lisa floyd transcript

OK. Is your front door open? Two days later on Friday, the state hospital association wrote a letter to the people of Utah pleading with Utah residents to please recognize the severity of what is going on in their state and the risk to hospital capacity if people do not start wearing masks and doing social distancing. Donned with their mask and entered the church to pay their respects to Mr. Floyd before he is laid to rest next to his mother in Houston and that will be tomorrow afternoon. I felt the need to transcend further, I just wasnt sure if I was capable. I cant find one, Mr. Kueng said. People are suffering. So I think we have to get through those institutional barriers, but there is also a system within the department that needs to change. The other three officers have been charged with aiding and abetting murder. People named Lisa Ann Floyd. A spokesperson for the DA's Office confirms this case is still active so there's not a whole lot they can comment on right now. They`re currently being held on $750,000 bail each. They only let small handfuls of people into the church at a time to encourage social distancing. By the time they could reach her car, Stevens had run out of oxygen and could not be resuscitated. Her attacker, later identified as Nuhiya Smith was charged with disorderly conduct and careless driving. The Republican governor of Texas was there. Lastrella frantically said they had no brakes and were approaching an intersection and the end of the freeway. Last week, midweek, the state epidemiologist gave a public press conference to announce that the state was experiencing in her words a sharp spike in new cases and that this was not due to there being just more testing or one localized outbreak somewhere, the state epidemiologist in Utah announced that this was a statewide surge in cases and unless it turned around, hospitals in Utah might not be able to cope. MADDOW: Let me just first ask if I have described the basics of your study correctly or if I got anything wrong in the way I tried to sort of top line it there. In a bizarre twist, she wound up getting arrested. Well thats why we got the ambulance coming, Mr. Chauvin responded, according to one of the transcripts. MADDOW: This is the headline in "The San Francisco Chronicle" today. Three, two, one. Wait I want to go see what happened. The ones who took the time to encourage and nurture my growth. He cried out not just for his dead mother but for his children too. The shortest call on this list took just 50 seconds to make. The video stops when Lane appears to tell the person filming to walk away. Felony menacing is defined under Colorado Rev. This wasnt the first 911 call young Lisa Floyd made over the abuse her mother faced at the hands of her stepfather, but this particular call has become a key factor in bringing awareness to the impact of domestic abuse on children. It`s going to cap off what was an emotional day in George Floyd`s hometown and all over the country. News 5 Investigates has obtained video evidence showing prosecutors and police may have gone after the wrong person. So, if you don`t end up following a roadmap and looking for ways to cut the right officers and cut the right programs, you`re going to end up with tragedy in black communities, and I can`t overstate this point. People all over this country are calling for reforms to policing and calling for police officers to face consequences for beating and shooting people. I can tell you that the pressures that are going to be on this community are enormous. There`s been tremendous economic hardship across the country. Lisa: Stop it. By age 13, she was smoking pot, which she believes was a gateway drug that led to drinking at age 14, dropping out of school at 15, and using pills by 17 or 18. stream I learned that their aspirations for empowering lives after childhood domestic violence matched mine. We`ll go first to Buffalo. I wish he would stop doing this. At that moment, a bystander shouted: Hes not even breathing right now, bro, you think thats cool? The transcripts zero in on the most critical moments of Mr. Floyds restraint by officers. He did nothing wrong.". The car then rolled down the hill and hit two other parked cars. A memorial for George Floyd, who was killed by the Minneapolis police in May. Lisa Floyd (Ann) See Photos. The Floyds were divorced in the summer of 1984, at which time Lisa Floyd was awarded custody of Ken, subject to Mr. Floyd's visitation rights. Unemployment has been going up, and those costs are very real. We cant see whether Kueng and Lane are still applying pressure. Mr. Lane told investigators it was likely when Mr. Floyd banged his face on the glass inside of the squad car. Dispatcher: He has the baby now? Lisa: My moms name is Cindy. But second, even though the police were expecting this situation, we can see that Floyd has not acted violently. I filed for a restraining order and never looked back. I had been sleeping in a separate bedroom and could feel the tension building. Hes very delicate. New York City`s long, drastic lockdown succeeded in flattening the coronavirus growth curve there, ultimately pushing that curve downward. Children of Domestic Violence helped me realize I could take my resiliency much further. During this call, she is in tears as she begs the dispatcher to send the police because her Match the search results: It was around this time that Lisa found out about the tape. I want to bring into the conversation, Philip Atiba Goff. I needed to be a part of something. Lisa: He pushed her down on the floor, and she's crying. I felt broken in a way and scared that I would only go so far just to be defeated by an onset of troubling memories. You got the substance of the study. fKVbF*gi;$-r}ib/#SD|k:DX5sDvLAiDH'$1KQ_YuH5stXrku According to the complaints, he tells them he cant breathe. I feel like there is nothing I cant overcome or achieve. I think, you know, it`s been a really difficult year, and it`s a little inspiring to think back and realize what it is that we achieved together by coordinating, cooperating, using science. It was just like this all over the place this weekend. Little kids being pulled along in wagons by their mom. DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We`ll be at 100,000, 110,000, the lower level of what was projected if we did the shutdown. These audio recordings will haunt even the most seasoned true crime listener. Stay with us. Search Tools. That was Houston today. Youre six. Its my understanding that the way our lives turn out is a direct reflection of the things we believe. At 7:57 p.m., two employees from Cup Foods confront Floyd and his companions about an alleged counterfeit bill he just used in their store to buy cigarettes. Seventeen minutes later, the man they are there to investigate lies motionless on the ground, and is pronounced dead shortly after. By now another bystander, 17-year-old Darnella Frazier, is filming from a different angle. ", Chief Investigative Reporter Eric Ross asked, "Correct me if I'm wrong. Lisa returns from opening the door and begins screaming that Pierre punched her four year old sister punched and she fell to the floor. Copyright 2020 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Yes! Nearly half the states in the country are now seeing their daily numbers of new coronavirus cases going up, not down. So, Lisa and I got a chance to speak shortly before this. Mr. Kueng tried again, and again said he could not find a pulse. Evans describes luring his sister out of her room and shooting her multiple times as she falls down the stairs screaming. In Detroit, people were on their feet. People have been working very hard trying to just stay afloat. Chauvin is now awaiting sentencing for the murder of George Floyd, the Black man whom he restrained by pinning to the pavement for nearly 10 minutes last spring. It`s great to have you here. Much of what had been known about Mr. Floyds final moments had come from bystander video, surveillance footage and probable cause statements released by prosecutors when they filed charges against the officers. One officer involved has filed chilling transcripts of body camera footage in state court. And we don`t want to say that it doesn`t matter, but we don`t see really clear evidence that it`s having big benefits in the data. Its there, waiting to show us the way to a better life. Kit Gruelle, a social worker, was able to track her down. I have not been in another violent relationship since. They mapped the timeline of the implementation of those policies onto the increase in coronavirus cases in all of those places where those things were put into effect. If your lungs are so damaged that even being on a ventilator is not enough, they put you on one of these ECMO machines as basically a last-ditch way to keep you alive using a mechanical external lung so your body can hopefully fight its way back from the brink while that machine does the breathing for you. My skin still crawls when I think back to those nights. The president of Brazil already fired his first health minister, who had said that Brazil was going to need to do social distancing. Its carrying officers Tou Thao and Derek Chauvin. And that`s because of that incubation period from the virus, meaning the time from when a person was first exposed to COVID-19 to when they become sick. Featured photo: George Chandrinos / Unsplash. The deaths of Eric Garner in New York and George Floyd in Minnesota created national outrage over the use of deadly police restraints. I had such low self esteem. I had no idea whether she (Lisa) had been knifed, shot, I didn't know what was going on. MADDOW: I have to ask you about the police union in Minneapolis. See Photos. The events of May 25 begin here. However, several officers have claimed this recording is presented as genuine in dispatcher training and is used to demonstrate what not to do. I'm not sure I'd be here had I lost the will to fight. Lisa: Theyre having some fighting. Knowing that I have broken the cycle has made the biggest impact in my life; and having people who saw in me the makings of success, have made it that much more meaningful. But how do you quantify how many people aren`t infected today because of the measures that were taken? Lisa Floyd can't help but immerse herself in her work. Note that the timestamp on the camera is 24 minutes fast. There should have been over 5 million confirmed cases by early April. I felt the need to transcend further, I just wasnt sure if I was capable. Lisa: Hes black. Seconds later, Lane pulls his gun. My family wasnt exactly thrilled to have me around. During this call, she is in tears as she begs the dispatcher to send the police because her stepfather is beating her mother. Today they hit their highest number yet of hospitalizations in North Carolina. CR$Wg?\R"HM@JC~{S>t6^g4g2e$EO "hB;.Ar\N Camden did it in 2013, I believe. Lisa then dials 9-1-1. I dont know. Had my shift in beliefs and the resiliency inside not been nurtured, I may have been stuck spinning my wheels in the same destructive pattern indefinitely. Theyll kill me, Mr. Floyd pleaded, according to a body camera transcript in court filings by a former officer who wants the charges against him dismissed. 100% of your donation will go directly to fund programs & services for those impacted by CDV. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. And there`s other policies still. "They (police) didn't verify her insurance so my other neighbors whose cars got hit have had little recourse," she said. The marriage counseling, job training, take it, throw it out. I learned that their aspirations for empowering lives after childhood domestic violence matched mine. Joining us now is Lisa Bender, who is the president of the Minneapolis City Council. The night I left was my lifes turning point, it was letting go of all the false comfort of trying to survive in a dysfunctional situation. "Once someone has been arrested and charges have been filed, we can't just drop a case. There were 200 people in line before the doors even opened. Lisa says investigators got it all wrong and believes they dropped the ball on the accident Smith caused when her car rolled down the hill. That`s what the majority of protesters and activists I talk to say that they want. We did something that`s never been done in human history, and we should be proud of that. I'm not sure I'd be here had I lost the will to fight. My skin still crawls when I think back to those nights. Knowing that I have broken the cycle has made the biggest impact in my life; and having people who saw in me the makings of success, have made it that much more meaningful. In San Francisco, the protest was so big, it briefly shut down traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. Across the street is a convenience store called Cup Foods. There`s a shot of Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C., from Saturday, which is the largest protest that the city of Washington, D.C. has seen since George Floyd`s killing. My skin still crawls when I think back to those nights. Yes! "That's when I put the gun up to the window and said get the keys out of the ignition and get out of the car because Lisa had called down to me at the top of the hill telling me, don't let her leave, she's been assaulted. We`re going to take the public ones and throw them away, right? What I can say is we learned from Camden and we`ve learned from Compton that there are more and less responsible way and more and less likely ways to be successful at this. This is not something that Minneapolis and you and your colleagues are inventing the concept of. QcXZoDn14/wnK&q-9VJRO6_?w6endstream Its the first moment when we can clearly see that Floyd is face down on the ground, with three officers applying pressure to his neck, torso and legs. Moments later, another camera angle captures the same white sedan parking in front of a mailbox. He was going to keep me isolated in our room, beat me when I questioned him and unconvincingly apologize when he felt I had suffered enough. Because of her injury, Hall was unable to escape when the man appeared in her kitchen and punched her in the face. Michelle Hall was home alone and recovering from a car accident when a man broke into her house and sexually assaulted her. Sign Up. You can. MADDOW: The head of the Arizona state health department just sent out this letter to all the hospitals in the state of Arizona telling them to fully activate their facility emergency plans for coronavirus in the state of Arizona. "The lights come on, the engine started and she was backing out," Guba said. Hes trying to take the baby brother? And, you know, the reality is because of this work, I`m getting endorsed by folks all over Kentucky. It is important to talk to our kids and help them see and know that we are also growing and learning as adults constantly. The call is quickly upgraded to a Code 3, a call for emergency medical assistance. Lisa then tells the dispatcher that Pierre slapped her mother. Even before he was on the ground, Mr. Floyd said he was in physical distress, telling officers who were trying to get him into a squad car that he was claustrophobic and could not breathe. He was going to keep me isolated in our room, beat me when I questioned him and unconvincingly apologize when he felt I had suffered enough. Governments are implementing policies in different ways. She had a fine home and didn't want for anything. As of September 14, court records 4th Judicial District Attorney's Office has not dropped charges against a woman who appears to be the victim of an early morning assault that occurred back in May. Video shows a white sedan going up the road slowly and then reversing. He told the operator that he was evil and would understand if the police wanted to hurt him, but was arrested without incident. Identify additional ICU and inpatient beds to meet a 50 percent additional bed increase. It`s at least right on the brink in Tucson, full up in Phoenix, on the brink of full in Tucson. Although Child Protective Services visited the house at least 23 times, the children were never removed, and Floyd would struggle with her own abusive relationship years later before becoming an advocate for survivors of domestic violence. Excuse me. Rural legislators, Matt Jones, who is one of the biggest voices in our commonwealth, many thought was going to run against -- Amy McGrath and Mitch McConnell, is endorsing me, because we`re building a coalition, that says that no matter where you`re from, what you look like, what your pronoun is, how much money, that shouldn`t matter. I felt like a failure, destined for nothingness. Hope, Empowerment, Inner Strength that is the true meaning of resiliency. There's a new way to look at Smith Mountain Lake. View Lisa Floyd results in Wisconsin (WI) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. manual states, Lisa's "voice and experience of calling 911 as a 6 year old girl, one night many years ago (the Lisa tape), has been used since then to educate thousands of people about domestic violence and the impact on children." Listening to Lisa call 911 on this particularly horrible night was a heart-wrenching experience. After the ambulance arrived, Mr. Lane rode with Mr. Floyd to a hospital alongside ambulance workers and performed chest compressions on him. ). UC- Berkeley study says COVID-19 prevention measures prevented 500 million infections. A Colorado Springs homeowner calls 9-1-1 for help after being assaulted outside her house. Were gonna send the police. Be forewarned, in a category of 911 calls, the bar for disturbing is set pretty high. CSPD admits at the time Lisa was charged with disorderly conduct, they did not have the surveillance video that News 5 Investigates obtained. I was being beaten regularly and relying on people who didnt want me to rely on them. June 8, 2020, 6:00 PM PDT. Foster became increasingly agitated and seemed barely able to comprehend the operator, let alone get his story straight. And in some of these communities, police cars are more likely to take you to the hospital when you`re sick than ambulances because police cars get the funding. This weekend, the police union there arranged for people to gather outside the courthouse following the officers` hearing. Instead because of Americans staying home and doing social distancing, there were less than 400,000 cases. The mayor there saying it might be the largest political protest ever in that city. What is your name? A man is filming the confrontation from a car parked behind them. Are you going to work with the city on this new goal of dismantling the police department, re-imagining public safety in Minneapolis? I felt broken in a way and scared that I would only go so far just to be defeated by an onset of troubling memories. That`s going to do it for me for now. Bystander: Get off of his neck! Bystander: Hes still on him? The E.M.T.s check Floyds pulse. stream My journey isnt over I still have many lessons to learn and obstacles to overcome. The president said we`ll have a total death toll in this country of 100,000, 110,000 deaths. Besides, I didnt feel like I had too many alternatives. In that interview, when he was asked whether he felt at the time that Mr. Floyd was having a medical emergency, Mr. Lane replied, Yeah, I felt maybe that something was going on.. This site uses cookies to improve user experience. Ive been kind of planning on killing for a while now., Related: John List: The Perfect Family Man Who Killed His Perfect Family. Log In. The cycle proved that, and so did breaking it. Quote: Your facilities and staff are on the front line of this response, and your continued ability to care for your patients in a safe manner is critical in Arizona`s success in overcoming COVID-19. And Chauvin has been charged with second degree murder. All right, whats your name? From the 911 transcript and the footage, we now know three important facts: First, that the police believed they were responding to a man who was drunk and out of control. Lisa: No, but hes hurting mommy. Just keep persevering, never give up, and it will happen for you too. We`ve covered a little bit of the drama around the police union and its leadership, including the head of the police union appearing at a Trump rally in a "Cops for Trump" shirt after there had been a reminder to police officers that they shouldn`t attend something like that in uniform. <> On that last point, that`s basically the top health official in the state of Arizona telling the hospitals in that state that they need to change the grounds on which they usually admit patients to their hospitals because coronavirus is now taking all the bed space. The week leading up to our split was riddled with violence. An internal investigation of the 911 operator was conducted, but no charges were made against her. Floyd! Additional video and audio from the body cameras of the key officers would reveal more about why the struggle began and how it escalated. And this is -- this is happening in lots of states. What`s the qualitative difference? And in a remarkable development in Minneapolis, yesterday a veto-proof majority of the Minneapolis City Council announced that they would dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. STATE REP. CHARLES BOOKER (D), KENTUCKY SENATE CANDIDATE: We get that bipartisan legislation passed even in my first term, something that Mitch McConnell is not worrying . Bystander: Bro. According to medical and policing experts, these four police officers are committing a series of actions that violate policies, and in this case, turn fatal. "I waited for it to pass but it kept on leaving and coming back.". Given the seriousness of the charges against him, charges that now include second-degree murder and manslaughter, the judge set bail for him at $1.25 million. Thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. We caught it, and we`re at this moment just sort of still holding it up. They want more options for 911. Youre not going to answer that, Mr. Gray said. They are counting on roughly 1,000 Americans dying every day from this communicable disease being something we`re just going to get used to, or maybe they`re counting on it being something we don`t really believe. ~Zi!1> `b`\h That`s not enough. Firefighters searched the building but were unable to reach them in time. Video is too grainy to fully analyze what this person was doing. endobj Lisa: I think hes going to take the baby and do something because hes drunk. He`s a co-founder of the Center for Policing Equity. I felt a weight had been lifted. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Several businesses are selling a new map of the lake drawn by a local artist. I spent a lot of time with him and his family. It`s still going on. All four officers were fired. I had started to realize that the pattern of our relationship was not going to change. Your email address will not be published. But we are now in a phase of this epidemic nationwide where despite all of that happening, all of those alarms being sounded in red states and blue states in the Southwest and Southeast, in different parts of the country, despite all of that, the government of the United States is sort of just pretending this isn`t happening now. While Mr. Floyd was being restrained on the ground, on his stomach, with Mr. Chauvins knee pressed onto his neck, Mr. Lane asked whether Mr. Floyd should be turned onto his side. So, in the urgent short term, you know, we need to get a system in place that is keeping people safe, that folks have confidence in as we build up these alternative systems for community safety. Floyd is loaded into the ambulance. But when the engine arrives, the officers give them, quote, no clear info on Floyd or his whereabouts, according to a fire department incident report. You know, we`ve been going through a really rough 2020. Now, they are overtopping their hospital and ICU capacity in the state of Arizona`s two largest cities, including the state capital. Six minutes into the arrest, the two officers move Floyd back to their vehicle. There were health care workers there still in their scrubs. The hospital system there has said it has no more ICU beds in the Phoenix area. Night after night, I was tested. ]k$d?6Kj'=~br18BXKnlpstOBf.$6vbb{K The audio is chilling, frightening us to tears with each piercing scream from Lisa as she fights to protect her loved ones. Lisa: What? Our children watch us and learn how to cope in their own realities through living by our examples. On the left is the actual rate at which cases increased because we had containment policies. I wonder if it -- if it seems to you and your colleagues that what you are trying to do here has a sort of sworn enemy in the police union? Beaten, humiliated, and cheated on. Her footage shows that despite calls for medical help, Chauvin keeps Floyd pinned down for another seven minutes. . Lots of people have been asking me for the last couple days, if we defund the police, what happens when you call 911? ", "That's very close I would say," Sokolik said. You said, I don`t think any human endeavor has ever saved so many lives in such a short period of time. At the same time, our other key metrics have moved into the wrong direction. Lisa's Story July 1, 2013 I'm Lisa, a survivor with a future, because of my past. Mr. Lane did not answer the question. There was no escape. We did everything together. I think if I would have allowed myself to make that connection, I would have had to realize I was in a bad place a lot sooner than I did. This is a developing story and will be updated as new information becomes available. GOFF: So there really is a range, and it`s not discrete one way or the other. My friends were moving on and doing great things with their lives, while I felt like the weight of my traumatized past was creeping up on me. Good thing, Kit was there to help her out. The audio is chilling, frightening us to tears with each piercing scream from Lisa as she fights to protect her loved ones. According to the transcripts, Mr. Lane called for an ambulance after Mr. Floyds mouth started bleeding. Desperate for help she called 911, a chilling call which has since been publicized for educational purposes. Mississippi hit its highest number yet of new cases today. Chauvin becomes involved in the struggle to get Floyd into the car. And the whole country is going to be watching closely as you all move forward with these radical and interesting constructive ideas. This is me slowing down to give you that chance to get up off the couch and change your television arrangement if you need to do so. Not to do it for me for now outrage over the use of deadly restraints! 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