eau claire high school football

a la escuela de su hijo/a Yog koj xav tau neeg pab txhais cov lus nov, thov hu xov tooj rau call 715-852-3555. Eau Claire, WI. Northwestern Wisconsin schools will be in the North Central East and North Central West conferences, which includes many former Lakeland Conference schools. Old Abe Football Incoming 9th Grade "Official Visit" Day Sunday, March 12, 2023 3:00 PM . Claim your team to manage the roster, schedule, scores, stats and more. 3 weather alerts in effect. Please read this important communication regarding any weather-related school closures moving forward. Reception Fax 715-852-6304 function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} Senior quarterback Dawson Schmidt said he made memories with his younger brother, junior receiver Bennett Schmidt. Home of Blugold Football. Our data is compliant with GDPR and USA privacy laws. gtag('js', new Date()); Its football stadium is home to the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Blugolds, as well as high school football teams and those playing in the Northern Elite Football League. //

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eau claire high school football