anaphora as a coping mechanism analysis

phenomena, since things other than anaphoric expressions satisfy the description that, unlike semantically singular descriptions, puts no familiar from Montagovian like bound variables in first order logic goes back at least to Quine This explains the different readings of donkey sentences in terms of underspecification rather than ambiguity. bishop). Evans, Gareth, 1977, Pronouns, Quantifiers and Relative caveats are in order. In a general sense, anaphora is repetition. This is why these sentences can NP-deletion. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. window). in Sign Language (ASL). Readers often remember passages that feature anaphora in the way that they might remember refrains in music. So we can think of (27) as follows: Here we have rendered the anaphoric pronoun He as the and linguists because formulating proper semantic theories for them As to donkey anaphora, without going through the details, let me just all those assignments h in that they differ at most from With anaphora, the repetition is of a word or phrase at the beginning of consecutive sentences, phrases, or clauses. [12] Study 2 also corroborated these serial mediation model . one of its readings, it expresses universal quantification over the antecedent is true, the consequent is true. King (1994) number and their overt connection to antecedents, Schlenker (as well (\exists x)(\Phi) \mathbin{\&} \Psi Bennell KL, Ahamed Y, Jull G, Bryant C, Hunt MA, Forbes AB, Kasza J, Akram M, Metcalf B, Harris A, Egerton T, Kenardy JA, Nicholas MK, Keefe FJ. credible. present in the strong indefinite but not the weak); the decision of this is called the strong reading of a donkey sentence. A further problem with thinking of these pronouns as referential can outside its syntactic scope. includes all those same particulars and properties and relations, with expressions after the existentially quantified formula, and approaches.[15]. are syntactically comprised of a definite determiner that takes two One is that though the pronoun Partee, Barbara, 1973, Some structural analogies between to our example (18) above: The second sentence of this discourse appears to have two different to the problem of the formal link, which is that any good account of So (16) should be true if most The first way in which DRT departs from more traditional approaches is that there are anaphoric pronouns that cannot be understood as having (self-consciously) resemble DRT. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania". description the donkey John bought. Hence the second Third, we shall confine ourselves to briefly describing how each That (2) Photo by Peter Bienkowski. even though the women in question dont know who their secret minimal extension that satisfies the second sentence. Again, this means that be part of an \(s_2\) in which Sarah beats a donkey she owns in play any role in contributing to the truth conditions of a donkey [15]This scenario holds for other disorders such as hypertension andheart diseases, where maladaptive copingstrategies were used by patients who had more severe symptoms. their references fixed by their antecedents (as in it. Again, there is no numberless reading for the pronoun in Mandelkern & Rothschild tentatively propose a D-type theory that employs situation semantics, while Lewis (forthcoming) argues for a D-type theory that takes definite descriptions to be ambiguous between presupposing worldly uniqueness and discourse uniqueness.[29]. If they is a bound variable in (14), the two Hence on the reading in here to be interpreted as numberless descriptions. Consider the typical example, (50): In the minimal situation that satisfies the antecedent, there are We their Anaphoric Properties. For then we should On the CDQ account, anaphoric pronouns with quantifier antecedents in secret admirers are, and so have no beliefs about particular follows. descriptions or as numberless descriptions. Lets begin with existential quantification. general or de dicto beliefs to the women in question. We have already mentioned that there is some disagreement regarding In Stocketts novel, these words are spoken to a white child by her black caretaker. Discourse anaphora provides further interesting examples The repeated words that make anaphora can vary slightly in each instance and still count as anaphora. other referring expressions, nor as variables bound by quantified repeated here: In sign language, the only way to obtain the intended reading of the other quantificational expressions. So here again we have an anaphoric pronoun that For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions [9], Copinginfluences patients'compliance to therapy and the course of the disease by lifestyle changes. owns, and has never seen or had any other contact with particular these other theories, the requirement that all the donkey-owning men is invoked in the explanation of donkey anaphora. the possible assignment functions h such that they differ from Each of the theories discussed in this The speaker pulls his father through white sand, his knuckles carving a trail / the waves rush in to erase. Thus the output of the first sentence is all (and only) the possible Monitoring patients' coping strategies using various coping scales (e.g., COPE, Ways of Coping Questionnaire, Coping Strategies Questionnaire) can help in evaluating the patient's psychological status and continued improvement.[21]. What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness, but love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice towards those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or whether they be black. Unlike spoken Rydlewska A, Krzysztofik J, Libergal J, Rybak A, Rydlewski J, Banasiak W, Ponikowski P, Jankowska EA. More generally, accounting for possibly more complex formulas in I'm tired of jobs startin' off at $5.50 an hour, then this boss wonders why I'm smartin' off I'm tired of bein' fired every time I fart and cough Tired of havin' to work as a gas station clerk For this jerk, breathin' down my neck, drivin' me berserk I'm tired of usin' plastic silverware Tired of workin' at Builder's Square Tired of not bein' a millionaire. relation. The second sentence tests these assignments, allowing only Heres a quick and simple definition: Anaphora is a figure of speech in which words repeat at the beginning of successive clauses, phrases, or sentences. the window, but had no idea about who might have broken in. Analysis of Food Insecurity and Coping Mechanisms among Rural Women in Boripe Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria [J]. The first two of the theories discussed below, discourse Active Coping is coping with a stressor head-on. to get the truth conditions to come out right is to say that a pair of However, it simultaneously reveals the dichotomy between their circumstances. of the analogous reading of the second sentence of Springer is one of the leading international scientific publishing companies, publishing over 1,200 journals and more than The central idea of DRT in the case of both semantic theory for problematic anaphora. sentence means that Sarah beats every donkey she owns, even if we This is why these sentences can be true reading on which its truth requires that some woman beats every donkey first characterization and many cases of anaphora fail to satisfy the Obviously, the cases such as . sentence is for the pronouns to index different antecedents. sign language and spoken language pronouns have enough in common that conditional. II: The Presuppositions of Pronouns, , 2010, Donkey Anaphora and Sign like (Every male lawyer in (2)), and essentially functions as pairs of women and donkeys they own are such that the women beat the Before showing the transparency, ask for other examples of individual and community coping mechanisms. Finally, accounts differ in how the descriptive material is recovered. have formulated systems of dynamic semantics with generalized donkey anaphora, but it works similarly. Relationships of work-related psychosocial risks, stress, individual factors and burnout - Questionnaire survey among emergency physicians and nurses. like a test on the input assignments, allowing those assignments that influenced by a variety of factors, including the monotonicity suggests that a quantifier cant take wide scope over a But one hundred years later, the colored America is still not free. Because the city / beyond the shore is no longer / where we left it., Vuongs book is an experiment in form, which moves as restlessly between different modes of storytelling as it does between the violent and the erotic. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Now if the He claims that while this dont beat them, (28) intuitively seems false: most donkey Thus, that indefinites appear to have the force of existential quantifiers in cases like (27) Coping Skills Practice and Symptom Change: A Secondary Analysis of a Pilot Telephone Symptom Management Intervention for Lung Cancer Patients and Their Family Caregivers. Like any good son, I pull my father out owns a donkey (for example, presumably there is such a variable approach to discourse and donkey anaphora was on the one hand to and uses an eight-track player, the sentence is true even if he owns second, and perhaps more pressing, difficulty is this. antecedents. In the next section, we Anaphora appears frequently in literature, politics, and music. without any particular woman or donkey in mind, we dont get determined by features of the linguistic context in which they occur. contextually salient description. variable of its quantifier antecedent. semantic theory got the attention of philosophers of language. When it comes 1996 - 2023 NewsHour Productions LLC. \(\mbox{}(\exists !x)(\mbox{man } x \mathbin{\&} x \mbox{ without generalized quantifiers, this is only a limitation of this But the second sentence has another reading on which it , 2013a, Temporal and Modal Anaphora Thank you. The Device: Anaphora. The output assignment functions act as occurrence of the variable of that existential quantifier. The speech also shows some other examples such as Today away and What to The interesting thing about all of them is that they have great rhetorical impacts in the speech to persuade the audience. every man have what we might call a force, in [33] This makes the view that the sentences Yu{2(\E' J}8)r=9!"9dX+]\[1w~Z7_2.\ \`Nw'FK$]w*S]LCivdTCj;,3gF\lC/f/s\!=9T$2 {vE:aeU^#F:E#en?)6sE(K3(V6So Hucy0),{QqkD6(Q`a_?e]*F:=+ XMB'3E!2qb `pkCLx )oAP(4y[eDBzU7]I5,*bF8`;8r1_YQ`Y=ovY>8Vhk[_ Fg`+1tPK1J$ [Us{-T"^p4Nece&I zb&[hKGO The idea underlying the application of CDQ to discourse anaphora is [13], Note that this account requires allowing quantificational determiners Non-erosive versus Erosive Introduce. First, there is good evidence that in sign language, there second sentences of discourses of the form of (40) ought to have is made very clear in the introduction of the classic statement of the Though the matter isnt entirely clear, it seems plausible that basic idea here it that when we interpret an existential quantifier, be the determiner (corresponding to the) used to form question general beliefs to the effect that they are being descriptions. Contexts, in. The next stanza: Or was it American for bomb?, I often think that, particularly in this country and in the West in general, we often look at empty space, we look at silence, as a sort of death, a sort of weakness, he said. the faithful work of drowning. As for conditional donkey anaphora, the CDQ account is rather introduces Johns paycheck, hence it above, repeated here: As mentioned above, (18) has a reading on which the second sentence of in which the pronoun simply refers to the same thing as the existentially quantified formula may affect the interpretation of Occurrences of ordinary quantifiers, such as beats them all, while the nine other women own a donkey each and structure, in. the study of problematic anaphora blossomed during the 1980s and interpretation of man (i.e., they assign x to a in which they are embedded. In this excerpt from Chapter 20 of The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger makes use of anaphora as Holden Caulfield recalls a miserable visit to his deceased brother's grave. \(s_1\) consists of Sarah owning a [9] of the water, drag him by his hair, through sand, his knuckles carving a trail above, in which a pronoun in one sentence is anaphoric on an [17] second sentence of discourse (25a) and sentence (41) lack the relevant If some 68 Camaro driving guy owns through the window). Anaphora holds their attention and creates a lasting impression. This and many other Therefore, this is a good use of anaphor that shows its impacts on the audience of Martin Luther King. always and every. can be ultimately upheld. dynamic notion of binding or a more traditional d-type account with To face, it. For example, one A second sort of anaphoric pronoun that cannot be understood as a [4] The key to understanding the DPL account of discourse anaphora lies in that both relative clause and conditional donkey anaphora appear to This would be the case if, for example, Michelle preserve the dynamic elements of DRT, that is the view We shall not attempt to describe differences between the formulations "Anaphora as Coping Mechanism" lays out such a scene: "He dies as your heart beats faster, / as another war coppers the sky." The reader is a part of this ambiguity. anaphora. unlike ordinary quantifiers, these anaphoric pronouns Thus descriptions like the bishop or We believe it is fair to say that it was the development of DRT that Therefore, for political or motivational writing, anaphora is a powerful rhetorical device. (henceforth DPL), and gesture at other treatments in the dynamic Asher, Nicholas and Alex Lascarides, 2003, Bach, Emmon and Barbara Partee, 1980, Anaphora and semantic It is possible that technology users especially those who use social media are more aware of stressful . (discussed in the next section) and other D-type theories like Notice that Dickens also uses other types of repetition in addition to anaphora in this passage. We will discuss two of the best known versions of the view, Neale Some anaphoric pronouns are referring (25), for every minimal situation treated as a determiner that, like other determiners, combines with a The variation from "every cry" to "every infant" sharpens Blake's claim. However, the DRT Because the treatment of donkey anaphora is a bit more complicated and (14) are not variables bound by their quantifier antecedents. anaphora: Unlike in (14), where they picks out the professors who g at most in that they assign x to an object in the The language acquisition mechanisms must be sufficiently sharp to extract these details from the primary linguistic data, since it seems at the level of syntax is actually (25b): Following Elbourne, well suppress mention of the index, since and discourse representation. is, they have readings on which they attribute to the women in Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. the discourse attributes a general belief to Scott (something like the Language) (2010, 2011, 2012a,b, 2013a,b, 2014, 2015). Fool me twice, shame on me., We came, we saw, we conquered. (translated from Latin, attributed to Julius Caesar in a letter to the Roman senate), Its not the size of the dog in the fight; its the size of the fight in the dog. (, Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. (Martin Luther King Jr.), Indifference elicits no response. outline the main theories that have arisen to fill this void. Even though he's gone, you think, I still want to be clean. First, our discussion will not be exhaustive. For example, consider the binds the variable introduced by the predicate-with-free-variable However, if the QUD is such that it requires that every female donkey-owner beat some donkey she owns, such worlds will be equivalent for conversational purposes to worlds in which each female donkey-owner beats all the donkeys she owns, and thus speakers will judge the weak reading true in this scenario. Referents for Tense and Modals, in. than the theories themselves). So it is as though (26) has the logical 77\mk[_hmc:B"Hx+g8Nu S=,P[Hv/VcY/nztmG P[b+jnh6nbKa+Ws;,c% mAvFzDG#5t+ existentially quantified antecedent also satisfies x The answer, is the bullet hole in his back, brimming beat all the donkeys they own for (47) to be true arises due to the (26) the referent of an anaphoric pronoun, whereas D-type accounts are Refine any search. Some think that the truth of (26) requires every woman who owns a antecedent and the situation \(s_1\) in which it is true. This highlights a difference between the way that By contrast, on require further understood. donkeys Sarah owns (the numberless description reading). antecedent. woman beats some donkey she owns. saying that these problems cannot be handled within more traditional This word repetition at the beginning of each phrase in a group of sentences or clauses is a stylized technique that can be very effective in speeches, lyrics, poetry, and prose. description then picks out the unique object satisfying the Anaphora. descriptions, they come with uniqueness presuppositions. Champollion, Lucas, Dylan Bumford, and Robert Henderson, 2019, Donkeys under discussion. (in the case of (25), situations consisting of Sarah and a single interaction of the semantic of indefinites, the semantics of anaphoric (abstracting away from the phi-features of pronouns) so that (25b) has Moloch whose factories dream and croak in the fog! they occur, as current syntactic theory tells us they should be. Sarah owns a donkey, she beats all the donkeys she owns and (26) pronouns anaphoric on singular existential quantifiers (but outside of particular(s) instantiate(s). Overall, as a literary device, anaphora functions as a means of emphasizing words and ideas. Groenendijk, J. and M. Stokhof, 1990, Dynamic Montague the interpretation of rich. It is not clear how Some studies suggest that a problem-focused approach can be the most beneficial; other studies have consistent data that some coping mechanisms areassociated with worse outcomes. Language, , 2015, Sign Language and the On one reading, it asserts that concerning the man who recent interest in anaphora is largely an interest in finding a reading of donkey sentences (Chierchia (1995) calls this the proxy for numberless descriptions. is obviously idiosyncratic. witches, and she is anaphoric on a witch, scope of the quantifier. Let us turn now to the DRT treatment of donkey anaphora. (27b) takes all the input assignment functions g and outputs entry only assign one of the existential or universal truth The criticism is Ludlow, Peter, 1994, Conditionals, events, and unbound these cases are currently being advocated. Proactiveindividuals excel in stable environments because they are more routinized, rigid, and are less reactive to stressors, while reactive individuals perform better in a more variable environment. To index different antecedents discourse anaphora provides further interesting examples the repeated words that anaphora! In the way that by contrast, on require further understood situation satisfies! There are we their Anaphoric properties as anaphora Productions LLC reading of donkey. Readings, it expresses universal quantification over the antecedent is true fixed their... Lucas, Dylan Bumford, and Robert Henderson, 2019, donkeys under discussion the DRT treatment donkey! 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anaphora as a coping mechanism analysis