ceremony featured a "goat-man" resembling, it will also be where lust and greed are more prevailant and there will be no control on what is done towards the believers in Christ jesus. Is this site really dedicated to physics, or is it something else? Saint-Genis-Pouilly is a township within the county of Ain in eastern France. For 2020 saga! Measuring over 57 km and costing over 11 billion Euros, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is worlds longest and most expensive tunneling project in History. CERN is a French acronym based on the name of the working committee that imagined the possibilities for a physics laboratory governed by another emerging body, the Common Market, which would eventually rise as the revived Roman Empire, the European Union. CERN has 666 in its logo. Cernunnos alternates control of the world with the moon goddess Danu (another form of Diana/Isis/Semiramis). They also have 666 in the logo. 2012 Olympic opening ceremony remember all the hospital beds. Off Universe of Particles Our permanent exhibition in the Globe is open and freely accessible from Monday to Saturday. [xii] Peter Goodgame, The Mighty One (Red Moon Rising), available online via (accessed January 20, 2015). DeSantis won't say he's running. CERN made the largest machine ever made. The people of Babel wanted to construct a tower that would reach into the heavens, and it was believed that Babylon was an area where a portal of some sort was located(Genesis 11:4). Shocker, It Pushes Global Government, Why I am not a Jehovahs Witness or Mormon, Dispensationalism Before Darby by William C. Watson (Tim Chaffey, Alf Cengia and Dr. David Reagan). Switzerland celebrated the opening of the world's longest train tunnel, a 17-year project that cuts through the Alps and cost 11 billion to construct - but all anyone's talking about is its ridiculous opening ceremony. Enter Werner Karl Heisenberg, a renowned German Nobel laureate physicist who is often called the founder of quantum mechanics. He served as head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute during World War II, heading up the Nazi push to create an atomic weapon. Essentially they want to destroy the whole universe to build it back up again. Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony Explained [cern] (Switzerland) - Satanic Illuminati Ritual by TRUTH WILL OUT 4. As Ive said many times in my previous books, the lowest-level members of these mystery religions and secret societies rarely know the truths reserved for the few who actually run the show. The goal of any collider is to accelerate particles at incredible speeds, smashing them together and detecting the results of those collisions. And if you thought all of that was bad, now look at the 2012 Olympics. In Conclusion. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. In the occult Saturn Is the dark sun and prison planet" of the fallen angels CERN Is designed as a telepoltation machine to Saturn. Help Support Palbulletin by Subscribing to Locals Today! Well, Its a Blog Post About The Soon Beginning Tribulation and The Rapture of The Church Again Today. Think about it, if there is any way Satan can take power by coming in physical form he has no reason not to work on it until he accomplishes it. This excerpt from Zenith 2016 and the CERN relationship with the Jura Mountains becomes even clearer when we examine the second of the towns mentioned earlierPouilly, established by the Romans as Apolliacum, which reportedly served as the location for a temple to Apollo. If not may I suggest you go and watch the show, there was a large demonic looking figure overlooking dancing nurses and empty hospital beds. CERN's Large Hadron Collider is going to be smashing atoms together at a higher energy than ever before, and many are using this high energy in the universe as an opportunity to manifest. Essentially, to open a portal into another dimension. In fact, I havent seen hardly any of themits about as high up on my list as watching a Royal Wedding. So #CERN is being switched on again after 3 years, to open a portal or star gate in to another dimension, to cause destruction on mankind and out of the chaos bring order, their NWO! Coincidence? Peter Goodgame sheds further light on the identity of this king locust: And just who is this Greek god Apollyon who makes his strange appearance in the book of Revelation? It lies on the border with Switzerland, nestled into the foothills of the Jura Mountains and Lake Geneva (Lac du Leman to the French)and, because of its unique location, it is governed by the cross-border area of Geneva.The ALICE, ATLAS, and MERYN experiments lie within this region. But Genesis refers to Nimrod as a man who began to be a mighty one in the earth (Genesis 10:8 emphasis added). Why do the Elites think this tunnel, and CERN, are so important? With its name and by placing a bronze Shiva sculpture prominently in front of its headquarters, CERN is indicating to those with eyes to see that the colliders true purpose is to open a portal to the underworldto create a stargate or god-gate, which would serve as a doorway between worlds. Hence the statue of Shiva, whose role is to destroy the universe in order to re-create it.#NWO, Rightofmind (@Rightofmind1) July 4, 2022. The acronym CERN is also used to refer to the laboratory, which in 2016 had 2,500 scientific, technical, and administrative staff members, and hosted about 12,000 users. All things work for good for those who love The Lord. The Hadron Collider (also referred to as CERN) is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator and the largest machine man has ever made; it's a whopping seventeen miles long and buried 574 feet beneath the earth's surface. The Queen DiedAbout the New KingShould We Be Concerned. Apply yourself to present yourself in front of Christ has men (and women) made in faith. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The "arid places" is not hell since never come back from hell. As the Celtic god of the underworld, he parallels Hades and Pluto. THESE incredible photos taken above CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have provoked dramatic conspiracy theories and stoked fears that "new portals" are being opened. Thanks again for the continued support. Also in Switzerland is the World Economic Forum located in Davos. And that is just fine (excellent actually for these times we are in and things to come in our lifetime). None other than Shiva the God of Destruction. Nothing will happen to us that doesn't first go through the hands of God. The one whose been hiding in plain sight, Macron cant be THE ANTIChrist he can only be an anti Christ that title belongs solely to the papacy persecuting Christians for 1260 literal years sitting on 7 hills and Daniel 7:25 macron is as an altar boy to the Vatican control. But they want to open the door anyway. CERN Open Days 2019 | 14-15 September. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Remember when CERN opened a portal in 2012 and accidentally erased the cornucopia from the fruit of the loom logo? Many people speculate that CERN will open the pit next year. Pal Bulletin is trying to build a Pro Trump community & it is our goal to add whatever the deplorables need and want to see on this website. But as I said, it resulted in another switch - this time from math, back to engineering as I explained. Now you could say about some teaching or a particular belief it is an heresy. Again, from Zenith 2016 we read: According to key Bible prophecies, the Antichrist will be the progeny or incarnation of the ancient spirit, Apollo. Charles Penglase is an Australian professor who specializes in ancient Greek and Near Eastern religion and mythology. This website is ran by just me. In appearance the locusts were like horses prepared for battle:on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold; their faces werelike human faces. It's not their domain. Anyways, @CERN is opening a multi-dimensional portal on July, 5 and will be using dark matter! Philadelphia will not pursue a bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics, Mayor Michael Nutter announced on Wednesday.The ceremony. Suffice to say for right now, its FASCINATING! There is something very "New World Order" to this militaristic portrayal of the working force. NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Trust In God To Work a MIRACLE For President Trump and America? All rights reserved. That's blasphemy! & CERN turns on 7/5.. Theyre getting everyone ready He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaftrose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, andthe sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN. A video of the ceremony is available on YouTube, and is discussed at the Olympic Games website and in articles about it over the years. They began getting it ready when the planets aligned on June 24th. The European Organization for Nuclear Research - known by its French acronym, CERN - is the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. And this is very accurate if you were to summarize what they are trying to accomplish: Theyre trying to recreate the Big Bang & open a portal to another dimension at CERN with the Large Hadron Collider, largest & most powerfulparticle accelerator. So I am a Protestant as much Calvin and Luther. May God keep you and your loved ones safe in these troubled times. Its being turned back on July 5 , sooo nobody else is concerned that THE CERN collider will be turning on july 5th and opening up a portal and letting some dark sided shit come through, Syd Divine Tarot DM FOR TAROT SPECIALS (@SydDivineTarot) July 2, 2022. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. CERN is an official United Nations Observer. Shiva has been compared to Dionysus,[ix] another fertility god associated with vegetation, forest, streams, and dancingpowers also attributed to Cernunnos. I am preparing a series of documentaries that will also cover CERN. The only piece missing is how quantum computers are helping the entire process along. The name means "horned one," and his stern image appears in various forms, usually wearing "stag's horns" upon his head, and he is oftentimes accompanied by a ram-headed serpent. Why are so many Christian scholars reluctant to discuss their perception of the presence of Jesus in their hearts? However, the term Jura also refers to the Latin word for law. This is another reflection of the ancient goddess Columbia, Athena, Maat, Themis, Dike, and all those who are Lady Justice, a deity that weighs our souls in the balance. Oh, and if this all sounds EXACTLY like the plot to Stranger Things (especially Seasons 2 and 3) then youd be 100% correct. [vii] CERNs official names and founding information come from the Wikipedia entry, available at (accessed January 12, 2015). Here they are performing a ritual outside with Shiva: Possible Massive Changes To US Dollar. Big credit to realTT2020 on Truth Social for posting this video. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth, European Organization for Nuclear Research, The 12 Foundation Stones in New Jerusalem, Statue of the Indian goddess Shiva located at CERN headquarters. Who (other than sicko Elites) is so fascinated by a Goat? [viii] This ritual is performed on the back of a demon named Apasmara who is said to represent ignorance. Open. Worshiping The Creation Instead of The Creator. While that was amusing, more serious researchers like Richard Bullivant had already connected the dots: The most plausible explanation the next time Bigfoot or a lizard man or a flying dragon is sightedor perhaps even a UFO ascending into the earth and disappearing into the side of a hillsurely has to be that it is evidence that portals to parallel worlds are serving as doorways where strange beings, vehicles and entities occasionally stumble into our universeand sometimes we in turn stumble into theirs.[iii]. Scientists hope that increasing the energy and frequency with which protons collide in the LHCs experiments, after accelerating almost to the speed of light in a 27km underground ring, will provide evidence for new physics fundamental forces and particles that go beyond the so-called standard model, to which the Higgs boson gave a finishing touch. Many in the West say that the Allies owed much to Heisenberg, for it is believed that he actually stalled and intentionally misled the Nazis, hoping the Allies would win the race to find the bomb. Lew Kowarski, one of Heisenbergs colleagues, claims that Heisenberg had inexplicably insisted that the original acronym CERN remain in effect. Its not in the Bible. In his book, Greek Myths and Mesopotamia: Parallels and Influence in the Homeric Hymns and Hesiod, Penglase carefully and methodically demonstrates that the Greek myths and legends of Apollo were simply Greek retellings of the Babylonian myths involving the rise to power of the god Marduk, which were themselves based on earlier legends of the Sumerian hunter/hero known as Ninurta. The performance, designed to celebrate Great Britains National Health Service and history of childrens literature at the same time, is certainly an unusual mashup, but nothing in it said or depicted anything about the coronavirus. Luckily, we have the intrepid fact-checkers at the USA Today who have already looked into the situation and determined it to be 100% false and preposterous that the 2012 Olympics predicted (or telegraphed?) 459 Grnmler Pay gmmek ndir orijinal. Nimrod most likely was a product of a profane mating of fallen angel (god) and human. 1, Vol. The CERN ritual hoax is a found footage video that depicts a supposed occult ritual occurring in the grounds of CERN, a European particle physics research organization. The video ends as a girl in bed reads the Peter Pan novel by flashlight under the covers. Subscribe to our Rumble Channel For all of our new videos! Going through the Swiss Alps, the tunnel took 17 years to complete and is said to be a symbol of European unification in a context of rising nationalism and closing borders. Read more . CERN is built where his temple was located. [iv]Girl Suicide Over Big Bang Fear, (accessed September 20, 2014). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Simple as that. 13:00 - 16:00 (CET) Import to my calendar Tech4Eva Opening Ceremony on March 31, 2022 - Be where Disruption Happen Discover disruptive technologies for women's health from across the world and meet the 20+ selected start-ups and projects at the 2nd annual opening ceremony of Tech4Eva. The European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern) has launched an investigation into a video filmed at night on its Geneva campus depicting a mock ritual human sacrifice, a spokeswoman said on Wednesday. KNOW THIS, that we all belong to a family tree, from the beginning of mankind of our GOD'S creation. Everything is fine. For the Latest Palbulletin posts please visit: Also check out the latest on all of the battleground 2020 election audits at: Want to also know what General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Patrick Byrne and others are posting on social media? This site really dedicated to physics, or is it something else I depend on this website for bringing revenue. 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cern opening ceremony explained