uss princeton vietnam

The new Princeton was launched on 8 July 1945, sponsored by Mrs. Harold Dodds, and commissioned on 18 November 1945, Captain John M. Hoskins in command. Crewmen worked feverishly and futily in an attempt to save his life over the Que Son Valley. Maneuvers in Hawaiian waters preceded her return to San Diego until 15 March. The year began with HMM-365 (UH-34Ds) in country as the helicopter element of Marine Unit Vietnam (MUV) (previously SHUFLY). In order to provide improved response to 3rd Marine Division units along the DMZ, PROVMAG-39 was established from the existing units at Quang Tri on 14 Apr. MACV anticipated this NVA change for the coming year. participated in air-gun strikes on coastal cities Those with undergraduate degrees are preceded with an apostrophe (e.g., Wendy Kopp '89), and those with graduate degrees are preceded with an . The 600-foot light carrier USS Princeton (CVL23) was commissioned in the Philadelphia Navy Yard on February 25, 1943, and was sunk 20 months later, on October 24, 1944, in Leyte Gulf during heroic efforts to retake the Philippines from the Japanese. His co-pilot, 1st Lt Stan Zenda, remembered this as a truly fascinating event. She arrived in San Diego on 27 October 1967, and remained there through the end of the year. The OV-10Ds had the prototype gun turrets from the AH1-J program and prototype laser target designators. Soon Cook returned and helped Penn get this last wounded aboard the 46. and in February 1966 got underway for another tour in the combat zone. John Van Nortwick of HMM-363 was wearing an XXL infantry flak vest because his regular vest was borrowed while he was away from the squadron. HMM-162 arrived back in country on 17 Jun with additional H-34s. Because of the increasing demand for fixed wing and helicopter pilots in RVN, the US Air Force and the US Army began training pilots for the USMC. At the same time, CH-53Ds of HMM-165 provided support to HM-12 using the Mark 105 Seabome Equipment Platform, a hydrafoil sled. . USS PRINCETON LPH-5 Vietnam War Ships Carrier Photo Cacheted First Day Postmark. To the north, MAG-36 and PROVMAG-39 provided helicopter-borne logistic support to Operation Dewey Canyon, which took place in the northwestern-most I Corps. By the beginning of May, Marine amphibious units were in position offshore. The following is a growing list of Princeton alumni who have made contributions in the area of government and public affairs. Long Beach During the latter stages of the evacuation, when the USMC security forces were the only ones left on the ground, Admiral Whitmire (Commander, CTF 76) halted all retraction operations for crew rest and maintenance. The vintage footage in this video has been uploaded for research purposes, and is presented in unedited form.. Loss of USS Princeton (CVL-23), 24 October 1944. The crew was rescued safely. During the bombardment of the base and the required resupply, losses of helicopters had been high. On 29 Jun, HMM-165 and HMM-164 conducted a helicopter assault along the coast with the VNMC. She was . The 2nd Battalion arrived in September. n landing team and carrying helicopters in place of planes For other uses, see Princeton. On 28 January, at 0800, the final cease-fire was observed. The wounded Marine survived. MajGen Raymond G. Davis, CG, 3rd MarDiv, believed in a more mobile posture regarding the usage of helicopter assets to insert troops. On 16 Mar the USS New Jersey departed the coast of Vietnam. HMM-263 lost a great Marine Bert McCauley, Announcement for the 2023 Heavy Haulers Gathering in the Fort Worth Stock Yards. April 1963 saw the tempo of operations pick up with the advent of clear weather. resumed interdiction. r support Thank you. The H-53s, escorted by the AH-1Gs (and later AH-1Js) of HML-367, moved massive amounts of tonnage of material in and out of Laos. On 30 April 1952, Princeton rejoined TF 77 in the combat zone. One H-53 was downed in the operation, and destroyed by its crew. For the next five years she alternated HUK exercises off the West Coast with similar operations in the western Pacific and, in late 1957-early 1958, in the Indian OceanPersian Gulf area. Because the 1st MAW had ceased combat operations, the detachment was assigned to the Navys Light Attack Squadron 4 (VAL-4) in southern Vietnam for evaluation of its Night Observation Gunship System (NOGS) and a 20mm turret cannon coupled with an infrared targeting device. On 6 Aug, team Groucho Marx was inserted north of the Rockpile. (Red) Smith Smith 21. She was decommissioned in 1970, and sold for scrap in 1971. NHHC Photograph Collection. This was the first major contact with the 21st NVA Regiment. The area would be revisited many times in the next 10 years. HMM-361 conducted a critical retrograde of a 200 man CIDG unit under heavy VC pressure. NHHC Photograph collection. MAG-36 supported 3rd Mar Div and Task Force Xray of the 1st Mar Div. BLT 3/5 replaced BLT 1/5 on 7 May. lifted Marines to the DMZ to block enemy forces withdrawing across the Ben Hai river. Although she was extensively modified internally as part of her conversion to an LPH, external modifications were minor, so throughout her career Princeton retained the classic appearance of a World War II Essex-class ship. USS Princeton (CV/CVA/CVS-37, LPH-5) was one of 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers built during and shortly after World War II for the United States Navy. Though intended for use during World War II, the carrier was not completed until late 1946, long after hostilities had ended. A section of H-34s from HMM-364 provided an emergency resupply of ammunition to B company of 1/7 as two helos came across the zone a few feet off the ground while the crewmen kicked the ammo boxes out the doors under extremely heavy fire. Reclassified Amphibious Assault Ship (Helicopter) (LPH) 2 March 1959. A temporary SLF was organized from 2 Oct 8 Nov as a reserve with BLT 3/3 and HMM-163 during primary SLF maneuvers in the Philippines. after conversion at Bremerton MAG-36 went in as well, together with SLF A and HMM-362. Marine helos, including HMM-164, provided massive support to Marines dug in throughout Leatherneck Square in northeast I Corps. HMM-265 moved to MAG-16 at MMAF. 27 April-4 May Then transferred to the Pacific Fleet Allied forces interpreted this as a check on the enemys advance by the ARVN. in the Khe Sanh area From SeptemberNovember 1962, Princeton served as flagship of Joint Task Force 8 during the nuclear weapons test series, Operation Dominic. The rumor among MAG-36 Marines onboard the USS Princeton enroute from CONUS had been that they would turn around and head back because of the great success of Operations Starlight, the war would soon be over. Ido think we took agent orange over in 1962-1963 . in late 1957-early 1958 27 July The Khe Sanh combat base now had a permanent detachment of 2 H-46s, 2 H-34s and 2 UH-1Es from MAG-16. OPERATION HASTINGS began as a search and destroy mission 55 miles NW of Hue to counter the NVA 324B Division across the DMZ. Main Landing Gear Assemblies are not. She operated in the Atlantic until June 1946, then went to the Pacific, where she spent the . The blast jarred the entire ship awake. As they scrambled aboard, the VC resumed their attack on the helo crew and its new passengers. Hanoi at this time was following its long-term strategy of protracted war. We told them we would bring down their wounded, said Penn. Two days following that, HMM-362 suffered the first combat damage to an HUS-1 during OPERATION NIGHTINGALE when a bullet pierced an oil line in its engine compartment. Vietnam, Order of Battle. The first of 150 graduates of the US Army helicopter program appeared in October. The ship was the fifth US Navy ship to bear the name, and was named for the Revolutionary War Battle of Princeton. She was reclassified in the early 1950s as an attack carrier (CVA), then as an Antisubmarine Aircraft Carrier (CVS), and finally as an amphibious assault ship (LPH), carrying helicopters and marines. Pless was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions, while his remaining crewmembers received Navy Crosses for their actions that day. She made three combat deployments to Korean waters. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives. The Khe Sanh base was abandoned in July as no longer required for strategic purposes as a static defense base.. The NVA executed its plan to overrun Con Thien on 8 May. A UH-1E flown by Major V. Wayne Hazelbaker of VMO-2 was shot down at the defensive position by an RPG during an ammo resupply. HMM-261 returned to the USS PRINCETON as the SLF squadron. They were armed with a three-barrel 20mm cannon, machine guns and rockets, and had a rotor brake. RVN losses were significant. USS Valley Forge (CV-45) was the final Essex-class aircraft carrier to enter service with the US Navy. > reclassified to Landing Platform, Helicopter - LPH 5 USS Princeton on March 2, 1959 : images: LPH 5 (1959-70) . President Johnson announced a complete halt to bombing and naval bombardment of North Vietnam on 31 Oct. On 1 Nov, North Vietnam announced they would meet in Paris with the United States, South Vietnam and the communist National Liberation Front. On 16May, MajGen Louis B. Robertshaw assumed command of the 1st MAW from MajGen. Inside were many armed and equally surprised VC. Please note that the Catalog does not always list logs in chronological order. Flight crews averaged 13 hours in the air, and Capt Berry was high timer with 18.3 hours. In March, HQMC restructured all VMO squadrons in the USMC to begin receiving the North American OV-10A Broncos. These and other actions caused the Marines to develop procedures to perform quick engine changes, QECs, in the field. The year ended with 80,932 Marines in RVN. Free for commercial use, no attribution required. On 21 Jul, all CH-46As were grounded for application of air and fuel filters because of excessive sand ingestion. ARG B stayed within 7 days travel of MR1. Writers:John Van NortwickandAlan Barbour. The most costly and bitterly opposed helicopter operation to date, Sure Wind 202 took place on 27 Apr. After launch on a routine flight, he landed to load a WIA Marine, who was a booby trap victim. The MarHuk cobras were armed with 20mm cannon and 5 Zuni rockets. Army UH-1B gunships from the US Army 68th Aviation Co. in Da Nang regularly escorted the Marine H-34s. USS Forrestal (CV-59) had one Vietnam war cruise, in the summer of 1967. Marine helicopters also operated primarily in those areas. Lee and controlled close air support all night from VMO-2 and fixed wing, aided by the additional ammo and armament from the disabled UH-1E. On 2 Aug, US ships and North Vietnamese patrol boats clashed in the Gulf of Tonkin, resulting in the Tonkin Gulf Resolution on 11 Aug. HMM-162 conducted a major lift of the 2nd ARVN Div. The Special Landing Force (SLF) of the 7th Fleet at the beginning of the year consisted of BLT 2/3 and HMM-261 aboard the USS Valley Forge. Built at Camden, New Jersey, USS Princeton (CVL-23), an Independence class aircraft carrier, was commissioned in February 1943. she engaged the enemy in operations "Jackstay" 18-27 June MACV directed that HMM-364 transfer their H-34s to the VNAF 217th Squadron in May, and prepare to depart Vietnam by 30 Jun. Without hesitation, Cummings climbed out of his seat; got the wounded Marine strapped in; thenstraddled himself atop the starboard rocket pod facing backward, and gave Henry a thumbs up to launch. Posted in Video / Tagged aircraft carrier, Carrier Air Wing 11, CG-59, Coronado, CVN-68, documentary, naval aviation, Nimitz class, Operation Iraqi Freedom, PBS, Pearl Harbor, Persian Gulf, United States Navy, USS Nimitz, USS Princeton, YouTube / Leave a comment The American Navy In Vietnam (1967) HMM-361 departed for CONUS on 18 May. The last half of May was punctuated by extreme political unrest in I Corps, resulting in Prime Minister Ky sending ARVN units into DaNang to reestablish his authority. She was launched in 1942 and lost at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in 1944. The Marine TAOR shrank to essentially Quang Nam province. Bill and the crew got out with minor injuries and swam to the surface. "Proud Hunter" HMH-462 departed RVN with MAG-36 on 20 Oct. HMH-463 stayed at MMAF with H-53Ds. The crew chief and gunners were picked up immediately by the wingman. and departed again 3 July Helicopters from HMM-164 and HMM-265 participated in the initial lift. Additional H-46Ds arrived in April. North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh died on 3 Sep. Operation Durham Peak brought many aircrews back into the Que Son Mountains and the Que Son valley, which was first entered during Operation Harvest Moon in 1965. One rainy night, the HMM-164 SAR crew become firemen as they made many IFR trips into Lach Huyen carrying fire fighting gear to the crew of one of the Navys wooden MSOs which was on fire. At that time, Det D of HMH-463, now aboard USS Cleveland commenced operations in the Lach Huyen area of Haiphong Harbor. HMMs 164, 362 and VMO-3 transferred to MAG-36. In March, she assisted in countering an enemy threat to the Marine artillery base at Gio Linh and evacuated wounded from Con Thien. It also includes ships supplying and supporting these operations. By the end of 1967, Hanoi had changed its strategy to maximum effort to win the war quickly. 1960-1964 Deck Logs. HMH-463 flew 99 attack sorties on 7 Jun, dropping 400 tons on a ridgeline southwest of DaNang with spectacular results. Shows Princeton in WW2, Korea, Vietnam & Iraq. By 1964, all H-34s that were in country were equipped with oil tank armor plate under the engine compartment. New National Museum of the U.S. Navy-October 2020, New National Museum of the U.S. Navy - October 2022, Exhibits: New National Museum of the U.S. Navy, Exhibits: New National Museum of the U.S. Navy - Main, The American Revolution and the French Alliance, The Forgotten Wars of the Nineteenth Century, Civil War: Securing the Seas for Union Victory, Education Resources (Lesson Plans and Class Activities), Education Resources (Lesson Plans and Class Activities) - Main, Sailor's Life at Sea & Poetry (Grades 4-6), DIVE! The tactical success there led many to believe that US forces would achieve a quick victory and hence, we would all soon be home. On 18-21 Jun, the amphibious operation DECKHOUSE I was carried out with an attack on the VietCong 12 miles northwest of Tuy Hoa. On 9 Apr HMM-364 replaced HMM-362 on the SLF. She first appeared in Vietnam in 1962, and returned for combat deployments through the 1960s. As her twilight approached, PRINCETON recovered Apollo 10 in 1969. Marine Scott Margolis, the operations officer aboard the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Princeton (CG 59), during a scheduled visit to the ship. Other airfields in use in I Corps were Dong Ha, Khe Sanh, An Hoa and Tam Ky. Fortunately, no lives were lost. She launched 248 sorties against targets in the Hagaru area to announce her arrival e trans peninsula line. The battleship USS New Jersey (BB62) arrived off the coast of the DMZ on 29 Sep. By the 11th, all units had reached the staging area on the coast. However, two factors overrode. Returning to her homeport Princeton was designed to carry 45 aircraft. Most on board were killed. Quang Tri was defended by the main-force NVA 325th Division, reinforced. The initial helicopter assault occurred on15 Jul with a troop lift to LZ Crow, 5 miles northeast of the Rockpile, near the DMZ. J. . In July, a detachment of 10 UH-34Ds from HMM-161 moved from Phu Bai to Qui Nhon in II Corps to support the SLF BLT, which came ashore with HMM-163 to secure the port area during the arrival of the 1st Cavalry Division. HMM-363 departed MAG-36 for CONUS on 21 Jan. President Richard M. Nixon was inaugurated on 20 Jan. In May Two battalions were on alert at Phu Bai. for the first time in combat. The USS Tripoli withdrew from SLF duties temporarily to ferry H-46s to Okinawa for structural modifications. Clausen did not falter. USS Jamestown (AGTR-3) conducted numerous month-long deployments along the Vietnam coast collecting data, with photographic evidence that crewmembers . While on alert at LZ Baldy, two H-46s and two Cobras were launched to pick up a critically wounded Marine located on Hill 845 in zero/zero weather. Shortly after HMM-363s arrival in Qui Nhon, LtCol George Kew, CO, brought back a one-legged H-34 having left the other landing gear strut in an Army LZ. Three hours later, after five attempts, they found the LZ, and landed on the edge of a bomb crater. uss princeton cvl23 war damage report no. You have to Login , if your not a member yet you need to Register. The USS Tripoli replaced the USS Valley Forge in July. and again ranged along that long embattled The last personnel evacuated, Marines of the combined security force, were lifted out at 0753 on 30 April aboard Swift 2-2, an H-46 from HMM-164. Advancing under enemy fire, they were halfway to the recon teams position when they met the team running down the trail. The lineup of helicopter groups and squadrons in July, just prior to the beginning of troop withdrawals: ProvMag-39 at Quang Tri with HMM-161, HMM-262, and VMO-6; MAG-36 at Phu Bai with HML-367, HMM-265, HMM-362, and HMH-462; and MAG-16 at Marble Mountain with HML-167, HMM-165, HMM-263, HMM-364, HMH-463, and VMO-2. On 27 Aug the USS New Orleans (LPH-11) offloaded 18 CH-53As from HMH-361 to join MAG-36 at Phu Bai. The first helicopter-borne assault with ARVN troops was conducted 6 days later. She cruised the West Coast, Hawaiian waters, and the Western Pacific (1 October 23 December) in 1948. of the Republic of South Viet Nam. A hoist extraction was ruled out because of the wounded. G.C. The USS PRINCETON (LPH-5), an Essex-class aircraft carrier, was commissioned on 18 NOV 1945, too late for action in world War II. MAG-16 ended the year as the only helicopter group in RVN. The rest of the package consisted of a second Ch-46 as wingman and two UH-1E gunships from HML-167. [3], Carrier Air Group 19's scoreboard on Princeton in 1951, F9F-5 Panther of VF-154 on Princeton in May 1953, UH-34Ds lifting off from Princeton in 1966, Princeton during the recovery of Apollo 10 in 1969, Apollo 10 crewmembers Eugene Cernan, Thomas P. Stafford, and John W. Young onboard Princeton, 26 May 1969. Got to the ship about 1700 hours. One H-53 loaded with VNMC troops was hit by an SA-7 missile 100 feet above the LZ and destroyed on impact. am through its completion on the 24th. At that time, she had already been converted to an amphibious assault carrier, LPH-5, carrying only helicopters. On 10 May, a Marine A-4 Skyhawk was downed during a bombing mission south of the DMZ by a surface to air missile (SAM) fired from a position north of the Ben Hai River in the DMZ. The USS Princeton replaced the USS Valley Forge on 5 Mar, along with BLT 1/5. The H-34 had proven to be the most dependable aircraft in the Wings helicopter inventory. One of two light carriers in Task Group 38.3, Princeton carried 23 fighters and 10 torpedo bombers. HMM-161 redeployed on 15 Aug from MMAF to MCAS Tustin. It was a spectacular finale to a long night. Crew losses were equally high. Apollo 10, carrying astronauts Eugene Cernan, John Young, and Thomas P. Stafford, was recovered in the South Pacific on 26 May. On 8 Jan, four CH-53As arrived in RVN, attached to MAG-16. HMM-164 was the sole SLF squadron when SLF Bravo was deactivated. At first with the Atlantic Fleet and then with the Pacific, PRINCETON steam on post-war deployments and then was decommissioned on 20 JUN 1948 and placed in reserve. The Bell AH-1G Cobra arrived at MMAF with VMO-2 on 10 Apr. On 2 Oct 63 , HMM-361 relieved HMM-261. The fourth USS Princeton (CVL-23) was a United States Navy Independence -class light aircraft carrier active in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. The pilots of HMM-365 returned to Okinawa aboard the USS Princeton to take on replacement aircraft. The last Marine operation, Scott Orchard, was conducted west of An Hoa with minimal contact. USS PRINCETON was an ESSEX - class aircraft carrier and the fifth ship in the Navy to bear the name. USS Princeton (LPH-5) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1966 (see other category) USS Valley Forge (LPH-8) entered mouth of Hue River during December 1965 (see other category) . The 600-foot light carrier USS Princeton (CVL23) was commissioned in the Philadelphia Navy Yard on February 25, 1943, and was sunk 20 months later, on October 24, 1944, in Leyte Gulf during heroic efforts to retake the Philippines from the Japanese. Princeton was commissioned in November 1945, too late to serve in World War II, but saw extensive service in the Korean War, in . USS Princeton (CVL-23) 1943: Independence: Sunk: USS Princeton (CV-37) 1945: Essex: Scrapped: USS Randolph (CV-15) 1944: Essex: Scrapped: USS Ranger (CV-4 . highly indented coast. This envelope, summarized as 35 knots airspeed, 35 feet AGL, ball way out, high gross weights, and downwind in many cases required very high power settings and caused unusual stress on airframes and flight control systems. The USS Princeton (NCC-59804) was a Federation starship, a Niagara-class fast cruiser in Starfleet service in the 24th century, named for Princeton University's location in New Jersey, on Earth. The EAGLE FLIGHT tactic, developed by HMM-362, was first employed on 18 Jun. In September, three HUS-1s were hit by small arms fire, and a crew chief was wounded, becoming the first Marine helicopter aircrew casualty of the war. Returning to her homeport, Long Beach, California, Princeton visited San Francisco, Puget Sound, and Hawaii as part of the 1965 Pacific Midshipman Training Squadron. They then transferred to the USS Princeton in Subic Bay and returned to Dong Ha in April. "Deckhouse II" and support for "Hastings" followed as Navy Maj. Hazelbaker was awarded the Navy Cross for his actions. Quick Ship Facts. The OV-10s were a remarkable addition to the observation role. U.S. Navy Ships in Vietnam. The 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, the 1st Force Recon Co. and a detachment of MAG-16 helicopters occupied Ha Airfield. In January 1970, the USS Princeton was decommissioned and stricken from the Naval Register, and then sold for scrap in May 1971. On 15 April 1962, a Sikorsky HUS-1 (later redesignated the UH-34D) crew from LtCol Archie Clapp's HMM-362 touched down on a World War II Japanese fighter strip 3 miles from Soc Trang, southwest of Saigon, in the Mekong Delta. Full employment of Marine helicopters didnt lessen up, though. The operation was unique in many ways and required the Marines assigned to utilize high levels of ingenuity, flexibility, and political awareness. He then came under VC attack and lifted off, leaving some of his passengers in the LZ whom immediately came under heavy VC fire. pounded the enemy's hydroelectric complex at Suiho on the Yalu to turn off power on both sides of that river ng Cau district and the Song Cai river valley III MAF strength at the end of the year included 65,789 men. Included in this support was the daily use of from two to eight CH-53Ds of HMH-463 to lift heavy equipment and artillery, along with units of the US Army.s 101st Airborne. During May, Operation Pipestone Canyon cleared the Go Noi island area south of Da Nang. She remained in the area after the truce on 27 July, and on 7 September got underway for San Diego. It had already overrun Lang Vei on 4 May. The wing departed from the traditional helicopter package by placing particular packages (two H-46s) under the operational control of the infantry regimental commanders. 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uss princeton vietnam