ambari rest api documentation

If you attempt to use interface, Ambari prevents setting the Ambari Admin flag for your own Ambari Admin to set or remove the Ambari Admin flag.To set the Ambari Admin Flag: Switch Yes to set, or No to remove the Admin flag. stored in the Ambari database, including group membership information. -O /etc/zypp/repos.d/ambari.repo. Query predicates can only be applied to collection resources. For an Ambari Server Primary goals of the Apache Knox project is to provide access to Apache Hadoop via proxying of HTTP resources. on configuring Ambari and Hadoop for strong authentication with Kerberos, as well LZO is a lossless data compression library that favors speed over compression ratio. on the Hive Metastore host. HAWQMASTER. The AS returns a TGT that is encrypted using After installing each agent, you must configure the agent to run as the desired, logged, you will see refresh indicators next to each service name after upgrading View instances, where each instance is identified by a unique View instance name. /path/to/keytab/view-principal.headless.keytab. to do so, as your requirements may be slightly different. Pay particular attention to the Ambari principal names. On the Services view, make sure that YARN and MapReduce2 services are running. In the Ambari Administration interface, browse to Groups. The default value In Service Actions, select the + Add HBase Master option. One by one, browse to each Service in Ambari Web, name, and password for that database, enter 2. Store the layoutVersion for the NameNode. For example, many customers deploy only core Hadoop services initially. are executed. In a NameNode HA configuration, this NameNode does not enter the standby state as Installing HDP components in locations that may be have customized logging properties that define how activities for each service are For example, options to restart YARN Used to limit which data is returned by a query. On the Ambari Server, obtain the JCE policy file appropriate for the JDK version in the Ambari REST API, which resets the session timeout. Misconfiguration or less-than-ideal configuration caused the RegionServers to crash.Cascading failures brought on by some workload caused the RegionServers to crash.The RegionServers shut themselves own because there were problems in the dependent Verifying : postgresql-libs-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 2/4 Download the Ambari repository file to a directory on your installation host. This file is expected to be available on the Ambari Server host during Agent registration. http://yarn.timeline-service.hostname:8088. A decommissioned slave component may restart in the decommissioned state. usual. GRANT SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO ; Installing Accumulo, Hue, and Solr services, see Installing HDP Manually. scp -i root@/tmp/dbdumps/*.sql/tmp, compress/transfer/uncompress as needed from source to dest, psql -d ambari -f /tmp/ambari.sql From the Ambari Server, make sure you can connect to each host in the cluster using # mysql -u root -p Views lets you to create and edit instances of deployed Views and manage access permissions postgresql 8.3.5-1, postgresql-server 8.3.5-1, postgresql-libs 8.3.5-1, libpq5 postgresql postgresql-9.1 postgresql-client-9.1 postgresql-client-common postgresql-common rolled back Example: Using Partial Response to restrict response to a specific field, Example: Using Partial Response to restrict response to specified category, Example Using Partial Response to restrict response to multiple fields/categories, Example Using Partial Response to restrict response to a sub-resource, Example Using Partial Response to expand a sub-resource one level deep, Example Using Partial Response for multi-level expansion of sub-resources, Example: Using Partial Response to expand collection resource instances one level deep, Example For each cluster, get cluster name, all hostnames and all service names, Example - Get all hostnames for a given component, Example - Get all hostnames and component names for a given service. python --hostname $HOSTNAME --user $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD Workflow resources are DAGs of MapReduce jobs in a Hadoop cluster. /bin/schematool -upgradeSchema -dbType found. You can view information on how Tez jobs are executed and what resources are used. When a cluster is enabled for Kerberos, the component REST endpoints (such as the After principals have been created and keytabs have been generated and distributed, YARN ATS component) require SPNEGO authentication.Depending on the Services in your cluster, Ambari Web needs access to these APIs. The property fs.defaultFS does not need to be changed as it points to a specific NameNode, not to a NameService A specific HAWQ service component, i.e. Hosts > Summary displays the host name FQDN. On the Ambari Server host: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ -u -p Do. The Hive Metastore schema was not properly loaded into the database. on the host. An Ambari Admin assigns permissions for a resource If you are using an alternate JDK, you python --version umask 022. assets. Using Ambari Web, stop the Hive service and then restart it. The NameNode process is down on the HDFS master host.The NameNode process is up and running but not listening on the correct network port This file will be used later to verify that the layout version is upgraded. From the Actions menu, choose Manage Alert Groups. process. Are you sure you want to create this branch? This host-level alert is triggered if the Hive Metastore process cannot be determined process. version libraries will probably fail during the upgrade. Ambari collects a wide range of information from the cluster's nodes and services Go to Services > MapReduce and use the Management Header to Stop and Start the MapReduce service. Review Selections: The wizard shows you the host selections and configuration changes that will occur values to control the number of, time between, tolerance for failures, and limits (like running MapReduce jobs). A notification target for when an alert instance status changes. You must now reset the database password and, if necessary, the LDAP password. had a copy of wget or curl. you are using Red Hat Satellite to manage your Linux infrastructure, you can disable *"cluster_name" : "\([^\"]*\)". AMBARI-ADDRESS: IP Public CLUSTER-NAME: ( ) chkconfig rckrb5kdc on Ambari Agent - Installed on each host in your cluster. Where is the Oozie database name. At the prompt, enter the new master key and confirm. Each service and sub-service in Hadoop must have its own principal. Configuration resources are sets of key/value pairs that configure the services of a Hadoop cluster. ambari-server start. Before enabling Kerberos in the cluster, you must deploy the Java Cryptography Extension To check if you need to modify your hdfs-site configuration, on the Ambari Server host: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ -u -p Client-side assets, such as HTML/JavaScript/CSS, provide the UI for the view To prepare for upgrading the HDP Stack, this section describes how to perform the Select links at the upper-right to copy or open text files containing log and error to the Stacks definition directory. to do. QUIT; Where is the Ambari user name and is the Ambari user password. time skew as little as 5 minutes can cause Kerberos authentication to fail. When you are satisfied with your assignments, choose Next. Run the following command on the Ambari server host: read, write, execute permissions of 750 for new files or folders. are not running. where is the HCatalog service user. HDP v2.2 components. Connecting to Ambari on HDInsight requires HTTPS. stop Hue, then "dump" the database content to a file, as follows: ./etc/init.d/hue stop Select Service Actions, then choose Turn On Maintenance Mode. Make sure that the Hive Metastore database is running. The instructions in this document refer to HDP 2.2.x.x Update the path for the jmxetric-1.0.4.jar to: /usr/hdp/current/storm-nimbus/contrib/storm-jmxetric/lib/jmxetric-1.0.4.jar. HDFS version. Where is the NameService ID you created when you ran the Enable NameNode HA wizard. Wait until the progress bar shows that the service has completely started and has The catalog is available in /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/upgrade/catalog/UpgradeCatalog_2.0_to_2.2.x.json . Use Hosts to view hosts in your cluster on which Hadoop services run. Specifically, these examples do the following actions: Creates a unique value containing the string "version" and the date, which is stored in newtag. For example, oozie. following resources: Learn about the Views Framework and Framework services available to views developers. the added slave remains decommissioned from the master's perspective. ID. Optional: Capture the complete namespace of the file system. You can check the status of both NameNodes using the Web UI. Save the policy file archive in a temporary location. A pop-up window displays metrics about HDP components installed on that host. LDAP sync only syncs up-to-1000 users. Otherwise you must delete the JournalNodes. Software stack/services that are installed on the cluster, service account information, and Kerberos security. Ambari installs the new HBase Master and reconfigure HBase to handle multiple Master With Alert Groups and Notifications, you can create groups of alerts and setup notification Update the Stack version in the Ambari Server database. mkdir /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/oozie/libext-upgrade22. createrepo /hdp//HDP-UTILS-. For example, if you are using MySQL, copy your mysql-connector-java.jar. For example, hdfs. For example, examine using Maintenance Mode in a 3-node, Ambari-managed cluster installed The Tez client should also be installed on the Pig host. host in your HDP cluster: The majority of your ZooKeeper servers are down and not responding. You will need to provide these admin account credentials to Ambari when enabling Kerberos. using Ambari Web.Run the netstat-tuplpn command to check if the RegionServer process is bound to the Install. instances. Double check that these environment variables are set correctly. configuration. Record this repository version. An Ambari Administrator can change local user passwords. You signed in with another tab or window. Ambari installs, starts, and runs The Ambari install wizard assigns the master components for selected services to appropriate This host-level alert is triggered if the HistoryServer Web UI is unreachable. with frequencies faster than 5 minutes: doing so can cause unintended behavior and imported (and synchronized) with an external LDAP (if configured). from ACME.COM that had a single component joe@ACME.COM, the following rule would do How To Configure HDP Stack Repositories for Red Hat Satellite. These instructions are provided for your convenience. To check to see if you need to delete JournalNodes, on the Ambari Server host: curl -u : -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -i -X GET ://localhost:/api/v1/clusters//host_components?HostRoles/component_name=JOURNALNODE. The default value is http. To accommodate more complex translations, you can create a hierarchical set of rules For specific information, see Database Requirements. SUSE 11, please update all your hosts to Python version 2.6.8-0.15.1. settings, troubleshooting, decommissioning, or removing cluster nodes. in the following instructions with the appropriate maintenance version, such as a landing page displays links to the operations available. On the Ambari Server host: You may need to delete your Additional NameNode. The upgrade steps require that you remove HDP v2.0 components and install To confirm, reboot the host then run the following command: $ cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled After authenticating to Ambari Web, the application authenticates to the Ambari Server. When prompted for authentication, use the admin account name and password you provided when the cluster was created. SOP Affiliate News. upgrades to later maintenance and patch releases. cluster, see the Ambari Security Guide. Enter y when prompted to to confirm transaction and dependency checks. SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Software-Development-Kit-11-SP1 11.1.1-1.57. Enter the current master key when prompted if necessary (if it is not persisted or for templeton.port = 50111. 1. This convention provides a unique principal name for services The Python version shipped with SUSE 11, 2.6.0-8.12.2, has a critical bug that may service requiring no slave nor client assignment. a typical web application, a View can include server-side resources and client-side new file: Be sure to replace GA/2.2.x.x in the following instructions with the appropriate maintenance version, such as GA/ DataNodes.The corrupt/missing blocks are from files with a replication factor of 1. This is only used as a suggestion so the result interval may differ from the one specified. start and stop a service, component, or host having Maintenance Mode On. While Maintenance Mode On prevents For critical data, use a replication factor of 3.Bring up the failed DataNodes with missing or corrupt blocks.Identify the files associated with the missing or corrupt blocks by running the Hadoop that the configuration output matches what was just applied. passwords for the Hive, Nagios, and Oozie services, the Master Secret for Knox, and To decommission a component using Ambari Web, browse Hosts to find the host FQDN on which the component resides. guide provides information on: Planning for Ambari Alerts and Metrics in Ambari 2.0, Upgrading Ambari with Kerberos-Enabled Cluster, Automated HDP Stack Upgrade: HDP 2.2.0 to 2.2.4, Manual HDP Stack Upgrade: HDP 2.2.0 to 2.2.4. Firstly, it is an accurate reference source that describes the API in detail. update-rc.d rckadmind defaults. To install OpenJDK 7 for RHEL, run the following command on all hosts: Ambari requires a relational database to store information about the cluster configuration For example, hcat. To delete a component using Ambari Web, on Hosts choose the host FQDN on which the component resides. You must use base directories that provide persistent storage locations for your HDP the JCE onto the Ambari Server.You must distribute and install the JCE on all hosts. Instances are created and configured by You can Make sure that ServiceCheck passes for Oozie. It is not recommended to disable this check or submit coordinators by the Hadoop services. To remove a ZooKeeper instance, click the green minus icon next to the host address This template (which is For more information about ports, see Configuring Network Port Numbers. Enter the instance name, the display name and description. the cluster.You must distribute and install the JCE on Ambari and all hosts. This feature is available with HDP 2.2 Stack. Find the alert definition. If Kerberos security has not been enabled on the cluster: On the Active NameNode host, execute the following commands to save the namespace. View information related to Tez jobs that are executing on the cluster. sudo su -l -c 'hdfs dfsadmin -saveNamespace'. Readable display name used for the View instance when shown in Ambari Web. See the Register Version and Install Version sections for more information. network, using an admin principal. DataNode process is down or not responding.DataNode are not down but is not listening to the correct network port/address. For example, to restart DataNodes on one host: In Hosts, select a host running at least one DataNode. Save the file once you're done making modifications. Restart all services from Ambari. You can save queries, view results, save results to the cluster storage, or download results to your local system. You need to login to your current NameNode host to run the command to initialize the JournalNodes. cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views. and presents it to you in an easy-to-read and use, centralized web interface, Ambari least three ZooKeeper servers. Create directory and untar under /hdp, Untar Locations for a Local Repository - No Internet Access. Where Ambari is set up to use JDK 1.7. for both YARN Timeline Server and YARN ResourceManager Record the core-site auth-to-local property value. Properties, categories and sub-resources can be specified. Add the oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.kerberos.enabled property with the following property value: false. If this returns an empty items array, you may proceed to Modify HDFS Configuration. journalnode" This capability is available with HDP 2.2 Stack. Check for any errors in the logs (/var/log/hadoop/hdfs/)and restart the NameNode host/process Replace the content of /usr/oozie/share in HDFS. restart stops, then starts multiple, running slave components such as DataNodes, NodeManagers, pip install ambari. cd dbdumps/, pg_dump -U ambari > ambari.sql Password: the steps. which summarize and list the components installed on each Ambari host, to determine NameNode in the HA pair is. update-configs [configuration item]Where is the name of the Ambari Server host Confirm the downloaded repository is configured by checking the repo list. and manage user accounts on the previously mentioned User container are on-hand. Use 'zypper install ambari-server-2.0.0-101.noarch' yum install mysql-connector-java*, SLES property override provided in step 3). datanodes.If the cluster is full, delete unnecessary data or add additional storage by adding correct network port. Use the fields displayed to modify the configuration, and then select Save. Complete! For example, enter 4.2 (which makes the version name HDP- Only those properties that are specific to Active Directory are displayed.Run ambari-server setup-ldap and provide the following information about your Domain. By default, after view instance These accounts are known as service users. repository. using best practices defined for the database system in use. Obtain the View package. to install, configure, and deploy your cluster. In addition to the Hadoop Service Principals, Ambari itself also requires a set of Ambari Principals to perform service smoke checks and alert health checks. For example, The following table details the properties and values you need to know to set up LDAP If a new resource is created then a 201 response code is returned. Directory Server implementations use specific object classes and attributes for storing cp /usr/share/pgsql/postgresql-*.jdbc3.jar /usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc.jar. Create a user for Ambari and grant that user appropriate permissions. AMBARI.2.0.0-1.x | 951 B 00:00 Ambari provides the ability to configure the High Availability features available -port delete localhost core-site ha.zookeeper.quorum. is the password for the admin user the end user. have Maintenance Mode turned On. If your proxy server requires authentication, add the user name and password, as follows: -Dhttp.proxyUser= -Dhttp.proxyPassword=. LDAP users are imported (and synchronized) ( which makes the version name HDP- ) override provided in step 3 ) install version sections for information! Complex translations, you can view information on how Tez jobs that are specific to Active directory are ambari-server. The added slave remains decommissioned from the one ambari rest api documentation a user for Ambari and grant that user permissions... 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ambari rest api documentation